Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 501 The gradually revealed identity

The shady night was once again opened by thunder, and the shock caused by this time was an existence that could not be compared to the previous few times.

This time, it was Professor X, who predicted the seriousness of the situation. That's why he urges everyone to end the arrest of supernatural criminals as soon as possible, so that they can devote themselves to the crusade against nothingness.

Thor's aura is powerful enough to arouse awe in anyone. At that moment, he was the symbol of destruction, the symbol of power, and the power that all warriors worshiped.

"Huh?" Doctor Strange was stunned when he heard this. This guy never imagined that in such a serious situation, the other party would say such a thing.

This small ideological change happens to create a change in the pattern. Take Cyclops as an example, he can take off that special pair of glasses without hesitation, and let his laser ability play freely.

When the two powerhouses stared at each other, an unprecedented battle began immediately.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Thor said indifferently, the aura he exuded was not the same as before.

And just as the two were talking, there was a terrible roar in the sky again. Thor and the nothingness started a head-to-head confrontation. When the two output energies interlaced, one could clearly feel the trembling of the heaven and the earth.

"What the hell is that guy?" The person who spoke was Storm, the vice-captain of X-Men. As a power user who can also control thunder and lightning attributes, Storm has awe and worship for Thor's Ability.

"Okay, I'll find the answer." Doctor Strange began to move in the direction of Luo Bing, and finally only Thor and nothingness were left on the main battlefield.

"Hmph, you just like to think wildly, if there is anything unclear, you can ask him." Thor said, pointing his finger at Luo Bing in the distance.

So in order to avoid making the situation unfavorable, Thor directly raised Ability to the highest level. The runaway thunder exploded around him, and the terrifying magnetic field caused by it once again attracted the attention of the people below.

"I wanted to talk about our details, so let me tell you." Luo Bing smiled after hearing this, because he knew that if he shared this kind of thing with Doctor Strange, the other party would definitely understand.

After all, that guy is Time Gem's Asgardian, and he knows a thing or two about the mysteries of the universe.

"I met him once, and there was a yellow-skinned guy at the time, but I don't know exactly what his identity is."

The screen turns.

"Stephen, can you stop looking at me like a gay guy?" Luo Bing said a little unhappily, he didn't like the feeling of being scrutinized.

Such a function display made Thor feel a little worried. At least in terms of protracted warfare, he is at a disadvantage.

That night, New York City suffered an unprecedented "disaster show", and every ordinary resident was worried about whether they could see the sun tomorrow.

"Hey, boy, what's the deal with you and that big guy, and why do you have the Power Stone?" Doctor Strange ignored the previous topic and cut into the information he wanted to know.

When Thor, whose whole body was shimmering with blue light, floated in mid-air with the attitude of ruling the world, all the power users looked at that guy at the same time.

"Stephen, leave this guy to me to deal with, you just need to do a good job of supporting him.

In order to make up for the physical disadvantage, nothingness immediately exerts the ability of self-regeneration. He remodeled the defective arm and returned to its original form in a short while.

With the release of his request, the Illuminati and all members of the X-Men also worked hard. They lifted the requirement to restrain themselves, moving from a non-lethal capture to a uniform that could inflict harm.

On the other hand, when Doctor Strange heard such an arrangement, he immediately felt a little worried, especially after seeing Luo Bing can stimulate the power gem, his worry was even heavier.

Doctor Strange said alertly. Compared with the threat of nothingness, he was more worried that Thor and Luo Bing were conspiring against each other.

"Wait a minute, are you enemies or friends? The power of that red gem is beyond what this planet can bear.

"That big guy is called Thor, and he is Thor from Asgard. And he and I both come from another dimension of Earth, collectively known as the 616 main universe." Xi.

Doctor Strange also came to Luo Bing, he kept looking at each other, and continued to try to find the clues he wanted to find.

"We have to speed up, or those two guys will destroy the Earth."

In an instant, the sky was filled with flashing thunder, and on the ground, Roar responded with hundreds of colorful lights.

It was Wolverine Logan who answered about his previous battle with Sabretooth, which ended as usual. Therefore, the attendance of all members of X-Men this time is also normal.

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