Looking at the people in the house, most of them have different expressions and strange behaviors. Some people have dark and sunken eye sockets, swaying numbly and empty as they follow the music. It is obvious that these people are hopeless, which is why Li Xin hates drugs so much. People who come into contact with these things will turn themselves into neither human nor ghost.

Although these people are hopeless, Li Xin cannot just kill them all. At this time, Li Xin looked at the cars parked outside the door, and he had an idea in his mind. Li Xin came in front of a Mercedes-Benz G. He casually formed a seal"Fire Escape·Fireball Technique""

"Boom~" A big fireball rushed towards the Mercedes-Benz G, and the moment it touched the Mercedes-Benz was ignited

"Oh, fuck! The boss's car is on fire!"

A black man standing at the door shouted in shock; at this time, Li Xin had already hidden on the eaves of the side to watch the show.

Amidst the hasty and noisy scene, a group of people came out cursing. An old black man with a gold necklace as thick as his finger, a strong body, and tattoos all over his arms came out and saw it, and hurriedly asked someone to fetch water to put out the fire.

But before he could finish his words,"boom~" there was an explosion, and the Mercedes-Benz G was completely turned into a scrap metal.

Seeing the burning frame of the car, some people at the scene covered their heads with exaggerated expressions.

""Who is it! Get out of here!"

No one would believe that a car would catch fire for no apparent reason. The big black guy was swearing at the distance;

Li Xin had already sneaked into the hall of the house. At this time, the music had stopped and all the lights were turned on. Some sober people were still curious about what happened, while some people who were already unconscious were still staggering and making strange movements.

Li Xin used chakra to attach to his feet and just stuck to the ceiling and looked down. At this time, there was a scream, and a weirdo wearing a white mask stepped on their DJ.

""Please leave immediately, because a fight is about to break out here,"

Li Xin said loudly into the microphone with her clone.

At this time, some sober people saw the security guards approaching with guns, and they immediately retreated and left. But those who were already high were still talking nonsense, at a loss.

"Ma Refak, you are tired of living, you dare to come to my Rat Gang to cause trouble?"

The big black man rushed in, he didn't intend to put out the fire at the door, he just waved to his brothers. Suddenly, all the guns in the room slowly walked towards the white masked man.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique" Above everyone's head, there was another person wearing a white mask. At this time, the flames above his head had spread out and fell in all directions like the seeds of the Phoenix Flower.

""Oh, fuck, shoot him to death!"

The black boss cursed while dodging to the side; the battle was about to break out, and several black guys raised their guns and shot at the top of their heads, while others raised their guns and fired randomly at the DJ stand.

In an instant, the scene was in complete chaos. Some people did not avoid the flames and turned into firemen, shouting in pain. The sound of bullets and the screams of people at the scene filled the whole house.

Li Xin disappeared directly after using the ninjutsu. The clone had been recovered long ago. Except for a few unlucky people who were hit by his Fengxian Fire Technique, the others were basically injured by stray bullets.

On the roof of another house, Li Xin quietly observed everything that happened inside, waiting for the next opportunity.

At this time, the big black man found that the man had disappeared long ago, and hurriedly stopped the brothers from suspending their firing. After all, there were so many people in the room, and random shooting was no joke.

Looking at the many brothers lying on the ground wailing in pain, many of them were accidentally injured by their own people. The black man's molars were almost bitten off.

""Come out! Mal'refake, come out!"

Lao Hei raised his pistol and fired several shots at the roof while shouting loudly; at this time, in a shadowy corner, Li Xin slowly emerged from the ground, his Sharingan was running at its peak, and his two hands were pinching the thunder seal

""Thunder~" Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning in the house. At the extreme speed, Li Xin almost turned into a flash of lightning and attacked the people who were still standing at the scene.

But no one could be the boss. When he saw that the situation was not right, he immediately went into the crowd of younger brothers and pulled someone to block in front of him.

Amid the continuous screams, people fell to the ground. Only Big Black was still standing at the scene.

At this time, the"evil rat" was about to piss himself. Although he had been in the business for so many years, he had never experienced such a thing. He quickly raised his small pistol and pointed it at the people standing The masked weirdo in the hall.

But before he could pull the trigger, he found himself on an empty beach, with a beautiful house behind him burning in a blazing fire.

He had changed into women's clothes without knowing when, and was dancing excitedly in front of the fire with his shawl. 'Happy, free, no one can see, and you can do whatever you want' This extremely happy mood filled his whole world at the moment.

In reality, the old black man was laughing loudly, taking off his coat with a lewd look on his face, and spinning and jumping on the spot

"Come on~Have fun~" He was still muttering.

This strange phenomenon scared the few brothers who were still conscious lying on the ground.

At this time, Li Xin had already used the clone technique to throw all the people on the scene aside. There were a few unlucky people who fell to the ground and could not get up again. These people would not have any psychological burden at this time.

At this time, the sound of urgent police car sirens suddenly sounded outside the door, and police cars stopped outside the house.

""Listen, people inside, you are surrounded," Officer Hank shouted at the house with a loudspeaker.

At this time, Li Xin was drawing a graffiti on a wall in the hall. The picture was a white mask with three magatama, and the English words"Say No to Drugs" were written below.

After doing all this, Li Xin broke the magic of the evil rat. The moment the magic of the evil rat was broken, it ran to the back door.

The situation inside seemed to have been discovered by the police. Some policemen holding explosion-proof shields and M4A1 rushed in first, but only saw a black man running out of the back door.

Just as the police were chasing the black man, they saw a strange man wearing a white mask jumping down from the sky with electric light flashing in his hands and falling towards the black man.

""Thunder shatters darkness!" (Chinese)

Li Xin shouted and pushed forward with his right hand. Lao Hei fainted in a moment of paralysis.

After doing all this, he looked back at the police."Bang~" a burst of white smoke, Li Xin disappeared in the vast night.

All this magic was seen by the police at the scene, especially Hank, who didn't even know that the trumpet had fallen to the ground.

""Gift crab~"

Officer Hank had an incredible expression on his face;

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