Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 489 The alternation of despair and hope

As far as the eye can see, it is a wasteland.

When Luo Bing stepped out of the sports car with a confused expression, Thor, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately floated in front of this guy.

"Brother-in-law, it's not good, that Reynolds broke out. 35

Thor said in a panic, the emotions he expressed directly affected Luo Bing's judgment.

"You made it clear, what happened to Reynolds?"

"Not long ago, Miss Jenny passed out. Then this guy, Reynolds, was like flipping a switch, and he directly became a concentration of energy."

"Are you saying that all this, including the strange scene just now, was caused by him?

"Yes, this guy did it, and he said to me before he disappeared, thank you for taking care of Miss Jenny, and he'll take care of the rest.

Thor's answer instantly made Luo Bing's heart sink. He never thought that the other party would actually explode at this juncture.

"It's over, I'm still careless, Reynolds in this parallel world still has the strength of Sentry..."

"Then will he destroy the Earth?" Thor asked anxiously.

"I think he should choose this step after he has dealt with his personal affairs. But I have no absolute certainty about how it will evolve. In short, we must calm Reynolds' anger before he completely loses control.

Thor agrees with Luo Bing's answer. But after seeing Reynolds' strength with his own eyes, Thor also asked himself that he was no match for the opponent. If you want to use force to calm down the other party, I am afraid it will only make things worse.

In order to avoid this situation, Thor promptly reported the current situation to Luo Bing, so that he could make a reasonable arrangement.

After some words, Luo Bing was speechless. But fortunately, there is no way out, just when he was helpless, Jenny in the distance actually showed signs of life.

"Cough...cough...".""Jenny, who closed her eyes, made a subconscious cough. This is a bodily function of risk aversion, meaning it is telling the brain that "you" are not dead.

After discovering this key point, Luo Bing stepped forward immediately. With his accumulated rescue experience, he saved Jenny from the danger of brain death.

"Miss Jenny, can you hear my voice?" Luo Bing asked eagerly, and Thor on the side was equally worried.

After a while, Jenny, who gradually regained consciousness, slowly opened her eyes. After looking around for a while, she asked Luo Bing and Thor with a dazed look why they were in this place.

"Miss Jenny, have you lost your memory? We are here to save you." Thor said cheerfully, he was sincerely happy for Jenny.

"Oh.... by the way, I was caught by the drug gang... Wait, what about Reynolds? I remember he came along too.

Jenny sat up from the ground, and she glanced around nervously, just wanting to see Reynolds immediately.

"He's not here, Reynolds has become Sentry, he has left from here." Luo Bing answered Jenny's question, but the other party was completely ignorant after hearing about it.

"Mr. Luo, I don't know what you're talking about, please tell me the truth, what happened to Reynolds?" Jenny asked eagerly.

"Miss Jenny, the current Reynolds is not what he used to be. As for Reynolds' identity, you don't actually know very well."

"What do you mean? He and I were childhood sweethearts and we grew up together since we were young, so I can't understand his past?"

"Yes, the Reynolds you know is only based on the identity of an ordinary person. In fact, he is a powerful individual, an existence beyond the universe of the world. As long as he wants, he can destroy the entire universe factory.

Luo Bing said with a serious face, seeing such an answer as nonsense to ordinary people. Not to mention Jenny, who has been with Reynolds since childhood.

".~ Enough, I don't want to listen to your nonsense anymore, I just want to know, where is Reynolds. 99 Jenny suddenly shouted, and under the side effect of mood swings, she also felt a twist in her chest. pain.

In order to prevent the opponent's injury from worsening, Luo Bing finally changed his mind. He gave up the idea of ​​making the other person identify with Reynolds, and instead explained it in a relatively euphemistic way.

"Reynolds is (well) trying to avenge you, he's going after the leader of the drug gang, and everyone who has persecuted you."

As soon as these words came out, Jenny couldn't stay any longer. In her impression, Reynolds has always been bullied by others, and it is his turn to bully others. What's more, the other party is the boss of the poison gang, which is simply asking for his own death.

"Mr Lowe, how can you let Reynolds leave alone? Please take me to find that guy right away, I can't let him go on the adventure.

Jenny spoke seriously and seriously, and such an answer was exactly what Luo Bing wanted.

If anyone can bring the current Reynolds back to calm, then in the huge universe, only Jenny can do it.

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