Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 554 The War Begins

"Your Majesty, the intelligence department has determined that this terrorist incident was not caused by the citizens of this country. There are wrecks left by explosives here, please take a look."

"Give it to me!"

"Hey, if you have something, just say it quickly, don't hesitate." Namor understood the other party's concern, so he spoke first.

As soon as Namor gave an order, the guards attacked Erik at an extremely fast speed like a surging school of fish.

As for the murderer, Erik, he easily escaped from the encirclement while the other party was taking care of his subordinates. Until he returned to the ground, he never suffered a single block, which shows how effective the power of those red smoke is.

The red thick smoke was scattered from the adhesive of the battle suit, and the high-intensity tear gas component caused all the officers with average physical fitness to have different degrees of rejection.

"Your Majesty, do you need to negotiate with the other party, and then we are making a decision?"

When Erik discovered that his identity was exposed, he directly activated the emergency distress system.

Before Namor could refute, a young martial artist protested. Under his instigation, the other young generals were also filled with righteous indignation.

"There are assassins, come quickly!" When the ministers saw that Namor was injured, they immediately called the Royal Guard.

As for their commander Namor, he was originally a military attaché. Therefore, in the treatment of such violent incidents, it is also inclined to use violence to control violence.

Due to the particularity of this (befb) material, it easily penetrates Namor's skin. Fortunately, the location where he was injured was not the key, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although Namor was injured, his anger had overshadowed the pain. Under his order, the guards gave up a passage, and Namor walked directly to the center of the venue.

But unfortunately, Erik's battle suit was carefully crafted by White Wolf, and ordinary physical attacks could not hurt him at all.

Now that someone is willing to support his idea, Namor is no longer bound. He simply stood up from the throne and stared at the crowd with an imposing manner.

What's more worth mentioning is that in order to facilitate Erik's escape, the White Wolf focused on enhancing the escape performance at the beginning of its design.

The minister handed over the fragments in his hand, and after a period of research, Namor suddenly became wild.

Look back at Atlantis.

An old minister stepped forward to give advice. He was well aware of Namor's temper, and was afraid that the other party would bring harm to the entire ethnic group because of a momentary impulse.

"Sure enough, it's Wakanda's thief!"

In a rage, Namor wandered anxiously at the door of the hospital. He can't wait for the report coming from below, and he must know the state of the nationals' treatment as soon as possible.

Erik's body is exposed, but because his face cannot be seen, Namor is temporarily unable to identify his true identity.

"This time, they must have a reason to start a war. 35 Erik said with a smug look on his face, looking forward to the upcoming events.

But just as he was about to speak, a flying dagger interrupted his speech. The dagger is completely black, and the material is all made of Vibranium.

"Your Majesty, the lives of the officials are not in serious trouble, they can be cured for a few days. But there is really no way to heal the refugees who have been attacked by terror.

However, for that guy, it wasn't a big concern originally. As far as Namor's current thinking is concerned, capturing Erik directly is the top priority.

Since Wakanda implements a high-intensity restriction mechanism for Vibranium, the outside world cannot obtain it through conventional channels at all. That is to say, the use of such a large number of items is only possible at the origin.

I don't know how long it took, but the director in charge of the medical treatment slowly opened the door. With a tired face, he did not dare to have a conversation with Namor.

The long-term peaceful life made the military attachés very low. Therefore, after this incident happened, their reaction was the strongest, obviously with certain selfish desires.

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the audience. For the substance Vibranium, no one does not know where it comes from.

"Negotiate? What is there to negotiate? The other party has already attacked us. Do you still want us to seek peace?"

In an instant, a group of guards with steel forks rushed into the conference room and surrounded Namor in order to protect him.

In the face of the invisible enemy, he directly stirred up the air flow, and Erik's Vibranium battle suit was temporarily ineffective under the image of that strange situation.

"Fuck, this thing is made of Vibranium!"

"Get out of the way!"

Namor had to give up tracking Erik in order to take care of his subordinates. He directly controlled the airflow to blow the smoke away, and then went alone to notify the Royal Physician, asking them to increase medical reinforcements.

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