Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 550 Approaching Danger

On the neon street, a luxury car is galloping. It was so fast that passing vehicles did not dare to approach it easily.

That is Namor's car, and this way of driving is a catharsis of his emotions.

As a conceited king, it is impossible for him not to be angry about what happened before. If it weren't for the intervention of the Illuminati's upper echelons, he would definitely start a war.

"Your Majesty, are you coming back so soon?

It was a general under his command who was on the phone with Namor. It was a bizarre individual with the appearance of an octopus, which was clearly different from humans.

"Yes, ask the people in the palace to prepare, I'm in a very bad mood." Namor replied coldly and arrogantly.

"Your Majesty, can you tell me the reason? Are those low-level terrestrial humans contradicting you?" the general asked sincerely.

"This is already in the past, I don't want to mention it again, you just need to do as I ask." Namor unilaterally hung up the communication, and the general on the other end had no choice but to agree.

When the speeding luxury car parked at a dock, Namor waved the Neptune Trident in his hand.

The calm sea suddenly churned with huge amounts of waves, and a fracture on both sides immediately appeared in front of him. "T'Challa, I hope you don't fall into my hands..."

Namor drove into his ocean tunnel by car, and the meaningful words echoed in the tunnel for a long time.

on the other hand.

Black Panther, who was also on his way back home, was also extremely dissatisfied with the previous incident. He felt that the Illuminati deliberately favored Namor, but he had no choice but to fight against it, so he had to choose the proposal of a truce.

More importantly, Black Panther is aware of his own shortcomings, which is mainly reflected in Ability. He is controlled by Charles and bound by MR.Fantastic.

This series of blows made him know that he still needs to improve to a greater extent.

In order to be able to reach the level of the members of the Illuminati, Black Panther intends to increase the research speed of technology, and even if it cannot make up for the innate gap in abilities, it must at least reach the level of Stark Industries.

With this thought in mind, Black Panther accelerated the flight speed of the spacecraft. With a trajectory more than 10 times the speed of sound, he started heading towards Wakanda.

Unbeknownst to T'Challa at the moment, however, an extremely dangerous dark plan is approaching him.

Erik, the knife-blocker, was not as loyal as Black Panther thought. His real master is called White Wolf, a political prisoner who escaped from the Wakanda regime a few years ago and is also Black Panther's half-brother.

When Erik quietly reported the conflict between Black Panther and Namor to White Wolf, the guy who was extremely sensitive to politics immediately found an opportunity to turn around.

Illumination, internal meeting site.

Since the establishment of this organization, it has welcomed the participation of outsiders for the first time, and it is also the first time that all members have not been present.

The absence of Namor made the meeting lose a little sense, but the intervention of Luo Bing and Thor also added a strangeness to the scene.

As outsiders, and they are still unidentified outsiders, Luo Bing and Thor are like exhibits in a museum, watched and observed by several other people in the room.

"Mr. Luo Bing, Mr. Thor, welcome you to the Illuminati, I hope you can adapt to the environment here." The speaker is Doctor Strange, as the host of the Illuminati, he always has to show an easy-going appearance.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Thank you for your welcome, but I don't understand why the two of us should come over for such a high-level private meeting?"

Luo Bing asked a question, but Thor disagreed. That guy has always believed in the principle of doing things when they come, so he didn't care about the battle at that time.

"Mr. Luo Bing, I hope you don't misunderstand. The reason why we invite you here is to learn about cross-dimensional things with you.

The speaker this time is MR.Fantastic. As the existence with the highest IQ on earth, he has a very special obsession with this kind of thing beyond the scope of cognition.


"Well, it seems that you still don't trust us very much." Luo Bing smiled helplessly, because all he heard from the other party's tone was suspicion.

"No no no, it's just out of a rigorous attitude. In the face of the unknown, everyone will be vigilant, right?" MR.Fantastic immediately gave his response, and Luo Bing reluctantly accepted it.

Thinking that the situation has developed to this point, Luo Bing had no choice but to showdown in advance and reveal his thoughts and details.

But before that, he had to prove the possibility of crossing dimensions, otherwise those guys would never believe him.

To confirm this, Luo Bing looked at Charles and said, "I have a way to prove my origin, but I need to use the power of the phoenix."

As soon as this statement came out, the scene immediately fell silent.

Everyone knew that Phoenix's Ability was difficult to control, so Charles also tried to avoid letting Qin Grey activate it. And Luo Bing's request undoubtedly challenged their bottom line.

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