Li Xin called the police 10 minutes ago on a public phone. The main reason was that there were still a lot of drugs, guns and cash left in the house. It would be best to let the police handle all of them.

After all, she would have to cooperate with these people more in the future, and giving them more opportunities to make contributions would also be good for Li Xin.

"Ding-ling-ling~ Ding-ling-ling~" In a luxurious apartment, a rapid telephone ring suddenly sounded.

George Steve was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

"Who is this? Don’t you know what time it is now?"

George Steve answered the call angrily;

"Chief Steve, this is Hank, something big happened tonight, something you would never imagine"

Officer Hank said repeatedly at the scene of the Rat Gang’s base camp;

"Big deal? Is there anything bigger than my sleeping? Don't you know that I have been suffering from insomnia for several days because of the Rat Gang?"

George Steve said unhappily;

"Chief Steve, this big thing is about the Rat Gang. The Rat Gang was destroyed...."

Hank looked at the Rat Gang headquarters, which had been cordoned off. Many colleagues were already carrying drugs, large amounts of cash and guns out, and some medical staff were also carrying bodies and wounded out.

"You may not believe this, Chief, but we did not arrange this operation. This was done by a vigilante....It's extraordinary..."

Afterwards, Hank reported everything that happened tonight to the director over the phone;

George Steve was stunned after hearing it. No one knew the Rat Gang better than him. Although it was a recently emerging gang, it had a lot of weapons and drugs in its hands, which had been bothering him for some time.

After hanging up the phone, George turned over and got out of bed to change into his uniform, but at this time, a beautiful woman on the bed frowned.

"Are you going out so late?" the beautiful woman asked with concern.

"Yes, the brothers are working so hard on the front line, how can I not be there?"

George Steve said with a stern face after putting on his uniform; at this time, he had long lost his morning mood, because he must be on the scene to preside over the work for the great contribution of destroying the Rat Gang.

On a building near 73 George Street, Li Xin looked down from a distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

The police were happily doing the finishing work, and suddenly several cars drove up quickly and stopped in the distance. The car door opened and several reporters rushed up with cameras and microphones.

Li Xin shook his head. These reporters were really like sharks smelling blood. They received the news so quickly.

At this time, a luxurious Audi car caught Li Xin's eye. , because the driver was a middle-aged man in a police uniform.

This man was George Steve. Li Xin, the chief of the Queens Police Department, had seen him in the newspaper. He jumped off the roof with an idea.

George was humming a song while driving slowly. After all, a great achievement was waiting for him soon, and anyone would hum a few lines of good days. Suddenly, a man wearing a strange white mask fell from the sky in the middle of the road ahead.

There was a sudden sound of brakes, and George quickly braked, raised the pistol in his right hand, opened the door and got out of the car.

Although he heard Hank on the phone say that a vigilante wearing a white mask helped them to eliminate the Rat Gang, he still had to be cautious with these people with"special abilities."

"Hey, I heard from Hank that you wiped out the Rat Gang by yourself, so is there anything else?"

George Steve greeted him after getting out of the car;

Li Xin directly threw the briefcase Bennett gave him to him.

"You are the director, so make good use of it. I will find you later."

A cold voice came from under the mask. After that, Li Xin jumped up and disappeared into the night.

George Steve was a little shocked. Before getting in the car, he looked up at the place where Li Xin disappeared.

Li Xin, who had relaxed, looked at his watch. It was almost 4 o'clock in the morning. After working all night, he felt a sense of fatigue and ran directly towards the direction of Kissena Garden Community.

At this time, the community was quiet, the lights at home were turned off, and everyone should be asleep. Li Xin climbed into his room from the window, changed his clothes and lay down quickly, and opened the system page [Hero Dawn 50%]

"Finally, my work was not in vain.

After destroying the Rat Gang, more and more people knew about his deeds. His actions have begun to influence and encourage some people.

There was no conversation that night, but Li Xin didn't know that while he was catching up on his sweet sleep, he was on the hot search of New York News.

"Shocked! The Rat Gang was wiped out overnight, and he was the reason behind it!"

At that time, the Internet was not so developed, and most of the news was from newspapers and TV, as well as some local forums, but Li Xin, or more accurately, this mysterious man in a white mask, became famous.

Because he had performed heroic deeds several times before, and this time he wiped out the Rat Gang, he was now famous in Queens.

"This mysterious man in the white mask, I really didn’t follow the wrong person!"A senior V on a local forum commented;

"Looks like we in Queens are going to have a hero of our own soon"

"This guy is so cool, he must be a handsome guy under the mask, I think he is the same as Sheng Houzi~QAQ"

Uh, the one upstairs, I've heard his voice, it's a voice without emotion and a little old."

"Humph, you guys worship this kind of person for no reason. So many people died in the Rat Pack, and most of them died in extremely cruel ways. And what he did on Seventh Street, why don’t our black lives count? We can’t breathe."......

For a while, everyone had a heated discussion about him. Coincidentally, today a police officer who participated in last night's operation sent a video to reporters.

It was the last move against the evil rat last night, the palm method of holding lightning and falling from the sky;

"OMG this is so cool, what does he mean?" one user commented;

"A friend of mine who knows Chinese told me that it was thunder that shattered the darkness~ Hey, how am I, is my translation critical?"Internet user Bu Er Bu Jiao Xiao Hu

"Does anyone know what mask his is? I want to buy one for myself" Internet user Captain Dagen

"The mask is called the Three Magatama Samsara Eye Mask." Internet user I'm over at Dongting Lake.

This is exactly what Li Xin left.

The news naturally reached the ears of some big shots. In an office with a large French window, a black-salted egg-eyed dragon, the future director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury, looked at the newspapers and some video clips thrown to him by his subordinates.

In addition to the move"Thunder Shatters the Darkness", there are also some photos of running on the roof, and some photos taken by passers-by when he was brave enough to do something righteous.

""Enlarge this photo."

Suddenly Nick Fury pointed at a photo and said seriously;

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