Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 214 Flicking Deadman's Life for Plath

"Eh...what is that..." Thor subconsciously poked Luo Bing's shoulder with one arm, and he was stared at by those huge amounts of eyes, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

You are really thrifty at home!!!

"Now we have used a lot of methods, Alter Reality, manipulating time, but nothing works. Brother Qiu, do you have any suggestions?" Luo Bing said, and Thor on the side looked expectantly at Galactus.

"Pinch one out with your hands," Galactus replied.

"How do I know that this is your mistake. You have to learn to think independently and not depend on others for everything. This is a sign of growth." Luo Bing folded his arms confidently.

White-haired one-armed Thor: ""

As a result, the two began to look at each other in a ball, thinking together about saving the solar system.

I don't know if it eats Venus, Jupiter, or the sun. Does it have such a big appetite, bro???

"What's weird, isn't Star Lord's father also a ball..."

"What?" Luo Bing and Thor, who were speechless at first, instantly became energetic.

The whole sphere had a "square" trend in an instant, Galactus hesitated for a minute or two, and then made a puzzled voice: "Then... what should I do?"

By the way, is this stuff delicious?

"Why don't you eat...then I'll eat it myself..."

Galactus: "???"

"?" Galactus didn't quite understand the meaning of Luo Bing's words, but thought the creature's words were interesting, not annoying.

"I'm hungry..." Galactus began.

Why do I feel that my brother-in-law from another world speaks righteously...


"You need energy, right?" Luo Bing rolled his eyes and silently activated the three-layer lucky halo.

"You seem to have a point..." Galactus hesitation.

"I'm hungry..." The faint voice came from the strange big guy. The voice was so vast and heavy that it almost pierced Thor's eardrum.

"Oh..." Galactus fell silent again.

"I think you are not too young. As an adult ball, you should shoulder your responsibilities. Now that the solar system has been destroyed like this, tell me what to do!"

Not long after, within the scope of his The God's Telekinesis observation, several luminous energy planets flew over and were swallowed by Galactus, who opened his black hole's mouth, and hiccupped with satisfaction.

Is this touch porcelain?

After all, the creature in front of me... is too big!


"Eat, eat, eat, you've grown into a ball, and you still eat." Luo Bing was speechless, and then he used his fantasy to materialize a mountain of food, and stuffed his brain into Galactus' big mouth middle.

"Hey, stop it, no, stop it! That's our ball!" Thor wanted to cry without tears. He had little hope of recovery, and now he was eaten by this big guy. Now he wants a perfect resurrection, basically There is no possibility.

"It's my responsibility! I broke it and now I'm fixing it!

For this unexplained and extremely powerful ball... He has a great hope for saving the earth in his heart.

Pengci went to a talking planet of unknown origin???

"But now you have eaten part of it, and now the planet is destroyed and the solar system is destroyed. It is also your responsibility!"

"Then look for infinity or eternity..."

"You can't eat soil when you're hungry, man, I don't care if you want to supplement minerals and microelements, but you can't eat here. This used to be our homeland, and it has to be restored!" Luo Bing turned into a voice The streamer flew in front of the behemoth.

If it weren't for the fact that he killed a lot of huge amounts of monsters in the early years, at the moment he would have doubted that he had a giant phobia...

"It makes sense, the god-level version of the Daquan is promoted earnestly, I generally call it Flickering Deadman's Lifeless Plath" Luo Bing smiled with satisfaction.....

Luo Bing was a little angry: "I know the planet is scrapped, who do you think is responsible for this!!""

"Looks like a ball"

Is it an illusion?

Wait... what does the destruction of the solar system have to do with this ball?

Thor: ""

"No! Another way!

So, it continued to explain: "The planet is have to eat it, don't eat it, waste it..."

"Stop!" Luo Bing also realized this, he didn't dare to let this weird big ball swallow it, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

"Are you full?"

His eyes constantly peeked at the energy wreckage of the shattered planets, still craving food.

"By the way, I've always been curious. You said that Star-Lord's father is a ball, why is Star-Lord a person? Are the genes of the Earth stronger than the genes of the "Eight Five Seven" Protoss?"

Although these things weren't enough for him to stick between his teeth, Galactus seemed to be a little satisfied.

"They should have a way to..."

"How do I know this! If Star-Lord is not dead, I will ask him for you!"

"What's the meaning?

The two were discussing wildly.

I don't know which ancient cosmic language it speaks, but the moment it speaks, it can make others understand what it expresses, which is very magical.


Thor on the side covered his face in shame.

"I haven't met Egg...but that's definitely different..."

"I figured out a way," Galactus said suddenly.

"You don't need to know what it means"

Thor looked at his brother-in-law from another world, and suddenly found that this person is not only unreliable, but also has many crooked ideas...

Oh...gosh...he's so tiny -- compared to the big guy in front of him.

Time passed slowly, and Galactus seemed to think of something again, and said:

"I know it's a ball, but...that's weird!"

"But...they aren't as cute as you...I don't really like talking to them",

"Three thousandths full"

On the side, the neglected Galactus blinked, and after a long time, it thought to itself, turned around again, and continued to devour the remaining energy of the planet's explosion.

Luo Bing:

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