As a pleasant low note sounded, the two sat together and slowly played the piano. From Ava's technique and posture, it was obvious that she had practiced since she was a child.

Her delicate fingers quickly played on the strings, while she looked at the music score and sang intoxicatedly.

Li Xin, who was only half-baked, could only accompany her softly and enjoy.

As the clear piano sound slowly came out, Ava also sang along;

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save meThis all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy

I need somebody to healSomebody to knowSomebody to haveSomebody to holdIt

's easy to sayBut it's never the same

I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain now the day bleeds into nightfall and you're not here to get me through it all

I I was completely unprepared and then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved...........

As the touching music ended, tears slowly flowed from the corners of Ava's eyes. Just when Li Xin was at a loss, there was a burst of applause from the side.

It turned out that Kevin and some colleagues had been watching and appreciating quietly at the side.

""Wow, what a wonderful and touching song. Philip, you have created another classic song."

Kevin came up and hugged Li Xin tightly and patted his back.

Because he was very sure at this moment that their company had found a treasure. This was a talent. This was his normal level of performance. As for the song"Wait Wait Wait", it must have been a misunderstanding. It must have its outstanding features. It was just that he did not fully understand it.

And Ava, who was still sitting quietly in front of the piano, was looking at Li Xin with a smile on her face. It seemed that she had decided something in her heart.

Half an hour later, in a high-end and exquisite restaurant, Ava said that in order to thank Li Xin, she would treat him to dinner. Li Xin originally thought it was just a simple meal.

But looking at the luxurious decoration of the restaurant, the panoramic view of the river, the romantic layout, and the beautiful violin sounds; Li Xin, who had already sealed his heart with cement, immediately began to guard against it. He was afraid that this was a love trap.

"Ahem, Eva, a meal in this restaurant must cost a lot of money, right?"

Li Xin said politely, looking at the truffles, foie gras, caviar and other Western food on her table; but Li Xin, who had never used a knife and fork, had two hands suspended in the air and looked a little restrained.

The waiter next to him looked at Li Xin's knife holding posture and turned his head to cover his mouth and laughed.

Eva looked at Li Xin's helpless look and said with a smile;

"Philip, do you have a girlfriend? I don't think I've ever heard of her."

"No, why do you ask this question?"

Li Xin looked at Ava with some confusion. He knew that foreigners were open-minded, but this was too direct;

"I think you are very different, I have never met anyone like you, I think you are very interesting, maybe..."

Aiwa looked at Li Xin with her bright eyes, and her feet under the table had touched Li Xin without her knowing.

""Alas," Li Xin sighed helplessly in her heart, and then said to Ava with a smile;

"Ava, you are a perfect girl, and I am just a country bumpkin from a small town. We are not suitable for each other.

After saying that, Li Xin picked up the plate on the table and took away the precious pocket delicacy. Then he wiped his mouth with a napkin, drank the glass of boiled water in one gulp, and stood up to say goodbye.

""The lady will pay the bill, thank you,"

Li Xin said with a smile as he passed by the waiter who laughed at him; because he really didn't want to talk about some bullshit romantic love story. The lesson of his last life was too profound. Don't believe in love even if you believe in Chun Ge.

Looking at Li Xin's figure leaving quickly, this behavior was obviously so ungentlemanly and impolite, but Ava didn't know why she felt a little lost in her heart.


When Li Xin returned home at night, Darlene's family was happily watching TV and chatting in the living room after dinner. Since Katherine went to Stark Company for an internship, the 10-year-old boy Matt has become her most loyal subordinate.

"Matt, pour the queen a glass of water~" Catherine said while lazily leaning on the sofa and pressing the remote control while directing Matt;

"Cover! Got it~"

Matt bowed his head and said like a slave, then ran to the kitchen to get tap water.

After Li Xin greeted her family and was about to go upstairs, John, who was working in the study, called Li Xin.

"Hey, Philip, do you want to go to Flushing with me tomorrow night? Maybe we can meet some pretty girls at the Expo,"

John said to Li Xin with a big smile on his face;

"Expo? What does that mean?"Li Xin has been busy writing songs, revising songs, and working in the company recently. As a worker, Li Xin rarely pays attention to things outside of work, but it seems that something has been overlooked by him.

"Hammer Company’s weapons display at the Expo, my boss asked me to record Hammer’s important speech. Of course, there is also a private party to attend, but it is at night after all, and it is not good to bring Catherine and the others."

As John finished speaking, Li Xin was stunned. He suddenly remembered that in Hammer’s Expo in his previous life, Hammer was played like a dog by Ivan Vanko. Not only did he control all his unmanned robots, but he also controlled Rod’s Patriot.

Li Xin touched his chin and hesitated for a moment before deciding to refuse John. Philip couldn’t go, but Ah Fei had to go.

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