Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 455 Starting from scratch

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? Don't even think about resurrecting Thanos!"

Luo Bing directly rejected Gao Tianzun's proposal, but the other party insisted on his statement, and in order to convince Luo Bing, he even used his life as a bargaining chip.

"Luo Bing, now is not the time for us to be suspicious of each other, you must follow my advice, otherwise your wish will never be realized. 35

After Gao Tianzun said that, he forced the energy in his body to run. When the dazzling white light gathered in one place, the huge amounts of flame palms actually loosened a little.

"What are you doing?" Luo Bing asked inexplicably, and the rest of the guys showed the same expression.

"Luo Bing, this is my last energy, I will open the space-time orbit, you need to find the Phoenix force, only it can open the river of death."

After saying that, Gao Tianzun's body burst out with gorgeous seven colors, and under the light of the light, a door of time and space that led to nowhere also opened.

The powerful siphon force adsorbed Luo Bing and others into 980 at the same time, and just when Hoddle wanted to stop it, Gao Tianzun's only remaining force exploded.

After a roar, the fate of Saka planet, like its owner, disappeared into the mighty universe. In that infinite space, the breath of Gao Tianzun can no longer be felt.

"This old bastard actually made this step. It seems that he is really out of his depth." Hoddle muttered to himself, but as his superior, Akhenaten expressed a different opinion.

"Gao Tianzun is definitely not the kind of guy who sacrifices himself for others. His sacrifice must have his reasons. You continue to hunt down those fish that slip through the net, and you must not let them ruin my good deeds.

"Yes, I'll do it right now.

Hoddle made a kneeling motion, and then a thick black mist enveloped him. When the black fog dissipated, the scene also turned into nothingness again, as if nothing (befa) had happened.

Looking at Luo Bing et al.

Traveling through time and space is an extremely dangerous thing. Any rash move may cause the shuttler to fall into the torrent of time.

And once you fall into it unfortunately, you may not be able to escape, and may even be forcibly erased by the master of time under the action of cause and effect.

"Thor, get closer to me. This time-space tunnel is not stable, you must not take it lightly." Luo Bing said cautiously, a series of bad things made him have to become more careful.

"Okay brother-in-law, but where exactly will we be teleported to?" Thor came to Luo Bing, facing the unknown, he also showed a little concern.

But just as the two were talking, Luo Xuan, who was on the side, put on a contemptuous gesture. He hated the cautious atmosphere, and even more hated the style of reporting to the group to keep warm.

"Hmph, this failure is just information asymmetry, there is absolutely no need to be like this, it's so funny."

Luo Xuan said unhappily, but also caused the disgust of Thor and others. But before Thor could refute, the tunnel of time and space suddenly showed signs of collapse.

"Hey, Luo Bing, where are we going to be drawn?"

Luo Xuan, who had been despised before, instantly showed a panicked look. And behind this behavior, is that he has no Ability at all. Being able to travel through the tunnel of time and space is also thanks to the Yu Wei of Gao Tianzun.

"I don't know, but I can confirm that the old guy will never leave us alone."

After speaking, the rainbow-colored tunnel began to fall off, and countless strange pictures appeared. In the distorted torrent of time and space, Luo Bing and the others became objects that were stirred, and they had no resistance and could not escape.


Chaos's sight returned to normal, and when Luo Bing struggled to open his eyes, he was shocked to find that he was actually lying on the streets of New York City.

"where is this place?"

Luo Bing asked in horror, hoping that passersby could give him a satisfactory answer.

"Hey, are you a fool? This is the center of New York, the most prosperous city on earth.

A beggar spoke sarcastically and brought out his dilapidated rice bowl in an attempt to get some money from Luo Bing.

"Thank you for your answer, but I'm sorry, now I'm broke.

Luo Bing said awkwardly, and got up from the ground. He was afraid of hitting the dust on his body, and immediately made a jumping action, intending to leave the scene.

However, when his feet were less than 50 centimeters off the ground, he was back in place again.

"How is this possible?" Luo Bing stunned the lake, then widened his eyes and looked around.

"Haha, young man, your physical condition is not good, so you can jump so high? If it were a few years ago, I might have jumped higher than you. 39

The beggar laughed and said, although he didn't get any money, he also got a little joy from Luo Bing.

"No! All my abilities have disappeared. There is definitely a reason for this. I have to find it."

Luo Bing quickly left the scene without continuing the conversation with the beggar. For him now, regaining his strength is the most important thing.

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