At the lightning speed of EVO, Li Xin soon returned to Great Neck, but when he parked the car in front of his house, there were bursts of loud music and the sound of many men and women talking happily in the house.

In fact, Li Xin had already learned everything from Tony. Tony told him what happened to 'Li Xin' in this year. Not only did he become a celebrity in school, but he also changed his girlfriend every week.

Li Xin naturally told Tony that the 'Philip' outside was not the real him. In fact, Tony had already discovered something was wrong.

Not only did he stop being a street hero, he even stopped taking his favorite Tingfeng Knife. More importantly, Li Xin only drank hot water. This 'Li Xin' not only never drank hot water, but his living habits also changed a lot.

"Oh, what a sin!..."

When Li Xin opened the car door and got out, his left hand had grown back after a day, and except for the skin being very white and tender, there was no damage at all....

Looking at the expensive sports cars parked in front of the house and the exaggerated decoration style at the door, Li Xin sighed slightly and made a"Yin" seal with both hands.


As white smoke rose from Li Xin's body, his image had turned into a pot-bellied New York policeman. If you look closely, his image at this moment is very similar to the current New York Police Commissioner George

"Bang bang bang!"

"Open the door, FBI! Now!"

Li Xin resisted a trace of anger and started knocking on the door. However, he knocked several times in a row, but no one came to open the door for him. The door was still filled with loud music and laughter.


With a loud noise, Li Xin finally kicked the door to the ground. At this time, a group of young men and women in the room were looking at him in confusion.

There were yellow, black, white, and all kinds of races. The owner of the room, Philip Lee, was lazily leaning on the sofa, hugging his left and right, looking very comfortable.

""Hey! Who are you? How dare you do this without permission? Do you know who my dad is? Ah? Believe it or not, I will let you sweep the streets tomorrow wearing this tattered uniform?"

Before Philip could speak, a white man next to him stood up and yelled at Li Xin with a proud face; but Li Xin ignored the man, and after passing him, he began to patrol around. After a simple check, he did not find any strange things like white powder, and Li Xin was relieved.

"Philip Lee...Ahem, please let your friends leave first."

Li Xin tightened his belt after entering the hall, and then said coldly to the other Li Xin sitting on the main seat;

"No, who are you? Have I committed a crime? We're just having a party to celebrate New York City not being invaded by aliens. What's wrong with us?"

"Yeah, what crime have we committed?"

"Get out, you lower man...."

As Li Xin, who was sitting on the main seat, spoke, the others in the room started to make a noise. The white man even walked up to Li Xin and put his forehead against his head in provocation.


As if they thought the white man was really cool, the others started to applaud loudly again, and some even took the opportunity to blow the whistle.


Suddenly a clear and pleasant sound was heard, and the provocative young man fell to the ground directly, not caring who his father was, and slapped him directly, without any mercy at all.

"Oh, my God!"

Seeing the man fall headfirst to the ground and fall into a deep sleep like a baby, everyone stared with wide eyes and showed shocked expressions.

"So, can we ask them to leave now?"

After adjusting his police officer's hat, Li Xin said coldly to Philip again;

"Jack, let's stop here for today, we'll meet again another day."

As Li Xin, who was sitting at the main seat, spoke, many young people wailed in displeasure, then picked up their bags and other belongings and left. Of course, the one lying on the ground was also carried out by two black guys.

"Baby, remember to call me~"

Before leaving, a white beauty kissed Li Xin reluctantly, then waved with a smile;

"Well, they've all left. Do you have anything to say to me? Police comrade?"

Seeing the young people below getting into their luxury cars and leaving, Philip Lee walked to the bar and poured himself a glass of wine, then said lightly; but Li Xin did not answer his question, but walked up to him, pinched his face, looked around him left and right, and then held his chin and asked in confusion;

"They look exactly the same, and even their voices and expressions are exactly the same. Even I can't tell them apart...."

Looking at the lifelike 'self' in front of him, Li Xin couldn't help but sigh. Li Xin, who was holding a glass of wine, saw that the strange policeman in front of him kept looking at him, so he said with a little panic;

"You are not a policeman! Tell me, who are you?"

But as soon as Philip finished speaking, a puff of white smoke came out of the fat policeman's body.


As the white smoke dissipated, Li Xin had already returned to her original appearance, and the fake Philip was immediately panicked when he saw the real Li Xin.

He quickly threw the cup in his hand towards Li Xin, and then without looking back, he was about to flip out of the window, trying to escape from this place.


The wine glass swung directly through Li Xin's body, and then a dark chain appeared instantly.���Philip had just turned around and taken two steps when he was entangled by an iron chain and fell to the ground.

"Ouch, spare me, please spare me, I am just here to carry out my mission, please don't kill me..."

Seeing Philip on the ground begging for mercy, Li Xin immediately frowned, and after kicking him, he said coldly to the fake;

"Don't beg for mercy in my image. Tell me, who are you?"

"me me me..."

At this time, Tamid looked at Li Xin with an embarrassed face, and then he didn't know how to answer anxiously, because according to the agreement between the tribe and Nick Fury, the Skrulls must not be exposed in any case.

Originally, according to Nick Fury's task, he only needed to change into Li Xin's appearance and live a normal life in New York. Not only could he use the money in his card freely, but there was no danger at all.....................

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