At this time, in the research institute, Coulson, who was wearing a suit and tie and looked like a salesman, was hurriedly walking towards the technical station under the guidance of an agent.

It turned out that when the Rainbow Bridge suddenly came, a technician's computer detected the energy, and Agent Coulson quickly came to the technical station and walked to the side of the detector as soon as he heard the news;

"What the hell was that just now?"

"I don't know, sir. We just detected a strong energy reaction, and then it suddenly disappeared. The target is 15 kilometers northwest."

A bald agent with glasses was looking at the records on the computer, and then quickly reported to Coulson.

"Let's go check it out, we'll set off right away."

After Coulson glanced at the record report on the computer, he immediately gave the order, and then led a group of agents to get on the car and drove towards the scene of the incident.

At this time, in a house in the town, Eric Shavig, a doctor of astronomy who had just had a hangover, was dazed and made himself a cup of hangover granules at the dining table.

He never expected that the strong man named Thor could drink so much. Eric, who was originally known for his ability to drink a thousand cups, was actually knocked down.

Daisy, a beautiful assistant who was also waiting for breakfast at the dining table, was looking at the dizzy doctor with a smile on her face. In the kitchen, a blond white strong man and a beautiful woman were happily making breakfast for everyone;

It was just that when the two of them occasionally met eyes, they would smile shyly at each other.

After last night's experience, Thor had matured a lot. He had lost his divine power and was no longer qualified to lift Thor's hammer.

Especially after his younger brother told him that it was because of him that his father died of overwork, he felt deeply guilty.

However, last night, Dr. Eric risked his life to rescue him from the cage, and after counseling him at the table, Thor began to re-recognize and change himself.

Although he didn't know where his life was going for the first time, fortunately, he met Jane Fortes in the world, the girl of his dreams, and from then on he had a little expectation for the future........

At this time, in the underground treasury of Asgard, Loki, wearing luxurious armor, a green cape, and a horned helmet on his head, was walking towards the end of the treasury with great momentum.

When he arrived in front of the platform where the Ice Box was stored, he angrily stabbed the Spear of Eternity into the ground. In an instant, the metal wall at the end of the treasury began to change, and a metal giant about 3 meters tall slowly walked towards him as if following Loki's instructions;

"No matter what, don't let my brother come back!"

Loki looked up at the metal giant Destroyer in front of him, and said angrily; after a moment, seeing that his thoughts seemed to be connected with the Destroyer in front of him, he said to the Destroyer again in a cold voice;

"Destroy Everything..."......

Meanwhile, on Earth, in a small town called Brooms, New Mexico, the three Asgardian warriors and Sif in armor were being looked at curiously by the residents around them.

One of the children even pulled the sleeve of his mother and pointed happily at the big hammer in the hand of one of the strong men.

However, the four people on the street ignored the gazes and pointers of the people around them and just walked towards the target in a hurry according to the coordinates given by Heimdall.

"Are there any Renaissance shows in this town?"

Two agents were standing on a rooftop beside the street, holding coffee. When they saw these four people wearing armor and holding weapons, they thought they were here to perform, so they joked with each other;

"Let's report to the headquarters."

An agent still followed the instructions from above and reported all suspicious findings. He picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand, looked at the strangely dressed people below and began to describe carefully;

"Headquarters, we found War Princess Xena, Jack Cheng and Robin Hood..."

At this time, in a research laboratory that had been vacated by S.H.I.E.L.D., Jane Fortes and Dr. Shavig were discussing Jane Fortes' theory of the Nine Realms and the Rainbow Bridge based on what Thor said.

"This is a great theory, Jane, but it won't convince the scientific community. If you want them to believe it, you have to have evidence."

After all, Shavig is an old scientist in his 50s. Although the appearance of Thor has made him begin to believe in Norse mythology, he still finds it difficult to accept this theory that cannot be scientifically confirmed.

Just as he finished speaking, there was a hurried knock on the glass door. Everyone turned around and saw the three warriors of Asgard and Sif outside the door.

"Found you!"

A big-bellied man with a beard and an axe was looking at them with a smile on his face, and shouted excitedly to Thor in the crowd.

When Thor saw his good brothers, he quickly took off his scarf and hugged the big-bellied Volstagg with a big laugh.

This sudden scene shocked Dr. Shavig and the others, especially the old scientist Dr. Shavig, who didn't even notice that the water cup in his hand had fallen to the ground.

"My friends! Hahahaha..."

At this moment, Thor once again showed his childlike smile, and patted Volstagg's back vigorously during the hug;

"Great, this is great, haha.."

After the hug, Thor began to introduce everyone. And watching the drama in front of him, Dr. Shavig murmured in shock;


Jane Foster looked at Thor with a smile on her face. This was the first time she saw Thor smile so happily.

"My friends, I am really happy to see you, but���You shouldn't come to see me..."

After Thor finished his introduction, he patted his good brother on the shoulder and said with a worried look on his face; Seeing that Thor was in a bad mood, Fandral, one of the three warriors, said in confusion;

"What do you mean? We are here to take you home."

But Thor shook his head sadly and said;

"You know, I can't go back. My father died because of me. Maybe I should continue to be exiled."

Seeing Thor's self-blaming look, Sif quickly said to Thor;

"Thor, your father is still alive!"

Thor, who was originally sad, immediately became stiff after hearing Sif's words. At this moment, he suddenly thought of his good brother Loki in his mind; it seems that he has been deceived again....................

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