Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 454 Defeated

The devastated earth is full of bloody corpses. The poor inhabitants of the Sakaar ball became sacrifices to the battle of the gods.

Hoddle, as a third-party force, with the help of those huge palms, he suddenly became an advantageous evil god.

"Gao Tianzun, who is behind that guy?

In order to find out the details of the enemy, Luo Bing once again communicated with Gao Tianzun.

The cold and gloomy wind howled, while Gao Tianzun fell into a state of silence.

He was watching the vague corpses, the stench constantly eroding his sense of smell.

His garden was destroyed, the result of his painstaking efforts over many centuries.

Gao Tianzun's eyes began to become melancholy, and after a while, it was completely replaced by anger.

He turned around and said in an extremely indignant tone: "The master of Hodr is Akhenaten, the first pharaoh of the Egyptian temple."

"What? How could a mere Egyptian pharaoh have such power. 35

It was Luo Xuan who stood up and spoke, obviously he had some contempt for the word "Pharaoh".

"You can believe it or not. In short, I have said everything I know."

Gao Tianzun responded coldly, without any thought to explain. At this moment, he only wanted Hoddle and the others in front of the blade, so that their actions would pay the price.

"Akhenaton, you have violated the agreement between us, and you and your servants will suffer my wrath!"

Gao Tianzun is full of fighting spirit, and the white light radiating from his body is like burning his noble life. Gao Tianzun in that state is tantamount to perishing together, which shows how angry he is.

However, even if Gao Tianzun made such a sacrifice, he still did not harm the opponent in the slightest. Akhenaten's huge palm is the nemesis of a god. As far as the current information is concerned, no god can decipher that power.

"No, everything you have done is in vain. Now hand over the heart of the universe, and I will let Pharaoh let you go.

Hoddle made a sound, his highly insulting words, which displeased Thor.

"Hey! You traitor of Asgard, don't speak up there. We will not give up the honor of warriors, which you will never understand."

Thor swore to speak, and after the other party heard it, a strange atmosphere followed.

Hoddle unfolded his black robe, and an immeasurable black mist also floated out. Those black elements that can devour everything wiped out the surrounding noise, leaving only his voice.

"Warrior? Honor? Don't mention that disgusting word in front of me!"

Hodl's eyes widened and he continued: "When we conquered the alien race, I conquered all the difficult levels by myself. Hela was only a backup, Odin was only a support, and I was the only one who faced all the hardships. But the result? Because Baldur is the god of light, all the credit is placed on him."

"He is a despicable villain, and it was Asgard who betrayed me. If I had to choose again, I would kill that bastard, a thousand times, ten thousand times, until the world stops reincarnation and the universe perishes!"

The more he spoke, the more annoyed and angrier he became. After he released all his vents, a negative energy full of resentment devoured the entire Sakaar ball in an instant.

"Lord Akhenaton, these maggots cannot understand the greatness in your heart, please get rid of them before you waste any more time.

Hoddle resigned to the giant palm behind him, and the giant palm immediately launched an attack after knowing it.

That giant palm is always going to be beneficial. Even though Luo Bing and the others fought desperately to resist, they still couldn't hurt in the slightest, and even self-protection became an extravagant hope.

The high godhead became their shortcoming, and this kind of dilemma that could not be solved for a while allowed the two of Hoddle to seize the opportunity.


The giant grasped all the personnel and absorbed their energy. It didn't take long for Luo Bing and Gao Tianzun's hearts of the universe to be forcibly stripped away.

Two concentrated bodies with infinite possibilities floated in the air, and Hoder plundered them immediately.

So far, Luo Bing's (Nuo Qian's) plans have been broken, and he is threatened with death. But at the critical moment, Gao Tianzun let out a helpless laugh.

"I didn't expect that the situation would get so bad... 35

"Hey, old man, it's no use whining now. 35

Luo Bing replied, he didn't want to die with the guy who lost his dignity. But less than a second after his voice fell, that Gao Tianzun made some amazing remarks.

"Mr. Luo, Akhenaten has collected three cosmic hearts. If he wants to stop him, he must revive Thanos, as long as he knows the opponent's weakness."

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