Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 175 Omni directional Amplification

The reincarnation eye of Jiugouyu, incomparably powerful pupil power fills Luo Bing's brain.

I feel like I'm going to explode...

What's up with this unparalleled power??

Damn, my body can't take it because the upgrade is too fast, right?

Luo Bing clenched his fist, the feeling of explosion filled his whole body, he instantly acquired a power that he was not familiar with, this thing did not bring a manual.


There is always a strange feeling that Luo Bing seems to be connected with everything in the world.

He subconsciously hooked his fingers, and a small planet around the moon flew over and smashed directly in his direction.


The Shockwave rippling, Luo Bing smashed the small planet of file size in ten buildings with one fist, shook hands, and all the dust was thrown into the distance by a repulsive force.

repulsion and attraction.

This seems to be a special function that comes with the Jiugou Jade Samsara Eye.

In addition, there may be other functions Luo Bing have not found yet.

However, this has exceeded Luo Bing's expectations. It feels great. The unparalleled sense of power fills Luo Bing's heart. From today, there is no longer any uncertainty in hitting people with meteorites!

Can be included in one of the conventional means.

His little heart swelled slightly, and it seemed that the evil thoughts of the Samsara Eye were also affecting his brain.

"No, too strong power is really hard to control. I don't know if my Wushou Immortal Body can be upgraded." Luo Bing calmed down and looked inwardly at his body.

【Unscaled Immortal Body, level SSS, cannot be upgraded】

"Huh?" Luo Bing frowned, is this level already full?

But why can he still feel that his body is still getting stronger day by day in daily life?

What does this mean?

The body is still getting stronger, but it shows that it cannot be upgraded.

Is it because the Wushou Immortal Body has reached the peak of evolution?

Now what he lacks is the experience bar instead of a large level of advancement?

Luo Bing frowned, and then he looked at his other abilities.

[Fantasy embodiment, level SSS]

[Time Traveler's Pocket Watch, Level SSS]

[Professor Do's teleportation, rank S]

[Strong Person Identification Technique, Level SSS]

【Prophecy Dream, Level SSS】

[Batman's friend Xiaoshan's speed force, level SSS]

Luo Bing discovered a pattern.

It seems that the abilities obtained after turning on the lucky halo are all SSS full level.

Oh right...

After all, the lucky halo is too bad, and the ones given are naturally the best. Therefore, except for some rubbish things, there is no possibility of his ability being upgraded.

At least not now...

But what can I do if the ability of garbage is upgraded.

Except for the CPU that accounts for the brain...

Professor Du's teleportation ability can still be upgraded. Although this ability also exploded when the triple luck aura was activated, the system was bugged by him that day, and the luck of a day could only explode with one SSS level, so The latter two levels are also much weaker.


Luo Bing originally wanted to upgrade his lucky skills.

If nothing else, it's just the blessing of the white predecessor... That thing has to be upgraded again, how scary is that?

But for now, he can't do it.

However, upgrading skills is not so simple. He can upgrade not only Luo Bing's original abilities, but also everything Luo Bing wants to upgrade.

For example... upgrade Skye's Nana?

Wait... if you upgrade humans, will it increase their lifespan?

Or Awakening some special physique?

Test this later.

From now on.

The Eye of Data that comes with him is also very useful.

It is also very fast and effective to identify some unknown items.

Although...sometimes it's a bit of a hassle.

Just like now, when Luo Bing put his eyes on his hands, a string of text messages was prompted.

"The hands of the avenger Luo Bing, made of immortal body, very durable, SSS-level items"

Luo Bing: 35

I am not an object!

How should this thing be turned off! It's not passive!

Luo Bing rubbed his brows and felt a little speechless. It's not enough to just improve.

You also have to master the Ability you have in front of you.

He also has too many pupil techniques, such as the powerhouse identification technique, the eye of data, and the eye of reincarnation.

It's also cumbersome to switch between.

In general, Luo Bing is still improperly operated, and has a strange ability, but the research on his own ability is not thorough.

do not care.

Upgrade the teleport move first.

Luo Bing's intentions.


[Ding... SSS level has taught the template to be replaced, now you have all the abilities taught by Du, but there is no weakness]

Luo Bing's head sank again, as if he was hit hard, a lot of knowledge and understanding were transferred to his consciousness.


Luo Bing entered a special field.

In this field...


"This is... a new ability? It used to teach not only the ability of space, but also the ability of part-time?" Luo Bing looked at his hands in surprise.

Everything around them stood still.

What's even more exaggerated is that Luo Bing's space ability, which can only be transmitted between solar systems, seems to have also gained an exaggerated huge increase.

In addition, his five senses have increased exponentially once again, and his vision in normal state has also become more acute.

"I can now... can teleport directly to God's Domain??"

The seven branches of the world tree are very far apart. Even the spaceship 827 will take decades to fly. In the past, Luo Bing had to travel through the interlayer space of hell if he wanted to go to the realm of the gods. Now, he only needs one. Thoughts, can only cross this long distance.

really exaggerated...

In order to test, Luo Bing's mind moved and disappeared directly in place.

After he left, the time in this area returned to normal rotation again.

In the picturesque Divine Realm, a tall statue stands on the spot.

Not Odin, not Thor, not Loki.


Nemesis, Hela!

The ghost knows what she's been doing these days, didn't you see Thor living on earth all the time?

Luo Bing landed on top of the statue, and the long-distance crossing made him a little sluggish, but he quickly returned to normal with the blessing of a bottle of blue medicine.

SSS-level Paradise MP Pharmacy.

Ha ha...

The upgraded version is very different.

Maybe now I can try to get the resurrection potion out of the poisoned milk powder?

But that thing... can it really work? Can it be realized?

Luo Bing shook his head, it seems that Samsara also has a means of resurrection, but all this has to wait for him to try slowly in the future.

Now, don't rush.

No matter who's calling the shots here now, it's time to borrow the Infinity Gauntlet template from the Warehouse.

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