Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 551 The turnaround in ratings

Luo Bing's proposal is like a taboo existence, which is an unreasonable request for the opponent who has experienced the power of the phoenix.

It was the Black Bolt King Black Card who had endured that kind of pain that was difficult to smooth out, and would be the first to oppose it.

"No, there is no room for negotiation on this matter.

With the sound of Black Bolt, the luxurious house immediately shook slightly. The power of onomatopoeia affects the surrounding environment, so that everyone has to cover their ears.

"Blackcard, calm down."

Charles used Telepathy to communicate "Zero Seven Seven" with the other party, and after being summoned, he finally calmed down. Black Bolt closed his mouth again, but the emotion conveyed between his eyes did not give in the slightest.

"Mr. Luo Bing, I'm sorry that your proposal could not be passed. As you can see, Phoenix has not brought us a good influence.""

The person who spoke was Doctor Strange, and he was also vividly aware of Qin Grey's last runaway incident.

In fact, he was also worried when Qin Grey confronted Sentry. But fortunately, it will not last for a long time. Otherwise, it is really hard to say what will happen.

For such an answer, Luo Bing also seemed helpless. He shrugged his shoulders, and then replied: "To prove the possibility of crossing dimensions, you must borrow Phoenix force, or reach the same level as her."

"But the risk of doing so is too great, and we don't have the ability to bear it." MR.Fantastic retorted.

"Then there is no way, since you are unwilling to accept it, I naturally cannot confirm it.

Luo Bing sat back in his seat and left the problem to the other party. And the guys from the Illuminati have nothing to do with it. In a need for reconciliation, Charles stood up again.

"Mr. Luo Bing, we have no intention of targeting you. Since we can't confirm the matter of crossing dimensions, we will keep it for now."

The wily Charles, almost perfectly resolved this embarrassment. And Luo Bing readily agreed to that plan in order to stop blocking the two parties.

As for the following conversation, it was just a few insignificant chats, with no real value at all. The only thing that can be regarded as a harvest is the rating of Luo Bing and the others by the Illuminati staff.

According to the discussion of the group after the event, they rated the danger level of Luo Bing Thor and the two from the inestimable in order to continue to observe.

Although this is only some text processing, but in the actual application of getting along, there are still many benefits.

After a period of time, Luo Bing and Thor left the Illuminati's stronghold and looked at the backs of the two guys. The heartbeats of the members were also different.

As the observed target, Luo Bing and the others reacted in the opposite way, especially Luo Bing, although he failed to meet Phoenix's idea, he could be considered to have broken the deadlock.

What's more, as far as the current situation is concerned, waiting for the strength to be further improved can be regarded as a sure-fire strategy.

"Brother-in-law, why do those guys have so many things? It's too long to ask for a bigger ass." Thor said angrily, his way of thinking about things is always that simple.

"Forget it, just let them go... Now we are guests and they are the masters, so we still need to be patient." Luo Bing said with a smile, since he came to this dimensional space, he has rarely shown that. happy look.


Suddenly a whole beep came out, and Luo Bing immediately showed a complex expression that was both happy and helpless. The emergence of the system made Luo Bing realize that new troubles are coming.

"What's going on this time?" Luo Bing said flatly, if he hadn't been in a good mood before, he probably would have gotten angry.

"Dear host Luo Bing, congratulations on triggering the Two Kings Quiet Quest, as long as you can fulfill the quest conditions, you can get the ability of Devil Fruit."

"Huh?" Luo Bing looked bewildered at the prompt from the system. However, here is a special reminder that when the system appears, the environment around Luo Bing will be frozen.

In other words, the conversation between him and the system can be separated from the dimensional space, which is a super bug. So Thor beside him, root 5.1 didn't know what happened during that time.

Looking back at Luo Bing, when he responded to the system in a dazed state, the other party was like a cat owner, with a proud look.

"You don't understand this situation?" The system asked calmly, but she could hear her joking in her tone.

"Isn't this nonsense, you have no reason for a mission, how could I know." Luo Bing showed displeasure.

"Well, since you are so pitiful, then I will give you some information. The so-called double king mission refers to the conflict between Black Panther and Namor."

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