Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 436 Litaya's Intrusion

The fusion of ice and fire is an absolute burst of destructive power. In order to avoid hurting those onlookers, Gao Tianzun took out his own energy beamer to control it, otherwise it would definitely affect the fish pond.

Under the interference of the energy beamer, Luo Bing's ability was greatly reduced, but this still caused a lot of impact.

With that alone, 80% of the buildings in the venue were completely destroyed, and the only complete building exposed was the VIP observation deck where Gao Tianzun was.

It is precisely because of this impact that even the inhabitants of the planet who were not harmed fled out one after another. After all, compared to watching a play, survival is the real focus.

"Luo Xuan, the troublesome things are gone, if you still have any ideas, just use them.

Luo Bing's confident words made the opponent a little annoyed, but after a simple combing, the opponent returned to a rational state, and he did not allow his mind to become unbalanced.

"Luo Bing, it's pointless to be quick with your tongue. If you have a way to get rid of me, you might as well use it directly, so that I can gain insight." Luo Xuan responded tactfully.

For a time, these two people changed from martial arts to literary fighting. If someone who doesn't know their strength is allowed to evaluate them, they will definitely think that it is two yellow-mouthed children who are bragging.

However, such a seemingly light-hearted conversation made Gao Tianzun, who was far away in the stands, feel a little apprehensive. Although this Venerable is also a detached existence, he never imagined that the two in front of him would actually possess the strength that would not lose to him.

"It can't go on like this, I have to make them move..."

Staring at the stagnation of the fighting in front of him, Gao Tianzun couldn't sit still. And at this moment, Litaya, who was bent on regaining her trust, finally made a decision that satisfied Tian-Zun.

Boom! Boom!

The battlefield that had just quieted down suddenly heard a disturbing restlessness. As the protagonists of this "show", Luo Bing and his old enemy Luo Xuan immediately looked at the source of the sound.

As their gaze continued to push, a cloud of black smoke, like a soul-stirring nightmare, fell in the center of the venue.

"Who are you?" The person who spoke was Luo Bing, and the guy who was asked by him was Litaya who had just walked out of the dark fog.

"Who I am has nothing to do with you, but I can tell you clearly that I'm here to defeat you." Litaya responded without being humble or arrogant.

"Oh? Don't think you are a woman, I will let you. If it is a disagreement on principle, I will not be soft." Luo Bing responded with the same tone, but when he spoke, this guy Still do not forget to scan each other's body.

"Hehe, I'm not weak enough to need you to let me, after all, I'm bound to win the heart of the universe!

Litaya's answer immediately made Luo Xuan, who wanted to watch the play, nervous. Not to mention the strength of that woman, just the words "Heart of the Universe" were enough to arouse his attention.

"Hey, woman, are you here to compete for the Heart of the Universe?" Luo Xuan asked slightly hostilely.

"Yes, the heart of the universe is the supreme secret treasure. As a treasure hunter, I naturally want to fight for it. But before I say it, my goal is that gentleman's universe heart, not Gao Tianzun's universe heart. 39

As soon as these words came out, Luo Xuan's vindictive qi burst into full swing. He immediately turned his head and looked at Luo Bing with an embarrassed expression. "My dear, it turns out that you have already won the Heart of the Universe.

.....for flowers...0

"Yeah, you didn't ask me, do I need to take the initiative to tell you?" Luo Bing replied pretending not to care, but there were already thousands of grass and mud horses Roar roaring past in his heart.

Because he knew Luo Xuan's character well, if let him know that he already has a heart of the universe, this guy will definitely lock himself in, and then hold on tight.

However, the development of facts is just as Luo Bing thought. When Luo Xuan confirmed the news, he immediately made a fighting stance, preparing to snatch and snatch.

It's just that Luo Xuan himself didn't know that the balance of the situation had begun to tilt slightly. After all, he already had an "ally" in the scene.

"Mr. Luo, the little girl is not talented. I am willing to deal with Luo Bing with you. I just hope you can transfer a copy to me after the matter is completed." There are answers.

"Humph! Joke! It's up to you to negotiate terms with me? If you don't want to be affected by your life, you'd better quit early!"

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, he did not hesitate. After he teleported around, he escaped Luo Bing's warning. Although it is only one ten thousandth of the interval, it is enough to establish an advantage for a strong person like them.

"Luo Bing, you are careless.""

Luo Xuan reached out and grabbed the opponent's wrist. Under the high-intensity energy control, Luo Bing couldn't pull away. In order to deal with this dilemma, Luo Bing intends to collide with each other.

But before he could cast the barrier, Litaya, who had been hiding behind him, pulled out a strange pistol inexplicably and shot the bullet into Luo Bing's spine.

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