"Sorry, now is the critical moment of my new song, and you don't have to wait for me to go home tomorrow."

Li Xin said and prepared to go back to the room. Although Iron Man came to stop this farce in the previous life, the whole scene was destroyed beyond recognition.

And there are so many civilians at the Expo site tomorrow. If the robot war is staged so casually, who knows how many innocent people will die in the accident.

Just as Li Xin opened the door, John called him again;

"By the way, Philip, I listened to the release version of your song"Take Me To Your Heart", it's great!"

John said with a fist downstairs; and the others on the sofa also gave him admiring looks to show encouragement.

Seeing the support of her family, Li Xin smiled and waved back to her room; in the room, Li Xin lay on the bed looking at the stars, thinking about her family in her previous life, the small village in the mountains. There was no conversation that night. Since Li Xin was bombarded by major media because of the subway incident, the masked man A Fei rarely went out at night.

It was also because of���Ah Fei rarely goes out at night. Many fans of the mask have turned from fans to haters online. Even the Daily Bugle has specially produced a program to criticize and settle the black history of the masked man and Iron Man.

Of course, the masked man was the one who was scolded the most in the program. But Li Xin didn't really care, because he knew that it was impossible for him to rectify these crime problems in New York alone.

With the arrival of the second day, major news reports began to report that Hammer would display a new generation of high-tech weapons at the expo, and invited many military leaders to attend.

Moreover, Hammer's theme this time was"Maintaining Peace", even though the United States was constantly making trouble and launching wars around the world.

Logically speaking, today should have been Hammer's day to make a big splash, but at this time, he was walking in his own factory with an unhappy face, walking towards Ivan Vanko's office, and followed by two aggressive strong men.

It turned out that when Hammer was playing golf with Senator Stern in the morning, Stern proposed to go to the factory to take a look in advance in order to ensure the smooth progress of the exhibition.

After all, it was he who promoted Hammer. If something goes wrong with this batch of drone steel soldiers, it will also have an impact on him.

Hammer naturally understood what the senator meant. After all, he did have a lot of criminal records and ghost scenes. But when he called his chief engineer Ivan, he learned that this batch of steel soldiers could only be used for display, and could only salute, not shoot, and could not fly?

Hammer blushed immediately on the spot, so he had to tell Ivan Vanko today who is the master and who is the dog!

When Hammer opened the door of Ivan's office aggressively, Ivan was still lying on the bed leisurely, playing with his parrot with a smile, and it seemed that he didn't take what Hammer said on the phone seriously at all.

"Hey, are you here? Birdman, it seems that you like this bird very much, but is it your bird? It seems that you two get along very well."

As soon as he entered the door, Hammer began to mock Ivan in a hippie way.

"You like that bird, right? OK, come on, take the bird away."

After Hammer finished speaking, a strong man next to him came over with a sack and stuffed the parrot into it.


Ivan couldn't help but yelled angrily when he saw his beloved parrot being roughly put into a sack and screaming; but Hammer just tilted his head and looked at Ivan like he was looking at a dog, and then continued;

"Take away his two pillows and his shoes too.

The two strong men quickly took away all of Ivan's things roughly. At this time, Ivan stopped making trouble and just leaned against the wall quietly, wanting to see what Hammer was going to do when he fell to the ground.

"I have taken your things now, how do you feel now? Sad, right?"

Hammer stood in front of Ivan and looked at him unkindly.

"That's how I feel now! We have a fucking contract! I saved your life, you gave me the suit, that's the agreement, and you didn't do it!"

Looking at Ivan's unaware look, Hammer roared with a completely red face;

"I don't care whether you are a genius or a liar, it doesn't matter. Fortunately, God gave me good things, otherwise I can only rely on you tonight."

Hammer gradually calmed down after scolding Ivan, because it was a great idea to let War Machine show his weapons, and the Iron Soldier would only need to salute.

"I got a Stark device, and your iron soldiers can only serve as the foil for my performance tonight."

After waving his arms and cursing, Hammer returned to his gentlemanly hippie look and looked at Ivan with disdain and said;

"I'm going to the Expo now, maybe I can enjoy some good times tonight. These two are your babysitters, you'd better not mess with them."

"I will sign a new agreement with you after I come back. You'd better follow the rules, otherwise go back to being your dead man, ok?"

Hammer pointed at the two burly men with wide eyes and said; and the two burly men were indeed professional bodyguards who maintained only one expression from beginning to end.

After warning Ivan, Hammer quickly left the room. After all, he was still needed to host the expo.

With Hammer's departure, only Ivan and the two burly bodyguards were left in the room staring at each other. Ivan looked at the silent scene and just sneered softly.

Because he knew that Hammer would definitely"make a big splash" tonight.

At this time, in a cliff mansion in Malibu, California, Tony was watching Jarvis testing the second-generation reactor.

Now that he doesn't have to drink that damn green leaf juice anymore, his mood is getting better day by day, and he uses During the time of testing, Jarvis also had new ideas about Iron Man Armor.

The automatic production line next to it has already started producing his Mark 6, and Tony added the Star Wars element, the laser sword, to this generation of Iron Man Armor.

Although it will consume a lot of energy, this is something he has wanted to do for a long time, because according to Jarvis' current test report, the energy of the new generation of reactors is already far different from the previous ones.

Just when Tony was still teaching his arm robot Benben how to clean, a strange phone call came in.

Few people know Tony's private phone number, so Tony immediately thought of Agent Coulson who was sent to New Mexico, so he quickly asked Jarvis to connect.

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