"For Asgard!"

Volstagg, who was thrown out by the two men at this time, shouted loudly in the air with his axe raised high; but just when he was about to chop down with the axe, the Destroyer just waved his hand lightly and slapped the"big fat pig" flying towards him away heavily!


Volstag flew backwards and fell heavily on a car. He covered his waist with a painful expression on his face. However, when he opened his eyes again, the Destroyer had already walked in front of him step by step!

""Bang! Bang!"

There was a sound of metal collision, and the Destroyer slowly stood still. Then the mask on his head began to shrink, and the high-temperature red light of energy storage began to shine again.

At this time, Volstag, who was thrown on the car, saw that the Destroyer was about to fire a high-temperature laser cannon at him, and his eyes immediately became panic. After all, at this distance and with his injured body, he couldn't dodge at all!

Just when he could only pray in his heart, a flexible figure quietly appeared from the roof next to him and jumped down from the blind spot of the Destroyer in front of him.

A sharp double-headed spear instantly pierced through the Destroyer's neck, which was storing energy, and stuck it directly into the ground.


Seeing that Sif's sneak attack from behind was successful, Volstagg, who was lying on the car, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At this time, Sif, who was on the back of the Destroyer, saw Volstagg's frightened expression below, and also rolled her eyes at him arrogantly.

As the light energy on the Destroyer disappeared, everyone began to smile victoriously. Sif was worthy of being a brave female warrior of Asgard. The timing of this shot was really fast and fierce.

However, just when everyone thought that the Destroyer armor seemed to be out of service. The metal on its body began to wriggle like liquid, and then, in the incredible expressions of everyone, the Destroyer armor actually turned its front and back, and in the blink of an eye, it turned its front body into its back!


After the Destroyer completed the transformation, he ignored the spear still stuck in his neck and fired a high-temperature laser cannon directly at Sif in front of him!

But Sif was an experienced female warrior after all. As soon as she found the danger, she decisively abandoned her double-headed gun and instantly jumped away like a nimble cheetah.


As Sif finished speaking, Volstagg, with the help of the other two warriors, quickly began to retreat and find cover.

After the Destroyer's high-temperature laser cannon missed, he immediately stood up and pulled out his double-headed gun, then turned around and headed towards the people running fast on the street and began to charge again.


A fierce high-temperature ray instantly passed by Sif's feet, then went straight across the street and shot directly at the house on the side, causing a series of explosions and sparks.


With a scream, Sif, who dodged in time, was blown aside by the explosion caused by the ray and fell to the ground. Just as the three warriors were about to come over and pull Sif to continue retreating,


Another high-temperature laser cannon exploded between them. This time they had no time to dodge and were blown into the shop on the side by the explosive energy. As one wave of disasters came, another wave arose. The unfortunate Volstagg just covered his old waist and stood up with a dizzy face, and happened to meet the eyes of the Destroyer in front of him with a red glow.


A high-temperature laser cannon fired, and the entire convenience store was instantly reduced to ruins in a sea of fire. Fortunately, Volstagg dodged the Destroyer the moment he saw it, and escaped from the convenience store by hopping and rolling before the explosion.


There was a tense and rapid panting sound. After a brief fight with the Destroyer, everyone finally realized that they were not at the same level as this big metal guy! He couldn't be killed. The high-temperature rays sprayed from his head were fast and powerful, and the powerful light cannon rays were like free, bombarding randomly.

Behind an abandoned car, the brave Sif covered her waist that had just been injured by the explosion, panting and looking at the Destroyer who was striding forward. At this time, her expression seemed to be ready to die bravely. Thor, who was originally watching the battle from a distance, saw that the Destroyer had dealt with his good friends with a casual move, and hurriedly ran to Sif's side regardless of the danger.

"Sif, Sif, you have done enough, retreat!"

Thor naturally understood Sif's character, so he immediately pressed Sif's shoulder and began to persuade her;

"No, I will not retreat. I will die like a warrior, and history will remember all this."

But Sif covered her wound and shook her head stubbornly.

"Sif, live on, and tell the story yourself.

Thor would not watch his good friend die like this, so he stroked Sif's face and said softly.

Sif seemed to be moved by Thor's affection, closed her eyes and nodded with difficulty, and when the Destroyer fired another high-temperature laser cannon, she stood up and ran away quickly.


As the car was blown up into the sky, Thor also evaded the attack after a roll, and then ran to the three warriors who were struggling to support Volstagg. Seeing that the three warriors were not seriously injured, Thor was relieved and said quickly;

"You must return to Asgard and stop Loki!"

"So what are you going to do?"

Fandral, adhering to the principle of not understanding but believing, asked Thor questioningly while supporting Volstagg who was pregnant.

"Don't worry, friends, I have my own plan.

After Thor finished speaking, his face suddenly became resolute; then he turned silently and walked towards the direction of the Destroyer on the street.

After that, the three warriors left with Dr. Shavig and Jane Fortes, but Thor directly threw away the shield in his hand and walked towards the Destroyer on the street without any defense.

The people who were originally nervous and fearful and were retreating were also shocked by Thor's strange operation;

"Wait, what is he doing?"

Jane Fortes, in particular, forgot to retreat for a moment when she saw her beloved man bravely ready to die, and said in disbelief.

But Thor ignored everyone else and just walked towards the center of the street with a determined and complicated expression....

At this time, the Destroyer on the empty street stopped firing when he saw Thor was exposed to his firepower. Instead, he quietly walked in front of Thor, lowered his head and looked down at him, wanting to see what was going on..........

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