Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 215 Too bad! 10gu eats the moon!

infinity and eternity???

In a word that can be easily misunderstood, this guy is...also...not a person!

Thor on the side: "5

Eternal smiled, and suddenly there were two black hole-like dimples on his face.


What a wonderful way!

"If I can't go back to the past, if I can't return the Infinite Gems in a short time, the timeline of the universe will be in chaos, time will collapse, what will happen to you as the time originally?"

But Luo Bing never imagined that...

Afterwards, he looked at Galactus blankly and said in a flat tone: "I'm sorry, Galactus, I can't arbitrarily change anything that happens in the universe"

"Thank you 857, you saved the universe, man" Luo Bing put a high hat on Eternal's head.

Do not!

"Shout," Galactus replied.

"Think about it carefully, if you help me, you are helping yourself"

And as the five gods of the universe, will he watch the universe be destroyed?

"You don't belong to this world." After a long silence, Eternal said.

Although it is standing in front of Luo Bing, Luo Bing's The God's Telekinesis can only perceive a chaotic time. eternal silence...


"Hey, buddy, everyone is in the universe, they are all friends, you helped me today, and I can help you when something happens to you. This is not called breaking the rule, it is called humaneness," Luo Bing said. Come to know the relationship.

"By the way, do you think the walking posture of the fat ball just now looks like a classic game? 35

Yes, on his body, which is as high as several kilometers, it is full of small galaxies, like a performance artist.

Luo Bing frowned and looked into the distance.

Yet another unheard of.

"In other words, whose responsibility do you think this is? Eternity, if the universe is destroyed, it will be your responsibility in the end. You can't escape it, and you will perish with the elimination of this universe."

I seem to be fooling some incredible character, and which side is it the great god?

"Oops, Tengu eats the moon!"

"Well, how about making a deal, give me the Infinity Gauntlet in your hand, and I will help you reverse all this," Eternal said.

This is much simpler.

"What! I guess Galactus digested it!!".


"Think about it carefully, forever," Luo Bing said with a solemn expression.

"No..." Yongheng shook his head and hesitated.

He had an official look on his face, like a rigid program, with no intention of negotiating at all.


Then coalesce...until new life.

This is solved????

He still hasn't recovered.

It is the embodiment of the time law of the universe!

Galactus on the side: "What he said makes sense, eternity, you can't neglect your duty, or I will stop you on behalf of balance"

Thor on the side was also confused and had never heard of these two names.


This guy...

"Who are they?" Luo Bing asked curiously, frowning.

"Then... I'm leaving... I'm hungry again, the food you gave is delicious," Galactus said, nodding at Luo Bing, and then rushing into the distance, swallowing a Small planet on the road.

Listening to it makes me feel up!

"Okay, I roughly understand what you mean, do I find them?" Luo Bing glared at Thor, then asked Galactus.

Wait, no... Brother Ball said it was them, then infinity and eternity should be two people.

If Spider-Man from the parallel world is a cartoon style, then this guy is like an abstract painting of Van Gogh, his whole person, no, his whole appearance resembles a human being.

No, he must not neglect his duty, that's what it exists for.

"I just wanted to say this!"

It said, and then silently disappeared into the air, without taking away a cloud, there was a faint trend of hiding merit and fame.

So, he released his divine light, and all the planetary debris in the entire solar system began to flow backwards rapidly.

Thor: 66

"What's the matter, Galactus?" Eternally looked at Galactus in front of him and looked at the two little guys beside him, and asked out of doubt.

"They're not really human"

It seems to have just woken up or has been around forever.

"Shout?" Thor and Luo Bing glanced at each other, speechless.

The originally bright and reflective moon, At the moment, has a trace of being bitten by someone.

"What a fuss, the moon is cloudy and sunny, and the angle is a problem," Luo Bing said disapprovingly.

The ball really shouted.

"It's such an eternity that I accidentally...

"It's not impossible to give it to you, but after giving it to you, the universe will be destroyed." Luo Bing shrugged.

"Hey!" Luo Bing called Roar at Eternal, with a shining smile.


"By the way, you didn't notice that the moon is missing a corner! It's curved!" Thor said, pulling Luo Bing in shock.

It seems that someone really shouted out!

The same has hands and feet, but his torso is like a huge galaxy map.

"Yes, I'm from another parallel universe" Luo Bing replied.

"Not even at your request"


"it is my responsibility"

Luo Bing sighed with sadness on his face: "Tell you the truth, man, the Infinite Gems on this glove are all from the past, and they have to be returned. If I don't restore the solar system in time, I will make them. A machine that does not travel through time"

This is what Galactus calls eternity.

Under the influence of Plath's causal law of god-level flickering, Yong Yong gradually realized the 'essence' of things, so he pondered a little, and suddenly felt that the fate of the entire universe was in his hands.

That's the sparkly Infinity Gauntlet.

"They're not people," Galactus began.

In the blink of an eye, the entire solar system was restored to its original state.

"But it always feels like something is wrong...???"

Galactus told Eternity all the reasons for everything, and after that, he expected Eternal to take action and subvert this wrong time.

"Why did you scold them? Is it because of hatred?" Thor asked in surprise. For some reason, he always felt that his way of speaking was a bit reckless.

Galactus was stunned for a while, and he didn't react for a while. His brain had not been functioning properly for tens of thousands of years.

Luo Bing covered his face with one hand, and when he was beaten to death, he didn't believe that just by shouting, he could shout out a person in this desolate universe.

It was originally time! That's why it's called eternity!!!

"I don't quite understand what you're talking about"

"No! We are in space now! What angle is there!

"And the billions of creatures in this universe will also be destroyed because of your dereliction of duty."


The six gems are dazzling.


Luo Bing The God's Telekinesis swept around, and the captain and the others lay on the ground again. Although they had gray hair, they were not dead yet.

"Let's go back to Earth"

Luo Bing smashed his tongue and looked at the ball beside him...


His eyes swept across Thor, towards Luo Bing, and in the end his vision will always stay on Luo Bing's right hand.

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