Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 169 The real reason for the explosion of the Avengers Building

"What happened?" Thor waved the smoke and dust in front of him with his arms, and rushed out with a meow hammer in an instant.

Damn it!

After he did not find the target after the spatial perception investigation, the whole person instantly entered the time and space.

"I didn't find any strange personnel, strange, could it be that the bomb was placed a few days ago?" Steve frowned suspiciously.

The placement of the explosive device also cleverly avoided all surveillance, and was in a surveillance blind spot...

And Luo Bing also immediately identified the source of the explosion.

"Is it invisible? It seems that the security system of J.A.R.V.I.S still has hidden dangers. Record this." Luo Bing frowned and gave an order.

"Damn! Where did they take this place!" Thor was very angry and rushed towards the source of the explosion. It is still uncertain where the source of the explosion is, because the explosion of the Avengers Building has been spreading from the fifteenth floor. On the 26th floor!

"Don't be noisy" Luo Bing did not explain much, and focused on observing the Avengers Building in front of him.

"Yes, we can't be sure that all Spider-mans are good, there's just too much uncertainty." Hawkeye nodded, agreeing with Natasha Romanoff.

""827" five minutes ago!"

"I've been ignoring this before, it's very likely that the enemy is invisible, J.A.R.V.I.S, modulate the band wave to Mach 492, and play this picture with reverse color light" TonyTWO gave the order again.

Time began to warp, the smoke cleared, and the Avengers Building returned to normal.

There was chaos as far as the eye could see, and many ordinary people in the Avengers Building were covered by everyone, and the casualties were heavy!

"I didn't expect that such a small device could actually cause such a big explosion of equivalent size. It seems that the development of parallel world technology cannot be underestimated." Luo Bing thought to himself, he locked the source of the explosion a second before the explosion, and the same space perception also saw that explosive.

"Ding ding ding..."

The Avengers Building "once again" burst into bright fireworks.

"Sorry...I didn't think about it that much before"

Because it is a dead object, Luo Bing's spatial perception cannot detect dead objects acutely, and even more so without knowing what it looks like.

Peter rubbed his face in annoyance.

"However... From the current point of view, not only we have arrived in this world, but even the villains have mixed in," Black and White Spider-man apologized in a low voice.

"Monitoring Called Out"

Concealed bombs of unknown shape are too difficult to find compared to live observable targets.

The entire Avengers Building was crumbling.


"Okay, Mr. Stark," J.A.R.V.I.S replied respectfully.

Five minutes later, an explosive device of a playing card File size was sent into the S.H.I.E.L.D laboratory.

The blast happened at 7:23:15 pm.

Just inside the room, the explosion was too sudden to determine the source of the explosion. Now that Luo Bing is directly floating on the periphery of the Avengers Building, everything is naturally much simpler.


Immediately afterwards, an illusory light and shadow appeared in the monitoring of nothingness.

A golden illusory clock appeared in front of Luo Bing.

No target found.

That must be a pretty scary bomb!

"Oh buy!! The Avengers Building is blown up!! Brother-in-law, look at it!!" Thor roared, his expression exaggerated.

"But the parallel space thing just happened today, it doesn't make sense, or another Jinbian came to our world long ago? And lurked?"

But the heat released when he exploded had the effect of 20 tons of TNT.

"It's a very delicate device. In fact, the explosive material in it is not something on the earth. It is very destructive. At the same time, it is also equipped with an anti-heat metal detection device, which is an invisible killer." TonyTWO played with the Explosives, with intense interest in his eyes.

"Wait... J.A.R.V.I.S, set the video back to 3.12pm" TonyTWO suddenly realized something and said.

This is also normal, since they can all come to this world by accident, it makes no sense that others can't.

No target found...

During the three hours of surveillance prior to that, no one had ever entered the 19th floor.

After repeatedly inspecting the surveillance for a day, everyone looked at Luo Bing with frowning.

This is simply breaking ground on Tai Sui's head!

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

Luo Bing didn't say anything. From Beast's instinct, he didn't find the maliciousness of these outsiders, but this kind of thing may not be the case. As far as last time, one of the HYDRA reporters did not exude maliciousness, and Beast's instinct would also A flawed day is not everything.

Luo Bing rolled his eyes, ignoring this idiot in a certain way, and directly slid the time pointer here, and went back in time again.

"Back off!"

"Hum hum hum...․" Spider-Man was still talking to the Spider-man, but Luo Bing disappeared in place in an instant, the spatial perception was released, and he carefully checked every square floor of the Avengers Building.

When he hit the step-by-step investigation to the 19th floor, the faint timing sound passed to his ears,

Soon, the picture reversed again.

If there is no target, how did the explosion come? Could it have been placed before?

Luo Bing cursed inwardly, this unexpected explosion made him very annoyed.

"But, how did this thing get in under our noses, there are spies in the Avengers Tower?" Steve asked in confusion.

"This bomb...seems to be a product of our world," the Spider-Girl from the future universe said cautiously.

"Whoosh..." Thor carried Jin and flew over, landed on a balcony, and looked at Luo Bing suspiciously.

"This is not the shape of Jin Bing, who is this?" Gwen leaned over, confused.

"It's possible, maybe even crossing time when traveling through parallel spaces," Dr. Banner analyzed.

So, for now, we can only wait until it explodes again!

"It's not complicated, it's just a little trouble, but this time, they really annoyed me," Luo Bing said, his eyes became serious.

"With this kind of intelligence, why didn't you say it sooner? Natasha Romanoff rolled her eyes.

It's an unremarkable device like the File size of a playing card.

"Let's see first." Tonytwo pinched the monitor in front of the analyst.

"Oh, it really is an invisible person, it seems to be a super-ability person" Tonytwo looked at the white transparent figure in the surveillance, and let out a sigh of relief.

But now he has been silenced by Luo Bing's mute command and blocked with the power of space.

"I know, this guy is Mr. Invisible, my most hated opponent, I didn't expect, he also came to this world" - 5.0 straight silent black and white Spider-man said.

"The only people outside the base today are these Spider-man" Natasha Romanoff frowned and looked in a certain direction.

Immediately after that, Beast's instinct once again gave a warning of danger.

After just experiencing the HYDRA counterattack, everyone is very sensitive to the word spy.

"Ah... the situation has become complicated..." Tonytwo held the back of his head with both hands and looked at Luo Bing helplessly.

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