Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 165 You Beware Thanos!

Yes, although no one knows what the consequences will be.

But Strange guessed through some empirical descriptions in ancient books, which may mean disappearance forever.

Originally, traveling through time is an irrational thing, which violates the rules of universe operation, and there will definitely not be any good results, not to mention that this time Tony No. 2 even traveled through parallel universes.

For this universe, this is not allowed.

The magician family always guards the magic plane, and also guards the stability of the parallel universe. If it weren't for the original defense mechanism of the universe, it would be impossible for the alien creatures from the parallel universe to invade the hell with the magician alone.

Why have thousands of years passed, the evil gods of the evil plane have been peeping at this universe without any action? Instead, they have descended some innocuous beliefs, allowing the people of this universe to gain the power to destroy?

Are they unable to reach this plane?

Do not

That is they dare not.

Just like Dormammu, he is not a person from a parallel universe, at best he is just a cracked universe, an isolated space creature with a bad environment like hell, but he does not dare to descend directly on the earth, he still needs to go through a medium, Awakening his own power little by little, he carefully landed on the earth.

However, when he found out that he had nothing to do with Asgardian on Earth, he naturally retreated obediently.

However, from the current point of view, there should be something wrong on the earth, otherwise it will not attract people from parallel universes to come.

One Tony might be an accident, but another unidentified Spider-man might.

"Tesseract is a product of this universe, with strong power, he should stabilize your existence for a while, but he can't isolate your existence forever, you'd better fix the trajectory of your activities in the Avengers Building, and... .Minimize your influence on the universe," Luo Bing said.

He has been studying Infinite Gems for a long time and knows their power well.

"Okay... I hope you guys can help me return to my own universe. From the current point of view... I can't seem to be able to do this alone." Tony No. 2 rubbed his eyebrows in distress.

"Also, be careful of Thanos! He's too strong, if possible, I suggest you destroy all the Infinite Gems you've seen so far, so that the tragedy doesn't happen again," Tony Two sincerely suggested.

"As long as he can't make up six Infinite Gems, he's not that scary." Tony No. 2 looked at the Tesseract in front of him, and there was another desperate scene from five years ago.

Thanos... so strong that even Hulk was beaten by him and didn't dare to transform.

After that, Surprise returned and rescued himself from the universe, and then everyone relied on Nebula's reminder to kill Thanos' lair, and killed him while he was weak after destroying Infinite Gems, but Infinite Gems was destroyed, they Lost a former teammate forever.

Because of this, when Scott came back five years later, everyone tried their best to save everything, but unfortunately... Tony went wrong and came to a brand new world.

Tony Stark recalled, looking at the storage of Pym particles on his waist device, which had been depleted in his dimensional travel.

But even if he can find new supplements, it is still unknown whether he can use this thing to go back.

"Thanos? Don't worry, Earth's defense is extraordinary now, no matter who comes, we are sure to let him come and go, and..." Tony No.1 smiled and turned to look at Luo Bing.

A void crack opened beside Luo Bing, and Mind Gem and Reality Gem floated out.

On the other hand, Dr. Strange cooperated and took out the Time Gem.

The four gems shone brightly and dazzlingly.

Just two more.

Power Gem, and Soul Gem.

Now Luo Bing is the biggest boss in the universe!

"This..." Tony No. 2 watched speechlessly for a while, then smiled wryly.

It seems... my own collision has inadvertently turned the entire history of the universe upside down...

The current Avengers on Earth... are not as powerless as they are... Perhaps, they might be able to resist Thanos.

"Thanos, I remember this guy, I will send him to die when I have time, as for you, um... you should rest well first, your state is very poor, maybe you should take a dose of HP, as for the parallel We will deal with the space disorder," Luo Bing said, handing over a bottle of bright red potion.

That's legit --- HP recovery potion.

Tony Two froze for a moment.

He has a stinky habit of never taking things handed to him...especially strangers.

It's just... This time, he subconsciously took it and nodded to Luo Bing.

Obviously... the mysterious man in front of him got his approval.

And it seems that the Avengers in this world are headed by him, although I don't know how he did it, we must know that even in my own world, the Avengers are at best a good brother relationship, and there is no clear-cut relationship at all. Up and down levels, and sometimes even conflict and quarrel.

From this point, it can be seen that this handsome man in front of him has an irresistible charm.

At least---he's a man enough to give his back to him.

827 "Thank you, by the way, is there Ant-Man in the current Avengers? In the future, he is also a very important role" Tony No.2 asked immediately.

Steve shook his head, they had never heard of Ant-Man.

Or maybe that guy hasn't yet become the Ant-Man in Tony's second impression.

But...after knowing the name and address, it's too easy to find such a guy on earth.

"That's it, Peter, tell me in detail about the woman you saw last night, um... Tony"

"I'm here, boss"

"Call me..."

Both Tony- Starks look over at the same time...

Luo Bing rubbed his brows with a headache.

"You two better keep your current dress, otherwise I might admit my mistake. By the way, Mr. TonyTWO, are you interested in seeing Tony No. 1...enmmm is another one's own wedding?" Luo Bing left He pouted and asked with a smirk.

As soon as these words came out, the two Tonys, including the little pepper on the side, were stunned.

This is so...

It feels a little weird...

Attending another wedding of your own?

Is there anything crazier than this?.

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