Amid the crowd's surprise, Li Xinxian quickly drew his sword, and a sharp light blue blade flashed across, instantly cutting the aircraft and the Chitauri in half.


With a shrill sound, a vortex of space distortion instantly sucked the three soldiers into the Shenwei space.


As the rotating Apache helicopter fell, a huge spark exploded on the street in an instant. However, on the side of the building near the street, in a vortex-shaped space distortion, the three fully armed soldiers were thrown out by Li Xin.

After taking a look at the soldiers on the ground who were frightened and gasping for breath, Li Xin jumped high, quickly grabbed a flying vehicle that was passing by, pierced the two people on it with a knife, and then killed them all the way in the direction of Stark Building.......

At this time, on the top floor of Stark Tower, when Loki's body flashed with golden light, he was already wearing his favorite set of curved horn armor.


Amidst a roar, a figure wearing a red cloak was rapidly flying towards the building where he was. This person was Thor who had hurriedly arrived after falling from a height of ten thousand meters.

""Close the Rubik's Cube immediately! Otherwise I will destroy it!"

As soon as Thor landed on the roof, he shouted angrily to Loki; but how could the 'Space Gem', which was already activated at this time, be destroyed by Thor, a god-level person?...

On the platform, after hearing Thor's voice, Loki smiled coldly, then raised the scepter in his hand, pointed at Thor and shouted with gritted teeth:

"You can't destroy it! You can't stop it anymore. Now there is only one way - war!"

"In that case, come on...."

Seeing that the surroundings had completely turned into a battlefield, countless buildings were destroyed, smoke was everywhere, and artillery fire roared; although Thor felt sorry for bringing the war to Earth, he had been fighting on the battlefield since he was a child, and at this time he had already awakened the war gene in his blood!

So with a roar, Thor raised Thor's hammer and rushed towards Loki on the parking platform.

And Loki, who was known as the first wizard in the nine realms, saw Thor rushing towards him with Thor's hammer, how could he be afraid? Suddenly he also ignited a flame of fighting. As a wizard, he roared, grabbed the spiritual staff in his hand, and stepped forward without flinching, fighting with Thor in close combat.

As Loki used the staff as a spear, after colliding with Thor's hammer a few times, he quickly pulled back a body and shot a magic beam at Thor with the staff....

Although Thor was shocked that the spear could emit magic rays, he instinctively blocked the rays with his hammer.


The two powerful forces collided, and the aftermath erupted, instantly blowing the"Stark" sign on the building away and dropping it to the ground.......

"I said it was a spear...."

In the air near the building, Tony was shooting the enemy with his palm cannon while complaining about the battle between the two people on the building; but while he was talking, because the Cosmic Cube was constantly outputting energy, the space tunnel at this time was getting bigger and bigger, and with a roar as loud as a bell, a huge Titan worm came out of the wormhole!

It was the secret strategic weapon of the Chitauri Army - Leviathan!

This is a semi-mechanized whale reptile monster with bone plates and scaly alien armor plates on its body surface, giving it excellent defense capabilities and the ability to move in outer space.

Under its body, especially on the mechanical fins, is an anti-gravity flight system developed by the Chitauri, allowing it to float freely above the city, and behind its forehead are various large Chitauri cannons.

"Oh, God...."

The moment they saw the Leviathan, countless soldiers who were exchanging fire with the Chitauri army suddenly let out desperate cries.

Looking at the huge figure that blocked out the sun, some stunned fighter pilots were so careless that they crashed into a tall building nearby and died in the sea of fire....

As the huge figure floated between the tall buildings in the city, a thick shadow suddenly fell on the hearts of countless human soldiers.

And just as everyone was digesting the information in front of them, the Leviathan beast, which was also a means of transportation, had quietly opened its scales, and countless fully armed Chitauri soldiers were ejected, landing on the surrounding buildings, and then roared hoarsely at the people below!......


At this time, at Stark Tower, just when Natasha wanted to drive the Quinjet to attack Loki who was fighting, she was accidentally hit by a magical beam of the Mind Scepter.

Seeing the engine of the left wing being torn apart in an instant, and starting to emit thick smoke and flames, the originally calm Natasha couldn't help but show a trace of panic at this time.


At this time, on a high bridge on Park Street, the captain, Barton and Banner had just arrived, and then they looked at the Quinjet not far away with a worried look.

But just as Natasha desperately operated the Quinjet to make an emergency landing, Li Xin, who had been jumping and killing between buildings all the way, finally arrived next to Stark Building.

"Why do these female agents like to shoot people with planes?"

Looking at the smoke-filled Quinjet, which was now out of control and falling between tall buildings, Li Xin murmured helplessly; after all, the value of this Quinjet was almost a small target....

"Beep beep......!"

At this time, a series of rapid alarms sounded in the cockpit of the Quinjet. Natasha, whose face was already pale, finally closed her eyes in despair as she watched the fighter plane crashing down out of control.


Just when Natasha closed her eyes, Li Xin instantly flashed to the window of the cockpit.

Having had this experience once before, he activated the Dragon Feast Mark on his chest immediately. His left hand, which had transformed into a dragon claw, instantly shattered the glass in front of Natasha.

"Hold me tight!"

Li Xin said loudly to Natasha as she pulled her up and held her in her arms.

After all, Natasha had experienced countless life-and-death moments. After being pulled out of the cockpit by Li Xin, she hugged Li Xin tightly, not afraid of the rapid fall and the dizzy scene at this moment.


Just as the fighter plane hit the ground, Li Xin hugged Natasha and jumped onto the office building nearby. While using chakra to absorb her feet to keep steady, she held Natasha tightly in her arms.......

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