As the eight air force iron soldiers flew up to the sky to hunt down Iron Man, the other iron soldiers also began to move under Ivan's command, preparing to go out and look for the target again.

But Li Xin would never let them have their way. It just so happened that the target locked by these iron soldiers was not him, so he had to get rid of them quickly while the CPUs of these robots could not work.

Li Xin pinched the thunder seal with his left hand, and instantly his body began to flash with lightning. After the broken saber in his right hand absorbed the chakra, it suddenly showed its sharp edge.

"Thunderbolt - speed up!"

Li Xin instantly turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards the navy's steel soldiers equipped with missiles.

""Swish! Swish! Swish!"

In a few flashes of lightning, 8 robots were cut into pieces by the swift sword light, and turned into pieces of scrap metal falling to the ground with electric light. The remaining iron soldiers ignored Li Xin and continued to walk out of the venue, preparing to snipe Tony in the air.

A total of 36 iron soldiers were displayed on the scene. In addition to the 8 navy and 3 army soldiers that Li Xin had just killed, 8 air force soldiers were chasing Iron Man in the sky and firing, and 17 iron soldiers were striding forward to the outside of the venue.

However, there were still many spectators in the entire venue. Watching the robots on the stage rushing towards the crowd, Li Xin turned into thunder and began to sprint again.

After the evacuation management of the security personnel on the scene, the people at the scene no longer had the initial In such chaos, Natasha and Pepper were walking towards the backstage in a rage, John and Darlene also successfully walked out of the venue, and the military leaders had long disappeared.

After Li Xin killed a robot with one sword, he opened his Sharingan and rushed towards the Iron Soldier in the crowd with his sword.

There were bursts of mechanical sounds, and the army soldiers carrying cannons were executing their orders and running to the open space to snipe Iron Man.

When a special warfare robot was about to step over the human in front of it, a sharp knife light flashed, and a deep knife cut instantly tore through the chest and head of the Iron Soldier, revealing the electronic parts and circuit fragments inside. Another slash of the sword, the entire Iron Soldier instantly shut down and turned into scrap metal.

"Oh, God, thank you, Masked Man, from now on I am your fan."

A young man who fell down was pulled up and thanked Li Xin; but now it was obviously not suitable to interact with fans, Li Xin once again turned into lightning and slashed at other steel soldiers at the scene; as Li Xin was killing the steel soldiers one-sidedly in the venue, Hammer in the backstage was looking at his technicians with a headache;

"Our system has been completely overwritten, sir, and we can’t control it now."

A sweaty technician was typing away on the keyboard, nervously replying to his boss;

"Let's try restarting, OK?" Hammer said hastily;

""Sorry, sir, we were locked out of the console by him."

With the technician's helpless answer, Hammer collapsed and took off his glasses and covered his face with his hands. After today, he was completely finished. This damn Iron Man, damn Russian Ivan Vanko!

While Hammer and his team were still anxiously looking for a way to crack the system, Pepper Potts and Natasha rushed to the backstage.

"Who locked you out of the host?" Natasha asked Hammer as soon as she arrived;

"Please, we can handle it, okay, please leave, thank you."

Hammer said with a grim face when he saw Pepper; now he just wanted to drive these people away to avoid the situation being exposed, maybe he still had a chance of survival; if it weren't for her Iron Man showing up today, his exhibition would definitely continue smoothly, and he would still be America's"Hero of Tomorrow", but now everything is over.

When Hammer was about to scold Pepper with harsh words, Natasha didn't bother to talk to him so much. She quickly held down Hammer's arm, twisted it hard and pressed Hammer on the table beside her.

"Oh, God!"

This suddenness scared Pepper who was standing next to her, and she quickly took out her cell phone and called the police.

"Where is he, the one behind the scenes!"

Natasha pressed Hammer down and threatened him.

Hammer felt his arm was about to break, so he could only speak tremblingly.

"Ivan Vanko, he is in my company, Area M.

After getting the answer she wanted, Natasha left in a hurry, while Pepper quickly communicated with the police on the phone;

"No, no, no, don't call the police, please."

Seeing the situation getting out of control, Hammer began to panic.

""Get out of the way, get out of the way, please!"

But Pepper just forcefully pushed Hammer aside, then walked to the technician and described the situation here in detail to the police.

Outside the venue, Happy was looking up at the big screen broadcasting outside the venue. The masked man holding a seedling knife was chopping up the steel soldiers in the venue one by one like chopping melons and vegetables. With that sharp knife technique and ghostly speed, as the masked man pulled out the long knife on the chest of the last steel soldier, all the mighty steel beasts before had fallen to the ground, flashing with a trace of electric sparks and becoming scrap metal;

"Oh my god, is this the quality of being an opponent of Iron Man? Cool~"

Because people on the forum have been comparing the masked man and Iron Man, the two New York heroes, and Happy, as the president of Iron Man's fan club, has naturally been online with the masked man's crazy fans.

But just now, watching the masked man's graceful figure in the venue and his sharp and swift swordsmanship, really made Happy dazzled; although his brother did have a lot of negative news recently, he had decided to use a small account to pay attention to him as soon as he returned;

"Masked man~Masked man~"

As Li Xin eliminated all the rioting iron soldiers in the venue, the cold figure just stood in the middle of the venue. Some people who had not yet dispersed began to applaud and cheer excitedly; just as Happy was also cheering with a flushed face, Natasha patted his shoulder heavily;

"Hey, what are you looking at? We have something important to do now."

Ha���He quickly turned around and walked to his Audi R8 and explained;

"Don’t worry, even if the masked man is strong, I will only support Iron Man unconditionally"

But Natasha directly opened the car door and said to Happy;

"Go to Hammer Industries now!"

After Li Xin dealt with the Iron Soldiers, he jumped up again to the top of the venue, looking at the flashes of fire in the distance.

At this time, Tony in the sky was circling around with Rhodes and the Air Force Robot, and occasionally looking for opportunities to use energy cannons to blast away a few Iron Soldiers, but those stray bullets and the damaged Iron Soldiers inevitably destroyed many buildings when they fell from the sky, and also accidentally injured some unlucky passers-by......................

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