Finally, Peter thought of Aunt May, Gwen, and then Li Xin who was wearing ill-fitting clothes that night....While Peter was still lost in thought, there was a knock on the door.

"It's me. Aunt Mei cooked noodles today and I brought them to you."

After saying that, Li Xin opened the door, and when he saw Peter sitting on the floor in a tight suit, he smiled inexplicably.

"What are you laughing at?"

Peter said while slurping the noodles and looking at Li Xin curiously;

"I laugh at the tight suit you wear, and it can be seen that you don't seem to have much experience in being a hero."

Li Xin said lightly while eating chocolate and sitting on the sofa;

"This is spandex, the material most favored by athletes, and experience, are you also a hero?"

In fact, Peter did not believe that Li Xin was from another universe, and according to Peter's observation, how could someone as ruthless as Li Xin be a hero?

Hearing this, Li Xin smiled, and then asked Peter in return;

"Peter, what do you think makes a hero?"

"Protect innocent people from being bullied by bad guys, do what you can to help more people..."

Seeing Peter answering seriously, Li Xin said to him with a smile;

"Your understanding may be correct, but you have lived in New York for so long, I think you know what it is like here better than I do."

"When I first arrived last night, I was robbed twice before I even walked out of the end of the street. You can imagine how many crimes of all sizes happen in Queens every day. How can you help? Moreover, let alone Brooklyn next door."

Just as Peter was about to continue speaking, Li Xin quickly raised her hand to interrupt him and continued;

"But in my universe, within three months of my debut, the crime rate in Brooklyn and Queens was basically under control."

"Not to mention the entire Queens, just 20th and 21st streets, plus 4th and 5th streets, basically, no one dares to rob with guns or knives, because of the rules. I set the rules for those who like to commit crimes with my actions...."

"But more importantly, the people who have been influenced by me have the courage to say no to darkness. A hero is not a babysitter who has to stay there to protect them all the time. A hero should be able to give those who have been in darkness for a long time hope to see the light and give them the courage to stand up and say"no"...."

Peter on the ground saw that Li Xin was speaking so seriously, and after thinking about it and finding it very reasonable, he immediately sat up straight and asked Li Xin;

"So what should I do to change this place?"

Seeing Peter's silly expression, Li Xin patted his shoulder with relief and continued;

"My method may not be suitable for you, but one thing is certain, that is, your strength is too weak. If you want to avoid being hurt by the bad guys, you have to be stronger than the bad guys."

In fact, Spider-Man's current strength can only be regarded as a special level, but this universe does not have those perverted existences, but his problem is that he has no combat experience and is not ruthless enough.......

There was no conversation that night.

Although we experienced some battles last night, every morning when you wake up, you will be greeted by a new day.

As expected, the appearance of Spider-Man and the Lizard Man on the Williamsburg Bridge last night has successfully become a hot search in New York.

The appearance of these dangerous unknown creatures in New York has also caused many innocent casualties.

Some people living here have run to the door of the police station to protest with placards.

Under pressure from the media, the masses, and the leaders, George, the police chief, did not sleep all night. He held a press conference at the door of the New York Police Department as soon as he got to work in the morning.

"Calm down, calm down, kids...."

On the podium at the venue, George raised his arms and spoke to the noisy people in the audience in a soothing manner. When the people who came to the scene quieted down for a moment, George began to speak seriously into the microphone;

"At about 9pm last night a regrettable accident occurred on Fort William Bridge and I know many people are speculating on what happened...."

"Of course, there were also many people who witnessed the crime, and through the initial investigation, we clearly knew that someone was at the crime scene, which is why I am applying for an arrest warrant today to arrest the so-called masked messenger of justice, Spider-Man...."

As George finished speaking, the crowd below started to make noises again. Some did not understand, some cheered, and some cursed the government for being stupid. But what could not be changed was the fact that Spider-Man had become a criminal suspect.

Peter, who was eating breakfast, showed a puzzled and disappointed look to Li Xin after seeing the news on TV.

But to be honest, Li Xin was used to this kind of government operation, so he said calmly while reading the newspaper.

"If you can't solve the problem, then get rid of the person who created it. It's the same everywhere, just get used to it...."

"Maybe they don't understand the truth of the matter at all. I'm full and going to school first." After all,

Peter is still young and inexperienced. Seeing that he was wanted even though he had clearly protected others, he really couldn't understand it. He put down the tableware with an unhappy look on his face, picked up his backpack and skateboard, and slammed the door and walked out.

However, before Peter had walked far, a horn sounded from behind. When Peter turned around, it was Li Xin who was in the driver's seat;

"What are you doing here? Don’t you want to see Aunt Mei off?"

"Aunt Mei is taking a day off today, silly."

In the car, Li Xin and Peter had a brief meeting. In fact, when Peter saw the Lizard Man and Dr. Rada, he already had a guess in his mind about who the Lizard Man was or who he was related to;

"Then go to Oss Group and look for Dr. Connors after school. If you have any questions, call me first."

"What about you? You don't have to go to school, so what do you do every day?"

"Make money..."

When Li Xin sent Peter to school, they happened to meet the blonde beauty Gwen Stacy at the school gate.

When Peter saw Gwen, his originally depressed expression instantly disappeared, and he quickly put on a smiling expression and greeted Gwen outside;

"Hi, Peter! Uh, who is this?"

Gwen outside greeted Peter with a smile and pointed at Li Xin in the car and asked;

"Oh, he is Philip Lee, my good friend."

Li Xin simply nodded and greeted him, then pulled Peter and whispered to him;

"Peter, listen to my advice, because you are young, you don't understand, you don't have experience, because the water here is very deep, women...It will only affect your knife speed...."

After that, Li Xin patted Peter's back vigorously, and then drove away from the school in Peter's puzzled eyes. Gwen, who was standing by, saw that Peter and the stranger looked so familiar, and she became curious about him.

At this time, Li Xin in the car sighed slightly. Gwen was a good woman, but unfortunately her past life had a bad ending. Not only did her father die in the line of duty, but she also died in the arms of her beloved, which became a pain that Peter could not let go of for the rest of his life.

Seeing how close they were, Li Xin knew that it was probably too late to persuade Peter to become a Sigma man. She could only think of ways to improve Peter's combat power and let him change his fate.

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