Half an hour later, outside a luxurious manor in Manhattan, an old Jetta car slowly pulled over to the side of the road. As Li Xin parked the car, a woman walking her dog passing by couldn't help but show a look of contempt.

However, Li Xin didn't care about the woman's look. When he looked at the big golden retriever, his eyes under the sunglasses had turned into three-magatama Sharingan.

At this moment, the big golden retriever who was walking and playing happily, his eyes instantly turned into scarlet Sharingan state! The originally well-behaved dog suddenly started to run faster, and its hostess who was pulling the rope was wearing high heels. She was suddenly pulled by the dog and fell to the ground instantly.

""Aiya~ what are you doing~ baby!"

However, before the woman could react, the dog had already lifted his legs over her clothes and then urinated naturally.


The woman screamed when she saw her expensive clothes were soaked with urine. At this time, the golden retriever had returned to its original state, as if it had discovered that it had made a mistake. It began to look at its mistress with its big, bright eyes and an innocent look, and made a whining sound.

As a dog lover, the woman was no longer angry, but picked up the dog and comforted it while saying sorry.

Li Xin, who happened to see this scene not far away, naturally smiled and sighed in her heart;

"It is indeed much easier to control animals than to control people.".....

At this time, in a luxuriously decorated room in the manor, Norman Osborn, who looked haggard and ready to die at any time, was lying on a bed full of medical equipment.

When he seemed to feel something and slowly opened his eyes, a man wearing a white mask and a black robe appeared beside his bed.

"oh...I...Is this going to die?..."

Norman Osborn, who was full of fatigue, said weakly after seeing Li Xin, but Li Xin just glanced at him and turned around to look around the room.

"There are so many valuable paintings hanging in this room. Is this a gorgeous bedroom full of art? Or is it an intensive care unit filled with the smell of drugs and death?...Mr. Osborne" a cold voice came from under the mask, and Osborne, who was lying on the bed, smiled weakly after hearing it;

"Hehe..cough cough...You were able to get in here quietly, I'm afraid you are here for the Oss Group..."

Having been lying in bed for so many years, Osborne knew too well that those who were willing to step into this room were basically for his own Osborne Group.

Li Xin saw that Osborne could see through his intentions at a glance, so he simply stopped pretending and said bluntly;

"Let's make a deal. I can let you live longer, or cure your son, and you just need to do me a small favor...."

Half an hour later, Norman Osborn, whose face seemed a little ruddy, was giving instructions to the old man who looked like a butler beside him. Li Xin, who had already returned to the car, was studying a small cube in his hand silently.

Just as Li Xin was staring at it, Peter, who was coming out of the Osborn Building, called.

""Philip, I found it. The lizard man last night was none other than my father's colleague, Dr. Kurt Connors."

Peter seemed to have discovered some amazing secret. He quickly passed through the crowd of Os Group and said hurriedly on the phone;

"This biology PhD has spent his life doing cross-species and cross-genetic experiments, but his equations didn't match up, so he transformed himself into a lizard"

"I saw an empty serum syringe in his laboratory, and I also found that the experimental mouse had mutated into a lizard...."

Peter was talking about his findings quickly on the phone, but Li Xin was listening calmly, then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom in the direction of Osborne Building....

"Are you in the Aos Group? Wait for me, I'll be there soon...."

Half an hour later, Peter, who looked anxious, said anxiously after getting on the bus;

"Let's go to the police station. I know Gwen's father. He is the chief of the New York Police Department. He will definitely arrest Dr. Connors."

However, Li Xin turned around and said to him slowly;

"Peter, maybe we don't need to involve them. You and I both know how dangerous the lizard man is. My suggestion is that the two of us are enough. When the time comes, just pack it up and give it to him. Isn't this just clearing your suspicion?"

In fact, Li Xin thought of his past life. After all, Peter's father-in-law died at the hands of a lizard man, and now that he actually encountered one, he would naturally not let this happen again.

After that, Li Xin drove the car to Dr. Connors's residence under Peter's command. However, just as the two had predicted, the place was already deserted.

However, when the clever Peter saw those little four-legged snakes crawling into the sewer, he instantly understood something and said;

"Sewer! He told me that he was working on a new project alone, and if he wanted to avoid being discovered, the sewer was the best place for him to hide."

"Okay, but do you know how big the sewers in New York are?"

In fact, Li Xin also knew that the Lizardmen were hiding in the sewers to conduct research, and after an injection of the serum, Connors's mind began to have problems, and he wanted to turn everyone into Lizardmen like him.

"I know, but if he wants to continue his research, he will definitely need his equipment, so his hiding place will definitely not be too far from the Oss Group."

Then Peter took out the map of the New York sewers and began to study it, and decided to go out tonight to arrest the lizard man in the sewers and clear his suspicion.


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