He can play around in New York and experience other people's lives. More importantly, Li Xin not only gets the salary of an A-list agent, but also the copyright fee of an entertainment company, which easily amounts to several million dollars a year. He is handsome and a student. As long as you don't mess up his life and don't expose yourself, you can have fun as you please! How can this be a mission? This is clearly a vacation! It's just that the damn Nick Fury didn't inform him in advance. Now that the fake Li Kui meets the real Li Kui, Tamid doesn't know what to do for a moment.

"Hmm? Are you sure you don't want to tell me?"

Seeing that he was unwilling to obey and looked embarrassed, Li Xin stopped talking nonsense with him. Suddenly, a cold pressure spread out, and a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan looked at him straight.

After feeling the cold breath, Tamid below felt that his body was tightly grasped by a huge hand, unable to move at all.

After that, his breathing began to become rapid and shallow, and his body trembled constantly, as if it was stared at by a prehistoric beast.

"I say! I say! Please, please..."

As Li Xin on the ground trembled and begged for mercy, his body began to roll around like a"crack" and turned into an alien with green skin, pointed ears, and a cracked chin.

"My name is Tamid, my uncle is Talos, the leader of the Skrulls, I am only here to replace you, I swear, I am only carrying out the mission, I am not using your identity to mess around..."

Although it was only the first time for Tamid to come to Earth to carry out a mission, he had read the agent code and knew what he could touch and what he could not touch.

"No messing around? How can you call this no messing around?"

Looking at Tamid's innocent look, Li Xin was also angry and laughed, but Tamid seemed to know what Li Xin was worried about, so he said calmly;

"Don't worry, these girlfriends I've made are all new to me, and I will never sleep with the same woman twice. Of course, I didn't touch Ava and Jenny, who are very familiar with you. Don't worry, I always wear..."

In fact, this really can't be blamed on Tamid, because the Skrulls had been hunted by the Kree before, and most of the men died on the battlefield. So in their society where there are more women than men, men can have three wives and four concubines at will.

"never mind...I'd better watch it myself...."

After saying that, Li Xin lowered his body. The scarlet three-magatama Sharingan began to grow larger and larger in Tamid's view, until his eyes seemed to be frozen by ice and lost focus in an instant......

At this time, Tamid's mind began to flash with images of him being Li Xinshi. Most of them were of him throwing all kinds of girls on the bed and doing sports together, yellow, white, black, and brown.

Then there were those classmates in school who already had a crush on him, and even the female teacher who taught Spanish. He was indeed a spy. In the past year or so, he had actually maintained his girlfriends quite well. Some of them obtained some dirt on the other party through investigation, some took the other party out shopping, and even when they knew he was a scumbag, there were still many girls who were jealous of him and fought for him....

Of course, what makes Li Xin angry the most is the various scenes of girls swiping his card, shopping malls, car dealerships, yachts, and investing in bars owned by his friends, not making a penny just to have a place to drink....

In one scene, Li Xin was watching herself signing a loan agreement at a bank, and finally punched the wall next to her.

"Oh, damn it, you actually managed to invade my memory!"

Tamid, who had just regained consciousness, said in horror when he saw Li Xin's scarlet eyes; he had no idea that Li Xin's face had become terribly gloomy at this moment.

"Money, you spent it, girls, you picked up girls, you bought cars and yachts, that's fine, but the question is why are you paying off so much money? Are you still human?"

At this time, Li Xin directly summoned Susano's skeleton arm, lifted Tamide in the air, gritted his teeth and said viciously;

"cough cough...Calm down, calm down, brother, this is America, as a talented producer like you, the banks are eager to lend you money, cough cough..."

Tamid actually thought about paying back the money first, but every time he had this idea, the bank managers blocked his idea again and again, and kept giving him more money.

Tamid, who was a first-time man, was used to spending money lavishly, so how could he withstand this test? According to Nick Fury, it was unknown when Li Xin would come back.

Hearing Tamid's words, Li Xin clenched her fists. Although Tamid disguised himself as himself and made his family not worry about him, he was guilty of a capital crime and could not escape the punishment of life and death!

"Humph! Illusion - Sharingan.

After a cold snort, Li Xin, with a gloomy face, formed a"Zi" seal with his hands. After seeing the pair of scarlet Sharingan, Tamid's eyes lost their light again and became demented. Soon his face showed a painful expression....


With a sound of landing, Tamid, with a horribly pale face, fell to the ground. Although not much time had passed in the real world, he had been burned by fire for three days and three nights in the illusion world. His mental state was close to collapse.

"Uh, cough..."

Tamid's expression was a little numb at this time, and he was coughing painfully. If not for the relevant training that every Skrull had to go through since childhood, he might have become an idiot.

Looking at Tamid who was like a dying wild dog below, Li Xin's face was still cold and ruthless. With the appearance of a vortex-like space distortion, Tamid was sucked into the divine space.

After that, Li Xin began to walk around his home. The house that was originally clean and tidy before has now become strange and messy.

Not only did he have a Ferrari in his name, but he also had a yacht in Washington Harbor. Of course, he also saw in the drawer that the debt bills of various banks added up to more than 2 million....


Li Xin, who was trying to burn down the house with his fire escape technique, absorbed some important things into his divine power space, then left the house and drove towards Manhattan.......

An hour later, in a black business car in Central Park, a one-eyed black man wearing a leather windbreaker was sitting next to Li Xin. It was Nick Fury, who suddenly remembered that there was a Skrull that he had not yet arranged.

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