At this time, in the depths of the distant universe, where the stars and the moon shine together, there is a vast fairyland with fairy mountains and pavilions, surrounded by divine light, and magnificent. At a glance, you can see the shining nine-world universe in the starry sky.

Loki, the king of New Asgard, wearing green armor and holding the Eternal Spear, is walking towards the rainbow bridge at the edge of the palace with a gloomy face.

At the end of the rainbow bridge, Heimdall, a guardian wearing golden armor and holding a golden sword, is standing straight in front of him, blocking Loki's way;

"Tell me, Loki, how did you bring the Jotun into Asgard?"

Heimdall exuded a sense of oppression when he saw Loki rushing over, and then asked the person in front of him with a bad face; but Loki just stopped with an impatient look on his face, holding the Spear of Eternity with one hand, and then sneered at Heimdall and said;

"Do you think the Rainbow Bridge is the only way to enter and exit the kingdom? There are many secret passages between the kingdoms that you can't see even if you are gifted."

"But I no longer need those. I am the king now, so I declare that because of your treasonous behavior, you are relieved of your position as"gatekeeper" and you are no longer a citizen of Asgard."

Loki didn't seem to want to waste too much time here, so he quickly said coldly to Heimdall; and Heimdall snorted after hearing it, and then he also let go of his momentum and said to Loki in a deep voice;

"In that case, I don't have to obey you anymore!"

As soon as the words fell, Heimdall swung out the golden sword fiercely, and immediately swung the sword towards Loki with this powerful momentum!

Facing this powerful and fierce sword, Loki still stood quietly in the same place, as if he didn't take Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard, seriously at all.

When Heimdall's sword was about to reach his eyes, Loki turned his hands in front of his abdomen and took out the treasure of the Jotun Giant Town from his magic pocket - the Ice Box!


The moment the Ice Box appeared, the blood of the Frost Giant in Loki's body began to awaken, his skin color began to turn gray, and his eyes were full of blood.

The Ice Box between his hands suddenly shone brightly, emitting a strong beam of ice energy. The temperature around him began to drop sharply, and even the entire space was about to be frozen.

At this time, Heimdall, who was slashing at Loki with his sword, could not dodge at all. He could only forcibly mobilize all his divine power to continue slashing forward.

But the energy of the Ice Box was too strong. In the blink of an eye, Heimdall was covered by ice energy all over his body, his divine power was sealed, and he maintained the posture of swinging the sword and became a human-shaped ice sculpture, unable to move.

Loki looked at the sword in front of him that almost touched him, mocked, and retracted his hands. The Ice Box had been taken back into his magic pocket again, and the appearance of the Frost Giant on his body began to slowly disappear.

"I really can't stand you guys....You foolish man who wants to stop me! Humph!"

Loki picked up the Spear of Eternity, strode past Heimdall who had turned into an ice sculpture, and walked straight to the end of the Rainbow Bridge.....

At this time, outside the town of Brooms, New Mexico, Agent Coulson was squatting on the ground looking at the traces left after the Rainbow Bridge was projected. Many cars were parked around this ancient and strange circular pattern.

Some agents in suits were holding some equipment and doing simple recording and collection work around the pattern.

"Ask someone from the linguistics department to come and take a look."

After taking a look, Coulson, who was wearing sunglasses, said to the bald agent Sitwell who was wearing glasses beside him; after hearing the order, Sitwell walked aside to make a phone call, but when he just took two steps, the originally clear sky above his head suddenly became cloudy.

And accompanied by bursts of thunder, the clouds began to roll back to the ground, as if something was about to pass through the clouds above and fall to the ground.

This sudden strange phenomenon in the sky was naturally seen by the people in the town not far away. The clouds rolled towards the ground like an inverted tornado. A huge pressure also began to slowly descend on the world.

After Thor in the research institute felt the familiar breath from his hometown, he immediately came out with the three warriors of Asgard and Sif

"Is there anyone else coming?"

Daisy, the beautiful assistant beside him, was already used to it, so she looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky in the distance and said calmly; although Thor had lost his divine power, when he felt the source of the huge pressure in front of him, he seemed to think of something, and his face immediately became cold;

"Jane, take everyone away quickly, this is a dangerous guy."

Saul turned around and said to Jane and Dr. Shavig urgently; but Jane Fortes seemed to have sensed the dangerous aura, so she looked at Saul with concern and said;

"What about yours? You're not leaving with us?"

"No, I want to stay here and fight!"

Though Thor had lost his divine power, as the guardian of the Nine Realms, how could he easily escape from the battle? After saying this, he walked to the three warriors of Asgard, patted his friends on the shoulders and said;

"My friends, I am now a mortal, and will only be a hindrance and even a burden to you, but I will evacuate the people here."

"Don't worry, we will fight together!"

The three warriors of Asgard and Sif have fought side by side with Thor in the Nine Realms for so many years, so there is no need to say more about their tacit understanding.

"If you want to stay, then I want to stay too"

For some reason, Jane Fortes couldn’t help but say when she saw the man she loved going to the battlefield;

"Jane, now is not the time to talk about this, we need���We have to evacuate the crowd first."

After all, Shavig was a doctor. Seeing that the situation was beyond the reach of mortals like them, he pulled Jane Fortes and said;

"You need time, so we will buy you time!"

At this time, Fandral, who was carrying a rapier among the three warriors, stood up and said confidently; after Thor finished cheering, he began to quickly assign tasks, and everyone began to disperse in a surging blood, and urgently evacuated the crowd.

At this time, outside the town, Sitwell was looking at the front with a shocked face. It turned out that after the storm disappeared, a tall and mighty black metal giant suddenly fell from the sky.

As the dust raised by the strong wind dissipated, Sitwell said nervously to Coulson beside him;

"Is that Stark?"

Coulson dusted himself off and said calmly;

"I don't know. That guy never told me anything."...........

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