"Do you want to go up? Then you have to hitchhike."

Rogers looked at the distance between the bridge and Stark Tower. It is not easy for an ordinary person to go up quickly.

"I have a ride, but you have to give me a push..."

After seeing a flying chariot in the sky, Natasha stepped back and took a running start. Rogers immediately understood Natasha's idea and squatted down to cooperate, placing the shield in front of him.


With a cry, Natasha finished her run-up, quickly stepped on Captain America's shield, and then jumped up with all her might. With Rogers' strong cooperation, her agile figure grabbed a flying chariot.......

Just as the battle in New York was reaching its climax, at the SHIELD headquarters on the aircraft carrier, Agent Hill walked up to the command platform and said to Nick Fury who was observing the entire battle situation;

"Sir, the MPs are online."

"I see..."

With a sigh, Nick Fury's face was gloomy, and he asked Hill to take over his command. However, when he went to the holographic conference room that was similar to an interrogation room, he had already started to ask these congressmen what they wanted to do at this time.......

At the Grand Central Station lobby on 42nd Street, the little girl was still there. She ignored the advice of the people around her, with tears and snot all over her face. She got up and continued to walk towards Rocky.

"Woohoo..."Big bad guy"

Looking at the little girl who kept pulling at his trouser legs, Loki didn't care about the color of the energy and why it suddenly turned yellow.

Especially when he saw that the girl's tears and snot were constantly wiping on his spotless trouser legs, Loki finally showed an impatient look.

"Earthling, it seems that you can't learn what it means to be quiet."

After Loki took off the scepter, Li Xin's expression became dull. She closed her eyes and lowered her head to Loki, as if she had become Loki's slave and was subservient to him.

"She's yours...."

After the thorny bush put Li Xin down, Loki, with an evil look on his face, coldly ordered Li Xin.

Loki actually wanted to strangle the annoying little girl to death, but every time he was about to do it, he would always feel guilty. This soft-hearted feeling made him hate it very much.

Loki, who was unwilling to admit that he was soft-hearted, gave the task of intimidating everyone to Li Xin to see if he was really under his complete control.

"Glad to help, Master..."

After Li Xin opened his eyes, his scarlet eyes actually showed a hint of yellow, and his face no longer had the youthfulness it had before, but was replaced by a crazy and tyrannical evil!


The little girl screamed in fear after seeing Li Xin's eyes. Before she could react, Li Xin had already grabbed her neck and lifted her up in the air, leaving the little girl crying in fear and her cries for help as if she was about to suffocate.

"I will drown them in a sea of blood...."

At this time, Li Xin's face was hideous and his body was covered in blood. He looked like a demon from hell. When he looked at the people present, the endless madness and bloody smell had already begun to spread rapidly in the station.

After seeing Li Xin's crazy appearance, the people in the station were already filled with fear and despair. After all, the executioner behavior of"White Mask" in recent years has been criticized by the"Daily Bugle".

Now the completely crazy appearance of"White Mask" has become like a butcher who is about to kill people. Even some timid people were scared to pee their pants by the scarlet evil eyes.

Just when everyone was desperate, a rapid wake broke through the window on the second floor, and a golden and red steel armor floated above the hall, and two hands had quickly aimed at Loki.

""Put down that girl, Philip! Loki, I warn you to release the control of that boy immediately."

The moment Tony broke into the room through the window, he had analyzed the situation at the scene. Judging from Li Xin's current characteristics, it was estimated that she had been controlled by Loki, just like Hawkeye before.

"Humph, you ignorant ant, how dare you despise the power of God!"

Loki said as he fired a magic ray towards Tony in the sky, but Tony, who had been prepared, turned around and dodged, and then quickly fired a palm cannon back at Loki.


The magic ray attack instantly penetrated the wall of the hall, causing an explosion and falling several boulders, but Tony's palm cannon was easily blocked by Loki with one hand, and in the end only a burst of sparks exploded on his arm.

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, the civilians in the hall lowered their heads and hid in the corners. When Tony saw that his attack was ineffective, he chose to increase the power system and dive towards Loki.


However, before Tony could get close, the green thorns that had been lying in ambush on the ground for a long time began to grow rapidly and madly. In the blink of an eye, they entangled Tony who was attacking and pulled him hard, controlling him to the ground and making him unable to move.

"Sir, the energy of the armor is decreasing. These thorns seem to absorb energy.

Just as Tony was struggling, Jarvis's warning sounded in Tony's ears. Looking at the panel, the armor's ability was decreasing madly. The original 30% energy was only 15%, and it was still decreasing.!

"Philip, wake up, don't be blinded by Loki, let go of that little girl, that's not the real you!"

Although his own situation was not very optimistic, and he was pulled into a"big" shape by the thorns, Tony still shouted to Li Xin who was controlled by Loki;

"Haha, ants, everyone must obey God's will, why don't you take action?"

As Loki finished his order with a sneer, a trace of evil began to emerge on Li Xin's ferocious face. In the horrified faces of Tony and the little girl, Li Xin suddenly opened his scarlet eyes.......

If Tony was careful enough, he would find that the rotating windmill pattern in Li Xin's eyes had changed. The edge of the pupil pattern turned black, and there was a dark spot in the center of the rotation.

In addition, the yellow light that had always been in his eyes had disappeared. Although there was no big change overall,

Li Xin was very clear that his eyes had been stimulated by the powerful spiritual and mental power, and had completed the missing part of the Mangekyō Sharingan and evolved to a new state - the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!......

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