The surrounding area was filled with various testing instruments. Li Xin, shirtless, moved his body slightly. After feeling the explosive power in his body, he casually punched the wall next to him.


After a loud noise, a hole was hammered in the wall! When Li Xin opened his eyes again, a violent pressure began to cover the entire laboratory.

As Dr. Connors and others were almost out of breath and squatted on the ground, Li Xin had already activated the initial form of Susanoo.

Light blue ribs and a skeleton arm instantly condensed around Li Xin. The whole laboratory became extremely cold again, and people's breathing began to become extremely difficult. Some people with poor resistance could not hold on and fainted on the ground. At this time, Li Xin closed his eyes and carefully felt the flow of his chakra. If the previous chakra could only be described as a huge burning bonfire, then the state of the bonfire at this time was already a burning house.

This feeling of being full of energy and the endless chakra made it easy for Li Xin to maintain the skeleton state of Susanoo at this time.


As Li Xin released the pressure and Susanoo, everyone present was like fish on the shore returning to the water, breathing heavily.

Then Connors started typing on the keyboard again. When he looked at the report in the test instrument that showed everything was normal, a long-lost smile finally appeared on his pale face.......

On a moonlit night, in a house in Queens, Peter Parker, with a sad face, was leaning against the head of the bed, looking at the moon outside, in a daze.


Just as Peter was staring at the bright moon in a trance, a strange bird call appeared and interrupted his thoughts. Peter, who knew this familiar voice, quickly put on his mask and climbed out of the window.

When he just stood on the roof, he saw Li Xin wearing a high-necked robe on the roof not far away, but Peter no longer had the smile he had when he saw him before, because during this period of time, he found out that Li Xin was doing crazy human experiments.

This was exactly what Peter couldn't accept. Maybe he felt betrayed, or maybe he shouldn't have taken out the decay algorithm, but tonight he decided to ask his"good friend" clearly.

"Why do you want to do human experiments? Why do you want to kill innocent people like a demon?"

Peter looked at Li Xin with red eyes under the mask and said puzzledly; but Li Xin just smiled faintly and ran away, and seeing that Li Xin was about to leave, Peter quickly chased after her with the spider silk.

Until the two of them quickly shuttled between various high-rise buildings, crossed most of New York and came to the familiar unfinished building, they began to slowly stop.

However, just when Li Xin had just stood firm, a sharp whistle came from behind, and a spider silk had already shot towards Li Xin's back.


Just as the spider silk was about to shoot at Li Xin, Li Xin had already flashed in front of Peter in mid-air and kicked him in the abdomen.


Peter quickly used both hands to make a defensive posture after reacting, but the power of this kick was far beyond the previous one. After a burst of wind, Peter was kicked to the ground fiercely.

Before the dust and smoke cleared, Peter rushed out quickly with an angry face, and after shooting out two spider silks, he threw a fierce punch at Li Xin!


Even though Peter had used more force in this punch, Li Xin firmly grasped his fist and kicked Peter to the ground again.

This time, when Peter wanted to get up again, Li Xin had already stepped on his chest and stared at him coldly with her scarlet three-magatama Sharingan.

"This time, I won again. Those human experiments were indeed my idea, but for the sake of power, even if I didn't do it, there would be others who would do it. This is the reality...."

Looking at Li Xin's pretty face with a hint of evil, Peter felt that the person in front of him was so strange, so he began to struggle to get up while questioning in a harsh voice;

"This is just an excuse for your own power and selfishness. I just don't understand....Why? Why you?"

As Peter finished speaking, a more powerful force burst out from his body. When he roared again, he broke free from the restraints in an instant, and quickly turned around and kicked Li Xin.

But at this time, Li Xin had already activated the initial form of Susanoo, and with a quick swing of a skeleton arm, he caught Peter in mid-air.

"I'm sorry, Peter, but I have to do this. I'm here to say goodbye to you today. Maybe one day you will understand...."

When Li Xin's three-magatama Sharingan turned into a spinning windmill, a vortex-like space distortion instantly appeared.

After the space distortion ended, Li Xin's right hand already had a green Spider-Man suit and a mechanical arm device with four octopus-like tentacles.

"If you want to stop a stronger opponent in the future, put on this equipment tailor-made for you. See you later...."

After saying that, Li Xin removed the skeleton state of Susano. After throwing the equipment to Peter, Li Xin instantly arrived on the roof of the empty unfinished building.

When he looked up at Li Xin's figure in the moonlight, for some reason, Peter remembered the scene of his first meeting with Li Xin....

"Philip, the thing I regret most is opening the window for you that night...."

Looking at the scarlet evil three-magatama Sharingan, Peter sat on the ground and couldn't help shouting at the top.���Hearing Peter's sad words

, Li Xin just smiled and waved her hand, and then her body began to emit a strange light, and then it was as if something was pulling her, and she disappeared in this peaceful world in the blink of an eye.......

Just like before, when Li Xin was attracted by the strange attraction and entered the space tunnel, he once again felt the feeling of being unable to control himself, as if he was fast-forwarded at 2 times.

But unlike the last time when he felt a fast free fall, this time he felt like he was being thrown into the sky. Under the strong gravity, countless cosmic scenes passed by in an instant.


With a scene like a broken mirror, Li Xin traveled to a universe with many giant statues. Before Li Xin could see the bright eyes, the scene changed again. What he saw was all yellow, like a honeycomb universe. Before he could react, he fell into a deep sea. When he looked at the Statue of Liberty among the fish, the scene broke again....

Then there is the universe full of mirrors, the universe full of technology, the universe with green plants all over the city, the universe as desolate as the end of the world, the comic universe, the dark universe...

Finally, when Li Xin felt that he was about to reach his limit, the picture broke again. On a huge collapsed ruin, a figure quickly fell out of the space....

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