Luo Bing's answer was desperate, which made Thor's happy smile turn gloomy. And Doctor Strange, who had been listening by the side, showed the same expression.

After a period of displacement, several of them finally made contact with Professor X. After briefly informing the basic situation, the far-sighted old man didn't do too much nonsense, and directly let Jenny stand in front of him.

With the help of the two top superpowers, Jenny also entered the realm of the spiritual world. She crossed the ravines and valleys, and crossed the abyss of purgatory. I don't know how many scenes she went through, and she finally came to the door of Reynolds' spiritual world.

White Queen said in a spit-like manner, she likes all the good things in this world, but also hates all the ugly things in this world.

Charles' words were decisive, which made the White Queen extremely unhappy, but after considering that giving up meant ruin, she finally chose to compromise.


What appeared in front of the three of them at the moment was a huge iron gate with a billowing black mist. And hanging on the left and right ends are sculptures similar to the three-headed dog of hell.

.....for flowers...

"Okay, I already know your determination, but I can't let you suffer any harm, otherwise that guy should destroy the world again."

"Professor X can help Jenny with brain wave communication!" Doctor Strange shouted loudly, his empty eyes turning into a spirit again.

And the picture reflected in front of her at this moment happened to be listed in her aesthetic blacklist.

White Queen Emma used her Ability. Although this woman's Mind Control system did not have the high level of Professor X, she was only second only to Professor X in the current Mutant team.

So if you want to get in touch with each other again, you need to rely on the help of the spiritual level. As soon as he thought of this, Doctor Strange immediately thought of his comrade-in-arms, Professor X.

"Emma, ​​I need your help, this girl can't have any mistakes, she is the key to solving this crisis." Professor X said solemnly.

"Charles, shouldn't we be going into that place?" White Queen said reluctantly, if she could, she would like to exit now.

"Girl, brain wave communication is a very painful thing. You will enter the realm of the spiritual world, and you will feel the pain that you can't feel at ordinary times. Are you ready for this?

"Charles, I will remember this account, and when everything is settled, you wait for me!"

"The watchdog is about to wake up, Miss Jenny, please hide behind me.

"Okay Charles, I've had enough of this bad situation, and I hope what you're saying is true."

"Yes Emma, ​​although I know you must hate that kind of place, but in order to save the earth from the crisis, for the happiness of all mankind, you must make sacrifices. 99

The White Queen came to the door of the huge amounts of first, and stretched her flawless white arm into the black mist. About three or four seconds after the arrival, the stone carvings on both sides of the giant gate began to shake violently.

"You can rest assured, as long as you can awaken Reynolds' true nature, even death is acceptable." Jenny replied firmly, which made everyone present admired.

He couldn't believe what was about to happen, and was unwilling to face his own powerlessness.

"It's pretty nasty. 99

Charles spoke loudly, and then got ready to fight. But just when he was about to act, the White Queen who was at the forefront had already ended the fight that was about to take place.

Professor X asked with a serious face, he must tell the other party the danger of this kind of operation.

"Yes, so the meeting with Professor X this time is a good one." Luo Bing also said with relief, and prayed that things could develop on the bright side.

Everyone looked at Jenny in unison, and this strong and resolute woman did not let them down. When Jenny learned that she could bring an end to the disaster, she immediately offered to take on the arduous task.

"No! As I said at the beginning, Miss Jenny can awaken the good side of Reynolds. As long as we can get her in touch with each other again, we have a chance of winning."

"So, it's useless for us to do anything, right?" Doctor Strange said in frustration, completely losing his initial elegance and confidence.

The White Queen is an extremely dignified and elegant woman, and her white dress is no different from that of a lady. But any man with a little idea will be inadvertently attracted by her beauty. That is an irresistible instinctive reaction, a necessity as a man.

After Professor X said this, he turned his attention to the White Queen who was with him.

However, although the idea is good, it is not easy to implement it. It has already suffered a loss of nothingness, and it is absolutely impossible to let Jenny get close to him again.

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