Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 502 Love Can Change Everything

Luo Bing's answer was shocking, even Doctor Strange, who knew the mystery of the universe, was surprised by this.

He stayed on the spot silently in a daze, if it wasn't for Thor's thunder falling next to him, this guy would probably have been thinking until the sun rose.

"How should I call you Roar?" Doctor Strange threw the first question, which was a very crucial presence for him.

"Luo Bing.

"Okay Luo Bing, since you said you and that guy are from another dimension, then I want to confirm again, how did you do it?"

Doctor Strange's problem is a very strict "zero and three zeros". Although he can travel through time and space, if he is asked to cross between dimensions, it will be a little difficult for him.

"We were teleported by the ancient gods. In our universe, a dangerous force is threatening the entire universe. In order to prevent that guy from succeeding, we were teleported to this dimensional space to find help.

Luo Bing swore to speak, but he took all the details about it. Because he is also very clear, even if it is stated in the original, from the current Stephen's cognition, he will definitely think that it is a kind of nonsense.

After listening to Luo Bing's elaboration, Doctor Strange fell into deep thought again. He began to calculate the gains and losses in his mind, predicting whether helping Luo Bing and the others would lead to misfortune into their world.

But just when Doctor Strange was still in the middle of nowhere, Luo Bing, a guy who was very good at insight into human nature, simply pointed the contradiction to nothingness.

"Stephen, now is not the time for you to think wildly. If you don't get through the current crisis, don't think about the future.

As soon as Luo Bing said these words, Doctor Strange gave up on the future. His eyes were locked on the body of nothingness again, and a heavy heart could not be added.

"Can that big guy take him out?" Doctor Strange asked earnestly, feeling vaguely that something was wrong.

"No, even though Thor has been boosted by the Power Stone, Reynolds' Ability is still stronger than him. Although he is passive now, that guy's growth is almost limitless.

The bad truth moved Doctor Strange, and at his current level, there was clearly no way to stop the sadistic nihilism. Just when he was about to share this fact with the other members of the Illuminati, Luo Bing took out the Power Gem again.

"Stephen, don't be discouraged. There are still many things you don't know about the use of mysterious gems. And I have already conceived a perfect plan."

"Oh? How to say?"

"I'll boost your Time Gem with a power gem to maximize its effectiveness. Then you and Thor work together to fight, so no matter how powerful Reynolds is, he won't find a solution in a short time.

"But after all, there is still no way to destroy him, right?"

"Yes, but eradication is not our purpose. Reynolds is now possessed by a destructive personality, and as long as we can awaken his good side, the crisis will be lifted."

"Is this possible?"

"Definitely! The source of all this is one woman, and she's on the scene, and love can change everything.

As soon as Luo Bing finished speaking, Jenny appeared at the entrance of the Empire State Building. She is the key being who awakens Reynolds' main character and the only hope to save the planet. …

After listening to the plan, Doctor Strange had to bite the bullet and agree. He opened his Eye of Horus and let Time Gem float in front of Luo Bing.

When two mysterious gems attract each other and collide, a magical scene happens.

The red gem, which symbolizes power, is constantly sending energy to the green gem. And as the transmission power became larger, the light emitted by the green gem became more and more dazzling.

Just when Thor and the Void were fighting hard, Doctor Strange, who had regained his boost, entered the battlefield again.

"Hey, mustache, didn't I tell you to get out of here?" Thor asked solemnly, he didn't realize the change in the other party.

"Hmph, don't think that with the help of the power gem, you really regard it as your own strength. Now I will tell you how to use the real strength. 55

Doctor Strange, who has the potential of double standard, directly uses the ability of Time Gem. And this time, the effect of 5.1 instantly trapped nothingness in the prison of time.

In that field, the mind of nothingness becomes slow, and the movement of the body cannot follow the consciousness. He is like a meteorite floating in the universe, he can only float aimlessly.

"You guy is really superfluous, I can handle it alone."

Thor is not very impressed with this situation. But Doctor Strange did not fight back as usual after listening to it, but instead told Luo Bing's instructions to the other party.

"Luo Bing asked you to follow my instructions, which is what he specifically requested."

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