Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 170 My name is Deadpool, your sweetheart

It is not the first time that the Avengers Tower has been destroyed. During the Great War of New York, it was demolished once because of the aftermath of the battle.

But this time it's different.

This is an explosion attack, this is an active provocation!

There are nearly 1,000 ordinary people working in the Avengers Building. This time, if Luo Bing was not there, the consequences would be unimaginable.

And, this time only at Avengers Tower.

If it was at Tony's wedding, then Tony and Skye would be threatened with their lives without any protection.

And Luo Bing.

This is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Luo Bing walked to the landing pad alone and looked at the bright moon rising high in the sky.

Silently opened the lucky halo.

Inside an unassuming old pier Warehouse in Queens.

At this moment, the group of demons gathered here.

Dianguang Man, originally a circuit worker, later gained super ability because of electricity, and became a super villain who can control lightning.

Green Goblin14, Peter's friend in the parallel world, wearing green armor and a devil's helmet with yellow eyes, moves with a bat-shaped Flight machine "Demon Glider".

In this world, this guy also caused some trouble for Peter, but in the end he became a normal person again.

Doctor Octopus, four powerful electromechanical arms on her back, she is a highly intelligent mad scientist, female.

Professor Lizard, the ability to do things is not inferior to Dr. Lizard in this world, half human and half reptile.

Venom, Carnage, Contempt!

Three thoughtful extraterrestrial organisms, almost in liquid form, need to combine with a host to survive, usually human, which can give the host greater power and ability.

In addition, there are nearly twenty or thirty villains such as Mr. Invisible, Demolition Wizard, Water Man, Desert Man, Mysterious Guest and so on.

definitely...and a burly Kim Bing in a golden suit!

"Yo, the battle failed, hum, I said that the Avengers are not easy to mess with?" Slaying stretched out his lizard-like tongue, licked the corner of his mouth, and drooled.

"It's just a simple attempt, hum, there's no need to be yin and yang there, bug." The invisible man was wearing a special combat uniform, and at the moment he was in a very unpleasant mood.

"You dare to call me a bug?"

"Do you want to know what your own tastes are! 35 Massacre became hideous in an instant, his red tentacles were about to move, and his blood-like skin color made him look terrifying at the moment.

"Do you want to fight with me? Come on!" Mr. Invisible was not to be outdone, and was not afraid at all.

"Fight, fight! Hahaha, you two hurry up and fight, yo, slaughter, remember to leave a head for me, ah... That crunchy head is so delicious!" Venom shouted arrogantly on the side.

"Shasha..." Sandman condensed the sand around him, as if looking at a group of people were also very upset.

"Stop, you idiots, do you want civil unrest!" Doctor Octopus's four mechanical arms fluttered, instantly grabbing the four who wanted to make trouble.

"You're just provocative?" Slaughter's eyes instantly turned hideous, and he sneered at Doctor Octopus' tentacles.

"Enough," Jin said and stopped.

"What kind of thing are you? Dare to point fingers at this uncle! Venom broke free from Doctor Octopus' tentacles in an instant, and the whole person entered a combat armed state, and frantically looked at Jin Bing.

If we say that superhero can integrate together instantly.

Then the super villains don't get along so happily. After all, they are not afraid of the sky and the earth, not to mention their hot temper, they are relatively calm if they don't fight immediately.

"I said, enough!


The rock shattered, and the hard concrete floor was covered with gold and a pair of fists smashed out huge amounts of small pits.

"Don't say I didn't remind you, your lives are still in my hands, if you don't achieve your goals, you all have to die." Jin Qi sneered, he held the key to the parallel space, if he did not return to himself within the specified time A world where everyone will gradually weaken and eventually die.

"Great, is it my turn to die at last!! Wow!! People are so excited! Come on! Come on! Come and fuck me!" A man in a red and blue tights twisted strangely Wearing his own pp, there are two long swords behind him.

"Spider-man? Why is there such a strange Spider-man?" The Scarlet Spider generation frowned suspiciously and looked at the guy.

"Fuck Spider-man, they're called Deadpool, it's your sweetie, eh, man, when it comes to Spider-man, you seem to be the one, damn it!! Are you mutated! How can you be so virtuous, come on Did you get into a car accident when you were in a car accident? Great, how did you feel when you had a car accident, did it hurt? It must be very painful, just like the first time in **, the first time will be painful

This can't help but remind me of the first time I fucked, I ##**.." Deadpool started his freestyle very quickly, constantly bursting out forbidden words, and his body was very supple, constantly twisting on his waist.


It's kind of nauseating.

"You're so disgusting, you deserve to be a villain! I'm ashamed to be with you!" Mysterio exaggeratedly spit out 827.

"Villain?? Wait, I'm not a villain, I'm a superhero, have you heard of X-Men? Haven't you heard of Task Force X? Oh, my God, I'm a superhero that's upright, even though my squad The members are almost dead, but you have to admit, I am really a superhero who loves to learn and grow well. By the way, who are you all? 35

"Wait, after a long time, you are all villains!! Oh... God, are you going to play a big game now? I have already thought about the script, Deadpool vs. Villain Alliance, here we come, I'm ready Now, wash your PP, I'm ready, I'm ready" Deadpool said and started to warm up constantly, looking like a schoolboy radio gymnastics.

"Swish" a green tail swept over, and the spikes on it directly cut Deadpool in half.

"One died, this guy is so noisy." Dr. Lizard snorted coldly and patted the blood on his tail.

"Wow ah ah, you cheated, you haven't waited for me to be ready, I don't accept it, come again! I'm going to fuck you!" Deadpool who was separated from the body was still shouting, and you had to admire his tenacious vitality.

God...isn't that exposed intestine really his...

Why is he still alive???.

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