Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 435 The Venerable Conspiracy

The fist peaks of the two youths are intertwined, but what is behind them is the foundation of the destructive power. Although the two sides have not used any unconventional magical abilities, just seeing the shock brought by the naked fight is enough to prove to the audience that their tickets are worth it.

Facing such a wonderful fight, Gao Tianzun, who was far away in the luxurious grandstand, also showed a satisfied smile. But just when he was satisfied, a young and beautiful girl threw out a topic that made him disgusted.

"Tianzun, if one of them wins, do you really intend to give the heart of the universe to that person?"

The person who spoke was called Litaya, a slave who was picked up by Gao Tianzun when he wandered the universe three years ago. But there is one thing that needs to be explained. Although this woman has a humble status, the ambition that is dormant in her bones is absolutely incomparable to other people.

"Ritaya, why are you running over to disturb my mood when I'm at my happiest? 967"

Gao Tianzun's casual answer was really frightening, and the other party was a little scared. After hearing that, the woman simply knelt down in front of Tianzun, begging for forgiveness.

"Tianzun, I am by no means malicious, but the heart of the universe is a thing of the upper class, and it is not easy to come by..." Litaya hesitated, and how could Gao Tianzun not understand her mind.

"Hmph, Litaya, don't play tricks in front of me. I know the power of the Heart of the Universe better than you.

"Yes! Tianzun is an all-knowing and almighty god, and I can't compare with ordinary people like me."

"Enough, I'm tired of your rhetoric, don't make me sick. If you really want to please me, think about how to make the game more exciting! 35

When Gao Tianzun's words were settled, he turned to look at the befa field, not Litaya to communicate. After thinking for a while, the other party also left the observation room timidly, preparing to take action to regain the trust of Tianzun.

So far, the house has returned to its long-lost silence, but only for a moment. As the fight between Luo Bing and Luo Xuan was upgraded, that Gao Tianzun's smile became more and more exaggerated.

Finally, this so-called almighty guy revealed his true intentions in the empty room.

"Haha, it's so funny, these two idiots actually thought that I would give them the heart of the universe. This is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

It turns out that behind all these actions, all are conspiracies designed by Gao Tianzun. Under the pretext of matching the match, he hoped that Luo Bing and Luo Xuan would both be injured, and then take advantage of it to steal the heart of the universe from Luo Bing's hands.

To be able to complete this plan, Gao Tianzun can be considered painstaking, he even took in the Red Skull he hates as a pawn, and behind all these goals, is his even more crazy gambling...

The screen turned, and then looked back into the arena.

The two detached teenagers have already entered the stage of showing their true abilities. In the face of Luo Xuan, whose strength is almost the same as his own, Luo Bing no longer has any reservations.

"Hey, Luo Xuan! Since we've reached this point, let's not hide it, let's just use our own ultimate move, save energy and let those guys look like monkeys.

"Okay, just do as you say."

After Luo Xuan readily agreed to the request, he took off Su Jie's coat. With that strong and textured muscle exposed, Luo Bing was even a little envious.

"Damn, this guy is actually exercising secretly, how can I say he is more confident than before." Luo Bing muttered in a low voice, and then spoke again: "Hey, before the fight is over, I'll ask you one last time, you What exactly do you want that thing for?"5

"As I said, this has nothing to do with you. If you don't want to lose miserably, you can quit as you are."

After Luo Xuan responded confidently to his opponent, he showed his ultimate move. As he clenched his fists, the night sky that was like a curtain suddenly became extremely bright.

Anyone who saw that bizarre sight opened his mouth wide, showing a face full of fear, and some people even spread remarks that their lives would be affected.

"Luo Bing, this is the energy I just extracted from the solar furnace a few days ago. For the sake of you and me, I can give you one level.

"Haha, it's really funny, don't you think I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Luo Bing, who was ridiculed, no longer has any reservations. I saw him vacate backwards, and after leaving enough space, a cold wind swept in.

In an instant, the originally hot venue became much milder under the action of the cold wind. As a representative of "hot", Luo Xuan also sensed the strength of the cold wind.

"Is this the cold wind of the Far East permafrost?

Luo Xuan asked suspiciously, but when faced with his question, Luo Bing laughed.

"Yes, it's cold enough to deal with the heat of the sun.

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