Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 132 Hela: Give me a membership

This time, he slept soundly.

So...he didn't know when Skye was lying on his bed.

"You...what are you doing..."

In the morning, Luo Bing stared blankly at Skye who was wearing close-fitting pajamas, and his mind was a little dazed.

"It's alright, just look at you, it's great that you're back" Skye smiled softly and threw an electric eye at Luo Bing.


She turned and left...

Luo Bing looked ashamed, this little beauty seemed to be getting bolder.

Looking at the phone, S.H.I.E.L.D has already tortured several HYDRA bases overnight. They have already started to take action and deal with some small bases. Even without Luo Bing, they can easily solve it.

Although they dug up Luo Bing's grave overnight, Tony Steve and the others said that they should let Luo Bing rest and sleep well.

not to mention.

There are also two gods over there, Surprise and Thor are very strong, so there is no need to worry at all.

Looking at the phone, Luo Bing has a black line on his face, since he returned to Earth to connect to the Internet.

His text messages and messaging apps were maxed out.

Nearly a thousand messages! All from hell!

In addition, Luo Bing also received more than 14 selfies of Hela, and even a small video.


This woman is really crazy!

Is her phone still powered off!!!

Luo Bing glanced at the latest news, and she was even more speechless after reading it.

"Hehe, tell you the good news, I can feel that the power to suppress me is getting weaker and weaker, and my stupid father may die soon, haha...

Girl, are you too out of touch?

Are you so happy when your dad is dying???

Luo Bing decided that he had to show this information to Thor, let him see what the hell his sister is, and don't call her brother-in-law again in the future!

Beep. . .

"You're online??"-----I'm not the queen QAQ

Luo Bing:

This special screen name has been changed, what the hell have you been watching these days!

The character setting is broken!

Luo Bing didn't want to reply, but then the other party made a video call.

Hesitation for a while, and finally Luo Bing pressed the answer button.

After the video was switched on, Luo Bing saw Hela's delicate face.


After a few months of not seeing her, she seems to have gotten more beautiful?

At least...she doesn't have that heavy smoky makeup now.

It seems to have accepted the influence of modern socialism?

"Why is your phone still charged?" Luo Bing asked this rambling question as soon as he came up.

He was really curious.

Stark's technology is not so good, it is impossible to stand by for two and a half months. From the current point of view, this woman is definitely playing with her mobile phone every day.

"Charging technique! I invented it myself, isn't it amazing?" Hela's tone changed completely, showing off the small arc on her fingertips triumphantly.

Luo Bing:

There are so many actions by the boss.

"I watched Tony's live broadcast yesterday. Where did you go to the universe? I knew you would be fine. By the way, did you call my name when you were out and about?" Hela asked with a smile.

From the looks... she seems to be transforming into a normal woman.


She wouldn't move, so she made people knelt down loudly.

Luo Bing was quite surprised by her change, and naturally there was no resistance in her heart.

"Report your name? Forget it..." Luo Bing had a black line on his face.

He doesn't need so many enemies yet.

"Are you free to send me some cosmetics? It's better to have a computer or something. I've been following a few beauty bloggers recently. Those young ladies are amazing." Hela asked with a pleading face.

"And there's more... You can add a member to me, count me as borrowing it from you, watching videos and advertisements, I'm getting tired of it, and I'll kill him when I go out!" Hela looked charming weakly said.

Luo Bing has black lines all over his head.

Good hell queen... how come she became a house girl.

What happened to her!!

It seems that the mobile phone is really poisonous...

"Is it alright, my dear, I still want a camera, so I can take a photo of you. It's very lonely in hell, you won't refuse my requests, will you? Hela looks like she's about to cry. .

Luo Bing: """

I have to say... Even a man with a hard heart will be moved by this delicate and morbid appearance.

not to mention...

Her demands were not too much.

But...what is the photo she said...

This is absolutely unacceptable to the pure Luo Bing!

Still want a camera?

"Okay, I'll send it to you. I'll send you two. Is it enough?"


"Thank you dear, it's so nice~"

Luo Bing frowned, always feeling that there was something in her words, as if she was talking about something she didn't know.

"Why do you speak so strangely?" Luo Bing asked in confusion.

"'re still a native of the earth, and you don't even know internet buzzwords, so it's not ashamed." Hela looked contemptuous.


810 Luo Bing was even more speechless.

He was despised by a native of hell!

Also despise yourself for not being popular???

This Nima...

Luo Bing had a complicated heart, and looked at the reserves of Shenwei Space. At that time, he bought a batch of all the goods and stored them.

And computer cameras or something, even if there is no inventory, he can materialize it.

Therefore, he directly crossed the space node and came to hell.

Hell was still pitch black, dark red, and boundless. Luo Bing couldn't imagine what the hell he would become if he was locked here for thousands of years.

In the darkness, Hela's eyes flashed with a strange light. The moment Luo Bing came in, she instantly rushed towards the space node.


She slammed her head into the space barrier and bounced back.

Although my personality has changed...but I still don't change my mind...


Who wants to stay in this ghost place if given the chance.

"Ouch..." Hela covered her head, feeling a little dizzy from being hit, her eyes flashing with mist, she looked at Luo Bing pitifully.

"Bastard, how long are you going to imprison me..."

Luo Bing: 66

What the hell is going on with imprisonment, what the hell are you watching recently!!!.

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