Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 507 The choice of courage

With the strong assistance of White Queen and Professor X, Jenny finally reached Reynolds' spiritual world. At this moment, the other party is curling up in the corner, and the whole person looks very haggard.

"Reynolds, are you okay?" Jenny asked with concern, and Reynolds himself showed a look of consternation at her sudden appearance.

"You're so here?

"These friends helped me, but this is not the time to say that. Jenny responded briefly, and began to move closer to Reynolds' body.

"Jenny, I don't want to talk to these strangers, please let them go." Reynolds said nervously, "zero-three-zero", and his natural weakness was troubled again.

"Okay, I promise you." Jenny looked at Professor X and White Queen, and the message from her eyes was obvious.

After listening to their conversation, Professor X also followed their choice and walked out of the "door" with White Queen, waiting for good news.

"Reynolds, they're gone, what do you want to say to me?

Gentle Jenny brought warmth to Reynolds, and her unique affinity made him let go of all his vigilance. Reynolds stood up from the corner and put Jenny in his arms.

"Jenny, I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you anymore..." Reynolds confessed to Jenny for the first time. This sudden behavior made Jenny instantly stunned.

"You bastard, do you have to say it until this time? I already know, don't cry like a child anymore."

Jenny slapped Reynolds on the back, a gesture full of love that relieved all of Reynolds' negative emotions.

At the same time, the nothingness was due to the shaking of Reynolds' body consciousness, which prevented the full explosion of energy to be used. Therefore, when wrestling with Phoenix, there was a clear disadvantage.

"This bastard, why did he start thinking nonsense again." Niwu said viciously, if he wanted to get out of this predicament, he had to stabilize himself first.

It is precisely because of this reason that nothingness has to open up the distance from Phoenix. He chose to move in time and space, and instantly fled to a small island on the other side of the ocean.

"It should be safe enough here." Nothingness said again, and then infiltrated his consciousness back into Reynolds' body.

When the picture turns, the cowardly and kind Reynolds is having a conversation with Jenny, and the nothingness from afar is hard intervening between the two of them.

In Reynolds' spiritual world, the image of nothingness is a monstrous humanoid made of black mist. His mouth was full of fangs, and his eyes were filled with anger at the world.

The distorted facial structure is even gloomier than the Predator, and the aura emanating from his body is even more terrifying than Satan, the Demon King of Hell.

"Reynolds, don't fall for the tricks of those guys, the Jenny in front of you is not herself at all!" Niu Wu said with a fierce face, and his body movements leaning forward revealed what he was about to do. Intend.

"No! You can't deceive me anymore, I know everything, you are the wicked person who should be punished." Reynolds retorted loudly, he didn't want to make mistakes again and again.

"Poor idiot, you can't tell who is your enemy and who is your friend. If that's the case, then I'll help you again..."

Infuriated, the nothingness immediately charged at Jenny, and he was going to completely shatter Reynolds' hopes so that the guy could never interfere with him.

However, halfway through the void, Professor X, who had been waiting outside the "door", was in front of him.

"Monster, we won't let you hurt Miss Jenny." Professor X said seriously, and the White Queen on the side also agreed.

But unfortunately, Reynolds's spiritual world is also the empty spiritual world. The two of them are two-in-one existences, and they cannot tolerate other people's finger-pointing.

So when he saw Professor X and White Queen, nothingness simply launched his own mental interference. Although his Ability is not as skilled as the two in front of him, due to the exaggerated Ability supply, he still clears out the enemy.

"It's finally quiet, I'll go out and clean up those annoying flies." Nothingness revealed his terrifying teeth, and his empty eyes revealed an insatiable desire.

He kept approaching Jenny, and the thoughts expressed on the aura were self-evident.

"Back off! I won't allow you to hurt her one bit.

Reynolds was in front of Jenny, glaring at the empty eyes, unwilling to make the slightest concession.

"Hey, don't be stupid anymore, this woman can't give you anything, if you regain control of your body, then only death will greet us.

Nothingness revealed the crux of the matter, but Reynolds made a choice he couldn't accept. Reynolds decides to die and pay for all his faults.

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