One month had passed since he stayed in this world. During this month, the Oss Group had devoted almost all its efforts to researching this project, and the results were becoming more and more ideal. At least this time, the characteristics of the lizardmen began to decrease.

"I will be leaving in two months. I don't know what's going on over there...."

For a moment, Li Xin thought of another universe, Darlene's family, and Tony and the others. Just when Li Xin's thoughts were flying, Peter sent a message;

"I'll wait for you at the old place. I've become stronger today."......

Half an hour later, in an unfinished building in Queens, two figures were running and colliding with each other quickly. As Peter was kicked away by Li Xin, he rolled over and fired a tricky spider silk at Li Xin.


Unfortunately, before the spider silk got close, it was cut off by a hand knife flashing with lightning. After a flash of lightning, Li Xin's figure instantly appeared at Peter's side again.

"Swish swish swish..."

Although Li Xin was very fast, Peter, who had already mastered the spider sense, reacted instantly, shooting spider silk while dodging to the side.

The two fought fiercely for 5 minutes. When Peter designed a spider web trap and successfully captured and tied up Li Xin, the battle came to an end.


But before Peter could be happy, the clone turned into a puff of white smoke and dissipated in the spider silk.

Just as Peter lowered his center of gravity and carefully guarded his surroundings, two hands suddenly stretched out from the ground and grabbed his ankles tightly, pulling half of his body into the ground.

"Damn it, when did you use the clone technique?"

Peter, who had been pulled underground by Li Xin using the"Earth Escape·Earth Dragon Hiding Technique", said to Li Xin while struggling and looking up;

"Hahaha, it seems you still need to practice..."

Looking at Peter who was trapped on the ground, Li Xin said with a smile, but before Li Xin finished laughing, Peter began to use more strength and broke free.


As Peter struggled to free himself, a hole appeared on the ground. Spider-Man's incredible strength made Li Xin envious.

During this period, Peter often fought with Li Xin, and he gradually became familiar with his abilities and his combat awareness. Moreover, Peter was originally very intelligent. Now, in terms of physical skills, Li Xin could no longer suppress him as easily as before.

However, Spider-Man's ability limit was only at the special level. Once Li Xin used ninjutsu or illusion, he would be defeated quickly.

"Ah~ Philip, your strange ninjutsu is too hard to defend against, and you haven't even used the original skeleton yet, is the gap between the special level and the extraordinary level so big?"

Looking at Peter taking off his mask and leaning aside while panting, Li Xin said with a smile;

"Maybe you can consider upgrading your equipment. Your tattered elastic fiber suit is neither waterproof nor anti-electric. If you encounter a villain stronger than you, you will be in trouble, right?"

After all, this generation of Spider-Man does not have an Iron Man father. He dares to fight against Electro alone with his courage and a tight suit without any protective ability.

And according to Li Xin's judgment, Electro probably has extraordinary strength. Thinking of this, Li Xin took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Nels of the Os Group.

"In fact, this suit is cool enough, and there is no stronger villain in New York than the Lizard Man, right?"

Looking at Peter's inexperienced look, Li Xinzhi could only pat his shoulder with a smile, because in the text message just now, Li Xin had arranged for Nels to help him make a new suit.

Just think of it as a parting gift. Spider-Man has friends and lovers in this life, and recently due to the decline in crime rates in New York, his relationship with his father-in-law has also begun to improve.

In addition, Li Xin personally trained him in actual combat, and then arranged a powerful suit for him, so that he would not experience Gwen's tragedy again.

"By the way, Peter, I noticed that you always like to use spider silk to save people recently."

During this period, Li Xin has seen Peter doing good deeds on the forum, but there is a phenomenon that he seems to trust his spider silk particularly, especially in a house that caught fire.

Peter first threw the person down and then hung him with spider silk. Although the person was fine, Li Xin still wanted to remind him, otherwise when he becomes accustomed to it, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

"Oh, you mean the last fire? Yes, it was an emergency and I had to throw the person out of the window first...."

However, just as Peter was praising how strong his spider silk was and how accurate it was, Li Xin raised his hand and interrupted him:

"I have no problem with you using spider silk to save people, but can you hold them and then shoot the spider silk to swing away? After all, no matter how accurate your shooting is, there will always be a day when you make a mistake."

"Well, you're right, maybe I can change this habit, but I rarely see you out recently, and the Daily Bugle is blackening you again, saying that you are just here for show, not a real street hero...."

Whenever Li Xin heard about the Daily Bugle, he felt helpless. In fact, in this universe, Li Xin rarely wore a mask to fight criminals, but Jonathan only caught him to report. This was even more so in that universe. Maybe he really had to find time to go to the Daily Bugle for a good cup of tea.................................

As another month passed, the"Regeneration Serum" project finally made new progress. This time, the experimental subject No. 20 not only showed a small amount of lizard characteristics, but also had a trace amount of chakra energy in his body.

In the following time, Connors studied the serum almost day and night, and the condition of experimental subject No. 20 gradually stabilized. Finally, one week before the countdown to Li Xin's departure, the last step came, that is, Li Xin personally injected a small dose of light green liquid in the"Regeneration Serum" laboratory. This was the result of Connors' nearly three months of research to match Li Xin's cells, the"Perfect Regeneration Serum".

Moreover, after a large number of human experiments, there are basically not too many side effects, and its effect is to enhance Li Xin's physical fitness and the amount of chakra........

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