"Brother, no matter how I wronged you, no matter what I did to make you like this...I'm sorry, but these people are innocent and killing them won't do you any good...."

As Thor stood straight ahead, the Destroyer opened his mask again, flashing with fire and began to accumulate energy.

"Kill me, and that's it."

Thor saw that the Destroyer was about to fire at him, but he still had a fearless look on his face. He still stood calmly in front of the Destroyer, watching the Destroyer slightly.

Seeing this, Sif and Jane Fortes, who were not far away, were so nervous that their hearts were in their throats. Daisy even began to cover her eyes, fearing that she would see Thor's blood and flesh flying everywhere.

However, the bloody scene did not appear. After the light energy under the Destroyer's mask burned for a while, it did not shoot out. Instead, the mask was put back on with a"click" of metal sound, as if the farce was over.

When Thor saw the mask was put back on and the Destroyer was about to turn around and leave, a smile appeared on his face. When the people not far away saw the tense atmosphere begin to dissipate, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, just when everyone thought the farce was about to end, the Destroyer suddenly punched Thor. Thor, who had a smile on his face, saw the Destroyer turned around and attacked him, and he was careless for a while and did not dodge!


The defenseless Thor was thrown 5 meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

"No! Thor!"

Subconsciously, Jane Fortes rushed out of the crowd, not caring about her own safety at all, and threw herself on Thor who was lying on the ground, and stroked his face with a distressed look.

Sif, who had not yet reacted, could only stare blankly at what was happening in front of her. Even if she was usually fast and agile, she felt that she could not catch up at this moment. Thor, who seemed to be dying on the ground, looked at Jane Fortes in front of him with deep affection, and then said to the gentle woman in front of him:

"It's all over...."

But Jane Fortes said with tears in her eyes and shaking her head;

"No, it won't end."

"I mean, you're safe...."

Thor looked at the woman in front of him affectionately, and after he finished speaking with a look of relief, he slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing this, the other people also began to look gloomy. Even the Destroyer Armor beside him thought that its mission had been completed and began to turn around and walk back.

However, at this moment, in a government research institute outside the town, a technician's computer detected a strong energy reaction again. And this time the source of the energy reaction was actually from the center of their institution!

"Beep beep..."

A researcher in a white coat next to the hammer suddenly saw the instrument in his hand begin to react violently, and the hammer that no one could lift was vibrating violently at this time, and this strange vibration was like an excited emotion.

""Gift crab~"

Before the surprised researcher could finish, the sky, which was originally sunny, began to thunder loudly, and the hammer flew quickly into the sky amid the thunder, breaking through the newly built roof of the institute!

At this time, on the streets of the town, Jane Fortes, with a sad face, was still shedding sad tears for Thor, who had closed his eyes on the ground, completely unaware that a strong sound of breaking through the air was coming from afar.

The old scientist Dr.

Shavig obviously noticed the mysterious object flying rapidly in the distance, and the direction where the object landed seemed to be Thor.


After Dr. Shavig shouted loudly, he ran to Jane Fortes and pulled her away, ignoring the fact that Jane Fortes looked sad and unwilling to leave.


As Thor's hammer flew to Thor's side in an instant, Thor, who was lying on the ground, had already opened his eyes angrily when his divine power returned, and one hand was firmly grasping Thor's hammer that was breaking through the air.


A strong lightning in the sky struck Thor on the ground, and then the light of thunder began to flicker. Thor held Thor's hammer high and stood firmly in the dazzling lightning. As the lightning faded, the worn T-shirt on his body had turned into a majestic golden cape armor!

At this time, Thor's eyes were full of light and his face was firm. After swinging the hammer in his hand for two and a half circles, he swung it towards the Destroyer armor.

After being hit by this blow, the Destroyer, who was more than 3 meters tall, seemed to be hit by a huge force and fell directly backwards.

"Thunder strike ~ shock wave!"

As Thor began to show his power and took control of the situation, everyone finally showed excitement, especially the old scientist Dr. Shavig, who was staring with wide eyes, afraid of missing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

As if automatically, Thor's hammer flew back to Thor's hand, and the Destroyer lying on the ground was not a piece of scrap metal. With the fire on his head shining, he raised his head and fired a high-temperature laser cannon at Thor.


Thor swung Thor's hammer quickly at the light cannon that was shot at him, and the high-temperature light cannon that was originally invincible became a small firework at this time, and was easily hammered away by Thor's Thor's hammer.

After a huge spark burst out, Thor began to grab the handle of the hammer, and then began to spin Thor's hammer quickly.

Suddenly, the sky of this world began to be covered with dark clouds, and with bursts of thunder, violent wind tornadoes began to descend on this battlefield, and Thor also flew into the sky with this tornado, and then he spun hard again, and some gravel on the ground, car poles and Destroyer armor were swept up into the sky by the violent tornado. The Destroyer

, who was swept into the air, also began to fire at full power at this time. A strong flame shone from his head, and high-temperature light cannons shot at Thor rapidly as if they were free.

However, at this moment in this tornado with violent storms and rolling thunder, Thor's figure was unpredictable, and he easily knocked away or dodged these powerful high-temperature light cannons. After that, Thor began to fly to the highest point, and after swinging Thor's hammer a few times, he began to turn around and rushed rapidly towards the Destroyer below.

The Destroyer was not to be outdone, and his entire chest and head began to burn, and suddenly a thick and fierce high-temperature ray shot towards Thor who was flying straight towards him............

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