Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 174 Crazy upgrade

Luo Bing was refreshed, and then he started a crazy upgrade journey.

The fewer words the more powerful is the truth.

It seems that not all abilities upgrade will become very powerful at the end.

In just one minute, he broke away from the surface of the earth and drifted in the universe, between the earth and the moon.

F-level garbage ability upgrade can not become a god ability at the end.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to upgrade his abilities.

[Ding... Your zone has been advanced to the SSS-level ability 'Freedom Extreme Intention']


Luo Bing sighed. Although helpless, he accepted it.

That's right... The five-character ability symbolizes garbage here in Luo Bing.

A scum with a combat power of only five...

Luo Bing was speechless, and then he experimented and punched his stomach quickly.

and many more???

Then upgrade!

It's finally useful...but it has something to do with Naruto again...

What a repeat!

"Prophecy painting? Year Luo Bing rolled his eyes, it's a rubbish ability, and it's still repeated, a C-level ability, it's really rubbish.

In fact, I can't say the same, it just didn't meet Luo Bing's psychological expectations.

No wonder Beast's instinct is so practical, it turned out to be an S-rank ability.

This 'upgrade' ability is really buggy.

"It's okay... you guys go to sleep, I'll beat myself up" Luo Bing had a dark face and didn't want to explain.

Definitely, Luo Bing doesn't dare to click on the upgrade for the few abilities that are easy to use at this stage.

Before you are proficient, try the water with the garbage ability.

Isn't that dragging your pants and farting!

The power of the eyes is also more powerful.

"Can you still upgrade?" Luo Bing looked at the ability speechlessly.

shit, wait...

"It's not passive anymore!!!"

A wisp of blue smoke, the spotted pig appeared...and then it was of no use.

Luo Bing's face is stunned, this is not right... Could it be that the writing wheel will become something else when it is advanced??

[Introduction to Ability: Anything you draw can be transformed into real objects]

The situation is not what he imagined, but the next level of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is the reincarnation eye.

And this ability is his usual Otherworld Ability.

Writing wheel eye!!!

Luo Bing breathed a sigh of relief and found a junk ability that had not been used for a long time.

What if something goes wrong...and you screw yourself up again?

At least now that he can easily commit suicide, isn't it gratifying to feel that this life is in his own hands?

"What's the matter?" All the avengers who were not yet asleep, or were still working, ran over nervously, thinking it was a parallel world guy who fought back.

【Prank painting skills of Naruto Seven when he was a child】

Luo Bing ran a black line, and then clicked the plus sign of upgrade again.

Too bad... that trumped-up plus sign has been greyed out.

So, Luo Bing just needs to click the plus sign.


And now...???

Brother, is there something wrong with you?

[Ding! The C-level ability 'Spiritual Flash' has been successfully replaced]


Continue to upgrade.

【When you enter the free-spirited mode, your hair will turn into silver lines and your pupils will turn into silver. 】

【Ding...SSS Nine Gou Jade Writing Wheel Eyes Replaced Successfully!】

Damn...passive gone!!!

Before, he couldn't even commit suicide.


"Ability to take over body fights?

[Introduction to Ability: Your occasional inspirational creation is likely to be something that will happen in the future]


[Brief introduction to the ability: The Free Supreme Intention Skill relies on various parts of the body to perform conditioned reflex movements, without the need for a little thinking in the brain, to maximize the speed of movement and ability to respond. The body and consciousness are separated, and the "827" of each part of the self can go beyond the instinct to perceive the surrounding danger, no longer need the brain to think first and then act

Luo Bing was literally moved to tears by his actions.

Luo Bing put his heart down, put his heart on it, and pointed the writing wheel eye to SSS!

[Ding... Eternal Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye upgrade completed]

Pit, my passive skills are gone???

If you are not satisfied, then upgrade!

Although everyone has this doubt in their hearts... but they are afraid and embarrassed to ask.


This means Luo Bing's Defense Ability drops a few levels!

I use the writing wheel very well, don't change it for me!

Damn it's name changed???

"Am I playing a game? What is the Self-Attack Ability?"

Luo Bing flew upside down, smashed the wall beside him, and stagnated in mid-air.

And the new supernatural power of the ultimate mind needs to be actively triggered to enter that state.

What does it mean to... beat yourself up?

[Ding! The D-level ability 'painter' has been successfully replaced]

In active mode!

This means that all the abilities Luo Bing obtained before, whether it's garbage or BT abilities, will become more powerful.

[Ding...Writing Spring and Autumn with pen and ink, writing like a god...]

I can imagine things that can be realized, but also use the painting to realize it?

Finally, an ability similar to the realization of fantasy was given.

Abilities have thresholds.

It seems that in the future, when experimenting with new abilities, we will have to find a quiet environment like the universe.


Luo Bing hurriedly conducted the experiment, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, this is it.

Moreover, he can switch between the two at will.

[Ability Introduction: You are the Tang Bohu of the present world, Da Vinci]


[Ding...SS Samsara Eye has been replaced]

[Ding...SSS-level ability 'Magic Pen Ma Liang' has been delivered]

[Ability Introduction: You can use ink to draw insects and beasts and summon them to real battles]

Unlike most other powers with uncertainty, Sharonyan has its own way to upgrade!

Luo Bing:

so tired...

After rolling his eyes, Luo Bing continued to upgrade his abilities.

He has never changed!

Luo Bing materialized paper and pen and randomly drew a spotted pig.

Before, even if he punched himself with a fist, the other arm would instinctively block.

Luo Bing was dumbfounded, isn't the ability to upgrade the more perfect it is? Why did his passive disappear? He also changed a five-character ability???

[S-level ability 'Beast Instinct', upgrade successfully, instinct strengthening, foreseeing Ability strengthening, passive combat Ability strengthening]

But Luo Bing can't be open all day, there are always omissions.

Ability upgrade is capped.


Luo Bing:

Luo Bing stretched.

[Ding! B-level ability "Seven Hokage's friend, Sakai's Modun Ninjutsu"]

[Ding... Your Beast instinct has been advanced to the SS-level ability 'zone', the all-round status has been increased by 100%, the self-attack Ability is enabled, and one-click is the most perfect attack operation]

"'s nothing, you all go to sleep, I'll go out for a walk" Luo Bing sighed, and he flew into the sky and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.


"Huh?" A group of people looked at Luo Bing strangely, their faces bewildered.

[Ding! F-level ability 'Seven Hokage's prank painting skills as a child' was upgraded successfully]

is tired.

Luo Bing continued with a black line on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a spree of basic knowledge about painting techniques and artistic conception was copied into Luo Bing's head.

It's like quantitative change leads to qualitative change, but no matter what, he has a limit after all.

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