Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 553 The turbulent imperial city

On the calm sea, wearing a special battle suit, Erik drifted across the boundless Wangyang like a straggler.

After a period of displacement, he finally reached the direction pointed by the navigation needle. At the moment, the sea is still as calm as ever, and no one could have imagined that there would be a shocking reversal in the next second.

Erik activated the button on the battle suit, and along with the Vibranium function, the perimeter of the radius around Erik's body suddenly shook violently.

The sea began to swell, and the surging waves reached a height of about 8 meters. If a ship passes by at this time, it will surely become an unfortunate funeral object.

After a long time of reaction, a huge amount of vortex was also produced. It was a passage to the underwater world, a gate that Erik forcibly created.

"Master really didn't lie to me."

Erik muttered happily, and then dived in along the turbulent vortex.

When the screen became bright again, that guy had already arrived at the gate of Atlantis.

Since it was late at night, his appearance did not arouse the attention of the people around him, and even the soldiers in charge of guarding the territory failed to find Erik with high-tech armor in time.

With the help of that set of equipment, he soon infiltrated the capital of Atlantis, and a terrifying plan was about to unfold.

On the quiet street, there is an elegant peace. The peculiar architectural style gives people a refreshing feeling. But even with such a horrific scenery, it couldn't shake Erik's killing intent.

He quickly activated the stealth device and isolated himself from the friction of the air. Under the influence of the Vibranium armor, Erik is downright invisible.

"Stupid ugly creatures, disappear with your damn dreams".


Erik placed the bombs in the battle suit, and the areas he arranged were all the homes of some poor people, which had no strategic value at all.

And this kind of psychedelic behavior happened to be the task that the white wolf gave him. He wanted to arouse the contradiction between the two countries by massacring civilians.


A series of explosions broke the tranquility of the capital. The inhabitants of Atlantis haven't heard that sound since World War II.

Cries filled every street, and helpless children let out pitiful cries. The broken limbs can be seen everywhere, and the pale green blood is even more floating in the air.

The light of the fire made this underwater city burn, and the picture full of irony was staged abruptly.

Inside the Royal Palace of Atlantis.

The officials of the emergency operations department ran to Namor's bedroom one after another, and the king woke up under the influence of the loud noise.

"The king is not good. A series of explosions occurred in the capital, and we were attacked." The officials shouted loudly, so that Namor's mood suddenly deteriorated.

"What did you say?"

Namor kicked open the door, and then, regardless of his image, directly talked to the officials who came to smash the door.

"King, the capital has been bombed! The fire is soaring, and the people are complaining, go and see! 33

In the minister's cry, Namor felt the seriousness of the problem. He directly summoned the artifact trident, and then came to the street.

Namor, who was floating in mid-air, had bloodshot eyes in his eyes. He stared at the fire in front of him, as if he had seen an incompatible enemy.

".~ Damn, someone dares to treat my country like this!"

Blood was bitten from the corner of Namor's mouth, and in spite of his anger, he was still rational.

I saw the king wielding the divine weapon, and the sea water came out of nowhere, washing away every flame, and at the same time avoiding every citizen.

Under Namor's handling, the unrest soon subsided. Apart from the corpses all over the ground, there is no other new crisis.

"King! King!" The crowd fell on their knees in front of Namor, pitiful like a crying child husband.

As monarchs, Namor is their father. And Namor, who has a morbid feeling towards Atlantis, naturally can't stand this kind of incident.

"My dearest (Zhao Zhao) loved ones, I swear by my throne that I will definitely investigate this incident and give you a satisfactory answer."

After Namor announced his obituary, he floated back to his palace. He immediately summoned all the princes and ministers and asked them to investigate the origin of this matter within two hours.

In an instant, the ministers who shared the same hatred for the enemy all rushed to leave the palace. They invoked all the forces that could be invoked, and they had to clarify this matter no matter what they said.

As soon as the two-hour deadline came, everyone returned to the interior of the palace. Among these crowds, there was an object in the hands of a minister, which aroused Namor's attention.

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