"White Mask..."Stand up! Don't give up!"

Seeing their hero being dragged to Loki's feet little by little by the thorns like a dog, countless people in the station cried out in disbelief.

But at this time, Li Xin, who was tied up by the thorns, felt that he had no strength in his whole body, and because of the excessive use of his pupil power, his eyes felt like they were being burned by a fire rack. After stopping, he felt severe pain and weakness in all parts of his body....

"Alas, is this the flaw of the Mangekyō Sharingan?..."

In Naruto, once the Sharingan evolves to the Mangekyō mode, the owner's accumulated hatred will be difficult to control, and then he will be lost in the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, constantly seeking revenge, and eventually overusing his eyes and then going blind.

In this life, Li Xin did not go through the painful process of opening his eyes, and no relatives or friends were hurt. In addition, he also had the talent of [Finnish Iceman-Kimi Raikkonen] to keep himself calm at all times, so Li Xin would absolutely control it within a certain degree every time he used the Mangekyō. However, as his killing slowly accumulated, he became more and more excited in this battle, and Li Xin was still lost in that powerful force.

Although he had the [Dragon Feast Seal] and [Perfect Regeneration Serum] to strengthen his body, which reduced the loss of his body to a minimum, every use of the Mangekyō Sharingan would bring a heavy burden and severe discomfort to the caster. Even as strong as the genius"Itachi" of the Uchiha family, even in a healthy body, he could not withstand frequent use, not to mention the"God of War" that needed to be turned on the"automatic gear" to be perfectly used.

Therefore, the user of the Sharingan is destined to pay a price for the power he gains, which is why the Sharingan is called the"Cursed Eye".......

"Let me see who is under this ugly mask...."


As the three-magatama white mask was crushed by Loki, a young man with oriental features was revealed underneath. However, there was blood on the corners of his mouth, and his face was terribly pale, and his eyes were full of blood.

When they saw Li Xin's face, many people in the station were shocked and sighed, because it was different from what they imagined. The"ruthless" white mask was not a vicissitudes of life in the middle-aged man, but a student who should be studying in school.

"God, he's just a child!"

Seeing Loki about to execute the"White Mask" with the sharp scepter in his hand, some people finally couldn't stand it anymore. After feeling the pressure gradually disappear, they stood up and cursed at Loki with vicious voices.

Especially some girls, after seeing their brothers being bullied, they didn't care whether the other party was a god or not. They stood up, put their hands on their hips, pointed at Loki's nose, and called him a lowly man.


As Loki's roar sounded, a powerful pressure descended on the station again. Facing such a powerful momentum, the originally noisy hall became quiet again.

Seeing that no one was disturbing him anymore, Loki couldn't wait to put the Mind Scepter against Li Xin's chest. This time, unlike the last time when he dealt with Tony Stark, the blue energy did not dissipate.

Instead, the moment it was pressed, the energy quickly invaded Li Xin's chest. Soon, Li Xin's immature face showed an expression of extreme pain!

"Bad guys, beat the bad guys..."

Just as Loki was using the Mind Staff to inject energy into Li Xin, a little white girl ran over and madly hit Loki's feet with her pink fists.

Faced with this attack that was not even a tickle, Loki, who wanted to strangle the little girl to death with one hand, took a quick look at her and threw her into the crowd with a cold face, causing her to fall to the ground and cry in fear.

Just as Loki focused his attention on the little girl, the energy of the Mind Staff, which was supposed to be blue, turned yellow....

In fact, Loki didn't know how valuable the Mind Scepter given to him by Thanos was. The outer layer of blue energy was actually just his protective shell. Its core was actually the"Mind Gem" among the Infinity Gems. It was not the power of the Scepter that could easily invade and control other people's minds, but the yellow gem in the middle. The power of the Mind Gem represents spiritual and mental power.

The moment Li Xin was invaded by the power of the Mind Gem in the thorns, his Mangekyō Sharingan, which was about to dry up, opened again in an instant, and after feeling the yellow energy again, it operated and absorbed it even faster!.......

Meanwhile, on the top floor of Stark Tower, Dr. Shavig, who had been stunned by the shock wave of the energy shield, finally woke up from his drowsiness.

However, when he saw the Chitauri army flying all over the sky and Manhattan, which had been swept by the war and turned into a devastated city, he was deeply shocked. After thinking about it for a while, he found that all of this was caused by him!

Dr. Shavig, who woke up immediately, walked towards the control panel. He had to stop the black hole from expanding further, but in order to close the black hole, he needed another special thing.

"Tony, go check out 42nd Street Central Station. Military scouts report that A-Fei seems to have failed!"


Captain America Rogers, who had just climbed up from the ground, was speaking worriedly into his headset on the Parker Street Bridge. After fighting with the Zetawi soldiers for so long, even Rogers, who had the perfect super soldier serum, felt tired, not to mention other ordinary people.

Natasha, who was standing by, used the Zetawi soldiers' folding rifle to shoot the last soldier who rushed onto the bridge. She leaned aside with difficulty, breathing heavily. It had been nearly an hour since the start of the war, and she was still on a battlefield full of dangers. Her physical strength had already reached its limit.

"Whoosh...Captain, if the above message���The door won't close, no matter how hard we try, it's all in vain..."

"With the energy shield, even the most powerful weapons cannot penetrate it...."

Rogers naturally understood this principle, and when the two looked at the wormhole in the sky, after such a long time of charging, the scope of the tunnel has become larger and larger.

"Maybe the weapon was not chosen correctly."

Natasha, who was breathing hard, also knew this problem. Even Thor and Tony had no way to deal with the shield, but she had to go up and take a look at the situation anyway.

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