However, while the two were talking, a flash of light suddenly appeared. It turned out that after Loki disappeared, the crowd, no longer a threat, began to take out their mobile phones and frantically took photos and videos of Li Xin and Tony.

The flash just now was caused by a female graduate student named Zhang Weiwei taking photos. But before Li Xin could say anything, Tony on the side said to Jarvis;

"Jarvis, clear all the data from these people's phones. I don't want anyone to know Philip's true identity."

"Yes sir, data is being cleared..."

Just after Jarvis finished speaking in a gentle voice, the people at the central station were surprised to find that not only the photos they had just taken were gone, but even their phones automatically went black after a burst of garbled text.......

"Director Fury, the Council has decided..."

In the holographic conference room, Congresswoman Holly was reading a report expressionlessly. But before she could finish, an angry Nick Fury interrupted her in a deep voice:

"I realized it, but since it was such a stupid decision, I decided to ignore it...."

"Director, you are the closest, so please send fighter planes as soon as possible...."

At this time, Alexander Pierce on the holographic projection seemed not to have seen Nick Fury's angry expression. He still held his head with his hands and said lightly;

"Congressman? That's Manhattan Island! Unless my team can't hold on any longer, I won't order the use of nuclear weapons against civilians!"

Nick Fury couldn't stand it anymore, and he stared at Congressman Pierce with his dead eyes and shouted loudly;

"If we can't stop them here, there's no going back...."

Congressman Pierce was still nonchalant, and his tone was more like discussing what to eat for dinner.

"If a nuclear bomb is really dropped, it will be irreversible!"

After saying this, Nick Fury decisively hung up the connection. If he saw Alexander Pierce's"pig" face again at this time, he was afraid that he would not be able to help but swear.

Because when Nick Fury heard that the congressman decided to drop a nuclear bomb on Manhattan, the words"Fuck you" in his heart almost burst out directly.

Judging from the current war intelligence, the battlefield rhythm at this time has been controlled by the human side, and the Avengers' proposal has also played a very good effect.

In this war with aliens, they not only stole the limelight and withstood the aliens' attack, but also brought hope to people who were in disaster. They are well-deserved superheroes.

But I don't know what the two congressmen, Holly and Pierce, have eaten to issue such a ridiculous order, and what's even more ridiculous is that this dead horse order was actually passed in the parliament!


After quickly coming out of the"interrogation room", Nick Fury sighed deeply. Now he just felt tired.......

"Hill, I don't want to see any planes flying out of the aircraft carrier, and no one can open the nuclear bomb depot without my mission!".......

At this time, on the Stark Building, Li Xin, holding the Heart Spirit Scepter in his right hand, slowly emerged from the space distortion. After a survey, he shouted to the Hulk who was smashing and jumping around below;

"Hulk, he's yours.

After Li Xin finished speaking, the space around him twisted again. As Li Xin kicked Loki, who had just fallen out, downward, the frantic Hulk appeared instantly.

Hulk couldn't wait to catch Loki, and threw the angry Loki into the rooftop bar of Stark Tower like throwing a ball.


After a violent collision, Loki, who was extremely angry at this time, finally couldn't bear it anymore. When he saw the reckless Hulk rushing towards him happily, he quickly got up and shouted loudly;

"Enough! Who are you all? I am a god! You idiot! You are an ant and you want to bully me!..."

However, before Loki could finish his words, Hulk grabbed him with his casserole-sized hand and slammed him back and forth on the floor.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang~"

Just like throwing a sandbag, Loki's slender body was thrown back and forth by Hulk six times, and each throw left a deep hole in the marble floor.

"A weak god..."

After taking a look at Loki lying in the deep pit, Hulk, who had vented his anger, couldn't help but pout and complain;


Just after Hulk left, after the nightmare-like world spinning around, Loki, who was"peacefully" lying in the deep pit, finally let out a grievance whimper.......

Outside the glass door of the building, Li Xin, who watched the whole process, could not help but mourn for Loki in his heart for 1 second, but he had to admire Loki's physical fitness.

The wound that was pierced by his knife in front of him had recovered at this time, and after being caught by the powerful Hulk and performing a set of"roller coaster" combos, he was able to keep his body intact. Li Xin had to admire him.

At least he thought that if he was thrown a few times by the Hulk, he would be skinned if not dead, and he would probably have to be fed in the future.

"It seems that I am still far away from the real God.".......

At the tunnel device of the Cosmic Cube, Natasha, with a serious face, was approaching the light carefully. However, when she was halfway there, a fat old man lying on the ground said to her helplessly;

"It's useless. No one can break through the power of the Rubik's Cube...."

After seeing Dr. Shavig wake up on the ground, Natasha hurried over to help him up and asked;

"Doc, it's not your fault, you don't know what you're doing, but we really need you to turn this thing off right now"

"In fact, I know that in the search for truth...I remember very clearly every scene of creating this installation...."

When Dr. Shavig saw Natasha's eyes, he recalled the scene and murmured;

"The energy of the Rubik's Cube is invincible, but it cannot stop its own attacks. I have found a similar energy on Loki's scepter...."

"I installed a safety device that can cut off the power source. Loki's scepter may be able to stop it...."

As soon as Dr. Shavig finished speaking, Natasha quickly stood up, ready to use the headset to ask Tony and Alfie about the situation; but just as she turned her head, a dashing figure jumped down from Stark's helipad.......

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