Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 490 Terrifying Revenge

Reynolds, who was full of chills, floated above the clouds. He was like an ancient king, overlooking all the living beings.

The things that his eyes touch are all ants, and any trouble can't escape his eyes.

That is about two seconds, Reynolds locked Griffin's position. At the moment the other party is hiding in an underground factory, and that is also the main place where the other party manufactures drugs.

In an instant, Reynolds broke into Griffin's territory unreasonably like a shooting star. With his sudden appearance, all the drug dealers present were also shocked.

They each stared at each other, trying to get answers from the eyes of their accomplices. But how could Reynolds, who is already extraordinary, be peeped by them.

"Crap! How dare you blaspheme Jenny's dignity, I'm going to smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Reynolds finally spoke, his voice so pale and terrifying. Such a warning would be a disaster for anyone, not to mention Reynolds still has that 013 strength to practice.

"Reynolds, let's make a deal, how about that? Besides, I didn't touch Jenny's body at all, so you don't have to be so serious. I just saw her underwear, which isn't normal at the beach. thing?""

Griffin's successive answers made others feel a little dazed. And his rogue-like logic made Reynolds feel sick.

After listening to the other party's nonsense, Reynolds moved forward without saying a word. Griffin and his subordinates will leave an extra drop of sweat every time he walks an extra meter forward.

It may be a reaction to terror, or it may be an attempt to let it go. In short, under the constant pressure of Reynolds, the only remaining group of the drug gang finally chose to resist.

"Damn, you're just a Reynolds, is it necessary to be so nervous?" A man wearing a red scarf suddenly scolded, and under his instigation, the rest of the guys responded.

They pulled out the weapons they had always had with them and started firing together in Reynolds' direction. But what the outcome will be is simply self-evident.

The bullet couldn't penetrate Reynolds' defense at all, and he didn't even need to make any moves, just relying on Psychokinesis was enough to control the trajectory of the bullet's Flight.

Hundreds of bullets hovered in the air, an almost miraculous sight, which made the members of the drug gang feel desperate, not surprised.

"Today all of you will be buried with Griffin!"

Reynolds said fiercely, and then he turned the suspended ammunition and started to attack their original "master".

In an instant, screams of despair spread throughout the building, and scarlet blood splashed onto every inch of the ground. This almost hell-like scene is really not something that mortals can bear.

It is precisely because of this reason that quite a few guys were scared into idiots because they couldn't bear the horror.

One minute, at most one minute, Reynolds (befb) will slaughter all the members except Griffin. None of their bodies were intact, and they were extremely acquainted with the victims of the MG Bar.

This is Reynolds' consolation for those innocents, but also a punishment for drug gang members. After dealing with the scumbag, Reynolds finally cornered Griffin.

"Fat pig, would you think that you have today too?" Reynolds asked blankly. In his tone, he couldn't guess what he wanted to do.

"Reynolds, please calm down, I apologize for my stupidity. As long as you're willing to let me go, I'll give you half of the assets in your name... no, it's all."

Griffin, who was determined to live, knelt down after saying that. He kept begging each other, just to be able to see the sun tomorrow.

However, all this was futile for Reynolds, he only remembered the hatred of Jenny before "dying", and only remembered the entrustment that Jenny told him.

Revenge! Revenge for Jenny! Revenge for Jenny's dignity!

This terrifying obsession completely occupied Reynolds' brain, and he could never give Griffin any hope of living.

"Fat pig, as I said, I will make you pay a more terrible price than death, and I will not change that. 35

Hollow-eyed Reynolds is synonymous with terror, kicking Griffin against the wall, picking up a dagger, and peeling the guy's skin alive.

"Back then you took off Jenny's clothes, and now I'll take off your skin. This is a fair and equal exchange, and you don't have any complaints.

Reynolds said with a smile, it was the first time he smiled. But behind this smile, there were terrifying blood and screams.

"Ah! I beg you, please kill me!"

Griffin cried so loudly that he almost broke his throat, but he still couldn't restore Reynolds' humanity.

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