"Hoohoo~ Oh, God, do you have to be so extreme?"

After the exciting scene just now, Natasha, who was now panting wildly, was trying hard to hold Li Xin to prevent herself from falling, and said to him with lingering fear;

"You are too extreme. Loki is a god no matter what. How can a mortal like you interfere in the battle between gods?"

After briefly feeling the heat in his arms, Li Xin took Natasha to the high bridge on Park Street in a few quick jumps and joined Rogers and the others.

"Stark, did you see that thing?"

After seeing Natasha being rescued by Li Xin, Rogers once again turned his attention to the Leviathan monster floating freely between the tall buildings.

"Saw...But I'm still digesting it."

Tony in the air replied to Roger with a sigh while arranging Jarvis to analyze the Leviathan in front of him;

"Is Banner ready?"

Faced with this huge monster, Tony, who had no idea where to start, could only put his hope on another monster.

"Banner? I don't know, maybe...."

Captain America on the bridge looked to the side at this time, because since going to the battlefield, Dr. Banner has been in a state of high tension and fear....

Just as Tony was analyzing the weakness of Leviathan, the battle between the melee mage Loki and Thor on Stark Tower had temporarily stopped.

"Look at it yourself, look at all this! Do you think that if you become king, all this madness will end?"

Faced with Thor's loud questioning, Loki's expression finally showed a hint of gloom. After taking a look at the smoke-filled city, he whispered;

"Too late...It's too late to stop it now...."

"No, as long as we are together, it's fine!"

Seeing that his brother seemed to have realized his mistake, Thor relaxed and comforted him; however, what responded to him was not Loki's change of heart, but the moment Thor relaxed his vigilance, a dagger that had been hidden for a long time fiercely stabbed his kidney!

"You are still so naive, my brother...."

Seeing Thor fall down with his hands on his waist, Loki's guilty expression disappeared. Instead, he sneered, jumped off a flying chariot passing by, and flew away.

It seemed that the Chitauri system was connected. After Loki sat in the flying chariot, the Chitauri soldiers became more crazy. Countless infantrymen began to enter various buildings, searching for prey and launching a new round of killing.

"There are civilians in that house. Someone has to go down and rescue them...."

The Parker Street Bridge also attracted the attention of many Chitauri infantrymen. After Hawkeye shot a"Rain of Pear Blossoms" arrow, he said to Captain America behind him; however, before Captain America could make a decision, the Leviathan in the sky had already turned around and swooped down towards the people on the bridge!

"Oh, it looks like we've been targeted by it, is there any good way to deal with it?"

After Tony casually blew up a few Chitauri flying vehicles, he began to fly towards the bridge and reported into the headset; after Rogers heard Tony's communication, he once again looked at Banner who was hiding under the car, and at this time on the bridge, Li Xin had already drawn out the Wind Listening Blade, and killed the Chitauri infantry squad that had just attacked as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

However, the Chitauri soldiers were like locusts, and just when everyone worked together to clear the Chitauri infantry squad on the bridge, countless Chitauri soldiers jumped down from the air, once again holding a foldable long-range rifle, and fired a volley at everyone.

""Crack! Pah~"

As everyone was avoiding that round of volleys, a thick lightning bolt suddenly struck from the sky. As the thick arc dissipated, the large group of Chitauri infantry had already turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

"What's the situation up there?"

After Thor landed majestically, Rogers quickly stepped forward and asked;

"The Cosmic Cube is surrounded by an energy shield and cannot be penetrated."

Just as Thor's words fell, Tony's slightly anxious voice came again in everyone's headphones;

"Thor is right, but we have to discuss how to deal with this giant!"

It turned out that at this time, in the sky in the distance, Tony was followed by a huge Leviathan beast. Seeing this situation, everyone couldn't help but show a solemn expression, but Li Xin directly pulled Banner out from under the car.

"Don't hide the doctor anymore, or New York will be gone!"

Under the expectant eyes of the crowd, Banner finally said with some trembling;

"I just think this is a bit too scary..."

"Really? I've seen even scarier ones."

Seeing Banner's timid expression, Natasha, who picked up a Chitauri folding rifle, couldn't help but joked; when Banner stood up and was about to apologize, Tony had already led the Leviathan beast and slowly rushed towards the bridge!

"Dr. Banner, now is the best time for you to get angry!"

After Captain America Rogers finished speaking, Dr. Banner took off his glasses and slowly walked towards the swooping Leviathan.

"Let me tell you a secret, Captain, I've actually been angry....."Roar!"

As Banner's body swelled rapidly, the green muscles full of beast-like power instantly tore through his clothes. After the complete transformation, the Hulk let out a violent roar and punched the Leviathan on the head!


A huge and earth-shattering crash suddenly broke out at the bridge, and the huge Leviathan was knocked to the ground by Hulk's punch!

"WTF...Is this the 300-ton force setting?��"

Seeing Hulk's god-like"serious punch", Li Xin, who was standing behind on guard, couldn't help but exclaimed; after all, it was too shocking to personally experience this collision of extreme power, especially Hawkeye and Natasha, who showed expressions of complete disbelief at this time........

As the Leviathan was knocked over by a punch, its huge body followed the inertia and crushed the people on the bridge. However, Tony and Thor, who had been prepared for this, quickly opened fire on the Leviathan's body after being shocked.

""Crack! ——Boom!"

A strong and powerful lightning and the missile fired by Tony instantly exploded in the unprotected body of the giant beast!

After that, the whole giant beast was blown into pieces in the air, and with a sound similar to a whale falling, the huge Leviathan finally died.......

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