Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 164 The system is eliminating bugs

Strange now... has been promoted from magician apprentice to Sorcerer Supreme.

A week ago, Ancient One magician had completely bid farewell to this world. In fact, it wasn't that she couldn't live anymore, but she didn't want to live anymore. After the crisis of Dormammu was lifted by Luo Bing and Strange, Ancient One stopped. Drawing magic from the darkness, he repented and ended his life.

And now, Strange has officially joined the Avengers.

"You're here just in time. Do you think it's reliable about the parallel world?" Luo Bing asked Strange beside him.

As the most admired disciple of Ancient One, Strange learned a lot of magic from Ancient One, and even in some magical attainments, he has gradually surpassed his master.

However, Strange is not as proficient in parallel space as the Ancient One.

It would take a long time to accumulate and practice the experience of "August 27".

Strange circled the number two Tony, chanting ancient incantations and casting mysterious magic.

"He's not from this world, this is the reward that magic gave me," Strange frowned and said seriously.

Things seemed to get a lot more interesting all of a sudden.


Everything that this Otherworld Tony in front of him said was true.

He didn't lie, he really came from another parallel world.


The hapless Luo Bing in that world was hit and killed by Tony's car before he even played.

Oh my God...

That was a really sad story.

"I don't understand, if he is the butterfly flapping his wings, then...why would he be killed by me when he was so powerful?" Otherworld's Tony had a puzzled look on his face.

"It's very simple," Luo Bing said softly.

Of all this, he knew best.

"Because I'm not the protagonist of that world," Luo Bing explained.

Yes, Luo Bing has discovered that each world will have its own protagonist, such as the Naruto world that I have been to, where the protagonist is Naruto Naruto.

"Protagonist?" Otherworld Tony frowned.

In his impression, the protagonists are generally characters in film and television dramas or novels.

"Yes, since you accidentally killed me, there is a high chance that you are the protagonist of your world," Luo Bing said.

"Actually, the protagonist is just a vague definition. Everything is never fixed in the end, and the ending is ever-changing. In fact, every character is the protagonist, and some people only account for a larger proportion." Luo Bing went on to say .

Just like this Tony in front of him, he came to this parallel universe for him because of a change, how the story will develop in the future, and how many hurricanes the wings of the butterfly will fan, all of which are still unknown.

"But...then what am I going to do? I'm going back to save my world, but for am I going to get back?" Otherworld's Tony clenched his fists.

All plans were disrupted.

Originally they were a group to go back to the eve of the battle of New York, get six Infinite Gems from that point in time, and then subvert Thanos' Planned Parenthood.

But now, all plans had to be interrupted!

Because what he returns is neither the past nor the future, but a new world of Avengers that has never been so powerful.

"How did you get here?" Captain America interjected.

He found that this Tony from another world had the same or even worse relationship with him, but after time faded, the two of them re-established their friendship.

This has to make the current Steve very happy, which means that his relationship with Tony is not irreversible.

As long as he takes Winter Soldier to apologise sincerely, maybe things will get better.


If time travel is possible! Would it also be possible to stop Winter Soldier before he makes a mistake?

Captain America thought about this for a long time, but in the end it didn't work out.

Time is such a weird thing, like Tony from the Otherworld at At the moment.

He was accidentally sent here because he violated the time rule. It can be seen that he had a great life and was lucky to survive, and his partner... At the moment does not know where he is at the moment.

Was it teleported into this world together? Or did they successfully travel back in time?

All this is an unsolved mystery.

At least, in the current or previous time period, they have only found No. 2 Tony, an Otherworld visitor...

Peter has been silent for a while, he doesn't understand why after seeing Otherworld Tony, he has an inexplicable feeling, and even... a little wanted to cry? And the other side looked at him with infinite care.

But actually... Peter's silence wasn't just because of that.

"That... I don't know if it has anything to do with this matter, last night... I seem to have seen a female Spider-man, and, she recognized me, definitely, many people know me, but my It means that she can call my name accurately, you must know that other than the big guy, no one else knows my true identity. My identity is just an inconspicuous reporter, and... even more incredible is that ...I think she looks a bit like Gwen.

"Although she also had her face covered, I felt that it was Gwen. The situation at that time was a bit complicated. Her body seemed to be out of power in the virtual projection, and gradually began to flicker, and disappeared in a few seconds. in front of me." Peter said quickly, his eyes gradually widened, and he pointed at Tony Two.

At the moment... Tony 2 also had a situation where the electric current was unstable, and the whole body began to flicker, just like an old antique TV with poor satellite signal, giving the illusion that it was about to disappear at any time.

"Just like him! Oh my God! Just like him now, I wouldn't have met a Spider-man from a parallel world! Oh. 5.0.. Incredible!" Peter exclaimed in surprise.

Luo Bing frowned, stabilizing the space around him, and then he found that relying on his own strength, it seemed that he could not completely stabilize Tony, who was about to disappear. Then, he took out the Tesseract from the divine space, and relying on the power of the Rubik's Cube, Thoroughly stabilized No. 2 Tony, who was about to dissipate.

"This is... the instinct of the universe itself, it will reject all foreign things"

"Or you can understand that... the system is eliminating the bug again," Strange said seriously.

"Then what will happen to me? Return to the original world?" No. 2 Tony broke out in a cold sweat, the experience just now was really bad.

"No, you might die," Strange replied seriously.

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