"Oh my god! Are you a gangster? Your hand..."

When Natasha saw the person and the scarlet eyes, she covered her red lips in surprise and said distressedly;

"It’s okay, it will grow back by itself in two days. I think you must be looking for this."

Li Xin smiled and handed over the scepter in his hand after he finished speaking; because after such a long time, the wormhole in the sky has been expanded again, and after countless Leviathans passed through the tunnel, the pressure on the battlefield has become greater and greater, especially after Tony just went to rescue Li Xin, and now the air supremacy of Manhattan has been taken back by the Chitauri again, even if Thor and Hulk roamed frantically on the battlefield, causing large-scale casualties, it still couldn’t improve.

And people will always get tired, especially until now, the human side has been counterattacking with high intensity, and the logistics and subsequent support forces have not caught up for some reason.

On the other hand, the Chitauri Legion is madly rushing to attack, and the Leviathans are one after another. Those ugly Chitauri soldiers are like locusts and can't be killed at all.

"Let's find a way to close this wormhole quickly. This war...I will end it!"

When Natasha took over the scepter, Li Xin had already set his sights on the battlefield below. As the scarlet three magatama turned into a rotating windmill, a strong and cold pressure began to emanate from Li Xin's body.

After showing Natasha an evil smile, Li Xin jumped directly from the height of more than 700 meters. When his figure jumped onto a flying chariot like an eagle, Natasha reacted from the cold feeling.

"Hey! Be safe and don't get hurt again..."

Unfortunately, before Natasha could finish her words of concern, Li Xin's figure had disappeared, leaving only the bodies of the team of Zitaly soldiers who had just passed by, slowly falling down....

"Is he the 'White Mask'? I didn't expect him to be so young...."

"Actually, I have seen his abilities in Blooms, so you don't have to worry about him at all. But I didn't expect that he could get hurt...."

Seeing Natasha's worried look, Shavig, who had experienced it before, comforted her softly.

"His mission was to assassinate Loki, which was the most dangerous mission, but he had completed it perfectly, hadn't he?"

Looking at the Mind Scepter in her hand, Natasha couldn't help but think of her past self. Finally, when she looked at the war-torn city below, she could only sigh helplessly.......

"Da da da..."Boom!"

At this time, in an office building on 39th Street, an action team composed of more than a dozen humans was fighting with the Chitauri infantry in front of them on the battlefield with roaring artillery fire.

George Stephen, the director of New York, was evacuating the civilians in the building behind him with several confidants and military personnel. As the war intensified, especially near Stark Building and Park Street, it had become the most dangerous place on the battlefield.

And George was also a man of blood. After seeing that many policemen had deserted the battlefield, he personally picked up his gun and went to the front line. After all, in this situation, all the strategizing and sitting in the rear were bullshit.

Nothing could boost morale more than the boss carrying a shotgun and rushing to the front. Moreover, going to the front line could not only command the battle more directly, but also share some of the pressure of the battle.

"Guys, before the citizens have been evacuated, we must not let these monsters cross here at any cost!"

""Roar! Kill all these monsters! Ah!"

As George shouted while firing, the surrounding soldiers also shouted in response, and not far behind them, many urban white-collar workers in suits and ties lowered their heads and left in a panic.

From the situation, these civilians did not evacuate in time when the evacuation warning was issued, but had been hiding in this office building. However, as the battle escalated, this office building has become very unsafe.

Just as many soldiers and police were frantically firing upwards, the blue beams of the Chitauri shot down a large billboard above.


As the billboard suddenly fell to the ground, many of the soldiers who were left behind were immediately crushed into meat patties. Seeing this, the others could only retreat quickly and find cover to continue fighting back.

But as the firepower was interrupted, the Chitauri soldiers quickly rushed up. Under the fearless charge, these soldiers could only keep retreating.

"You guys go! I'll cover you!"

Seeing that the situation was getting bad, Chief George picked up the machine gun beside him, quickly climbed up, and shouted loudly to everyone; because in this situation, they could only break out quickly before the enemy's encirclement was formed, and every second of hesitation would increase the risk.

Sure enough, seeing George stand out to cover the rear, the others began to evacuate to the rear decisively under the loud scolding of an old soldier, but the battlefield was always changing rapidly. When George had just fired with the machine gun in his hand for a few seconds, his thigh was hit by a beam of light, and the whole person instantly fell to the ground in pain.


George, panting heavily, could only look at the aliens who were gradually surrounding him in despair. He knew that he could not survive after losing one leg.

Seeing that it would take some time for the aliens to come, George quickly fumbled around on his body. After searching for a while, George showed a happy expression.

George took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, quickly pulled out a cigarette, and put it in his mouth.


As the lighter ignited the flame, George lit���This was the last cigarette in his life. At this moment, everything in his world seemed to be quiet....


Looking at the abandoned cars above him, which were all filled with Chitauri, George took a deep puff of the cigarette. After the cigarette passed deeply through his lungs, he slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and finally a smile with no regrets in his life appeared on his face.......

"whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

At this time, outside the building, a huge black shuriken was spinning rapidly, as if it had calculated the perfect angle, and the Chitauri soldiers in front were instantly cut off at the waist by the shuriken.

When the other Chitauri soldiers reacted and were about to turn around and shoot, a vortex-shaped space distortion instantly appeared above their heads!

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