Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 131 Secret Arrest Operation

A banquet, everyone ate very happily.


He hadn't slept so well in a long time.

About an hour later, all the targets on the coordinates were captured and brought to justice.

"Familiarize yourself with the changes in the world after sleep, I'll give you half an hour to digest, and then I'll give you an important task," Fury said, patting Phil Coulson on the shoulder.

"This matter is not easy to mobilize the agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, otherwise it will startle the snake"

Luo Bing originally had no concept of alcohol, let alone liking it. Everyone drank it and he drank it. When few people drank it, he naturally wouldn't drink it. His body was immune to alcohol, and he didn't know what it was like to be drunk.

"Okay, Captain!" Phil Coulson immediately turned into a little fanboy and sat down in front of the computer to 'make up'.

Watching a group of people skillfully walk into the black hole, Black Panther finally knew how they got in.

However, it is often this kind of super genius that is even more terrifying.

"Don't worry mate, your half month... is definitely more exciting than my 70 years." Steve walked over with a shy smile.

"Did you make a mistake!

Today, I feel like a frog in the well.

The little pepper on the side put on the rescuer armor and floated quietly in the air above the white house of the base.

Or a wealthy businessman.

Three of the MPs and most of the important people are well hidden.

"No! Why arrest me! I'm S.H.I.E.L.D agent! 35


Stark and Thor went to dig graves overnight after the arrests were handled.

That is to say, most of the candidates in this position are only minor roles, and only some old guys who think they are deeply hidden appear on the bright side.

Fury had an early warning, and the pale green anesthetic gas was scattered throughout the white house. Soon, everyone lost their ability to resist and collapsed on the floor.

"A total of 3721 people, let's make a secret arrest first"

In that era, I don't know how much wind and rain he engaged in behind his back.

The golden hexagram kaleidoscope exudes a strange light. For these small characters, Luo Bing is usually taken away by the Hypnotic Ability, and it is impossible to make a move.

These guys are pretentious, little HYDRA agents, and they don't care yet.

Phil Coulson wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D agents were brought over by him.

A large number of people began to quibble, and a small number of people tried to resist in the process of arresting, but in the face of the Avengers, their resistance did not play any role at all.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

The gate of the void slowly closed "August 10", and everyone returned to the Avengers Building again.

Fury and his agents are very good at interrogating these guys, and it's not something the Avengers need to worry about.

The glass shattered and Peter fired his own sticky cobweb, tying the target tightly into a zongzi.

Fury looked at the list all over the place and took a deep breath. There were actually many agents he was familiar with, and there were even three members!

S.H.I.E.L.D, which was just starting at that time, was in great need of this kind of talent.

This made Luo Bing feel a little tired.

Dr. Zola is a scientist of HYDRA, a super genius. He is definitely at the same level as Father Tony at that time, but the fields of the two are different.

"Looks like it was the wrong decision to recruit Dr. Zola in the first place." Fury frowned.

"Hailhydra!!" An agent shouted to the sky, biting the poison capsule in his teeth, foaming at the mouth and dying.

Polaris and Skye stayed at the base to pick up the guys who were being sent...

Several people gathered around to discuss the action plan, and Tony gave the exact location of more than 2,700 people three minutes later.


This is inexplicable.

What can happen in half a month?

"Whoosh! 35

"I was sad for a long time on the day of your funeral." Zhenma wiped the corners of her eyes, very emotional.

If they take action, they can more effectively avoid personal injury and avoid slipping through the net.

They generally have a second identity from the government.

After speaking to the communicator, Peter directly threw the person into the sky.

Surprise skipped the sky, leaving behind a bright light, and took away the "zongzi"

"Hey, great brother, you're not dead" Fitz rushed up and gave Luo Bing a hug.

We can still be good friends without mentioning the funeral.

It is said to be a secret arrest operation, but there is no hidden sign!

Phil Coulson, who was a hitchhiker for the first time, was a little dazed and dazed. He hadn't reacted yet, and he was home in an instant, which was amazing.

Luo Bing nodded, for Avengers, dealing with this matter is not a big problem.

However, because of the busy business, except for Thor, the drunk guy, everyone else deliberately did not drink.

HYDRA means and reproduction ability is too strong.

Any force field defense is useless.

"Agent 21569 has been arrested"

Fury let out a long sigh of relief, finally letting go of the heavy burden in his heart.

Dr. Erskine is dead.

Fire spewed from the soles of Stark's feet, darting to and fro in the New York sky.

The remaining one thousand people concealed their whereabouts, which is already very good.

"It's faster and at the same time"


At the same time, the Hill agent at Sanquyi headquarters was also dispatched.

As a fan of Black Knight, Dr. Zhao Hailun was very happy when he knew that he had the opportunity to see Luo Bing in person, and flew over overnight.

"It's all up to you" Fury solemnly looked at the Avengers in front of him.

The Avengers Building serves as a temporary shelter for the S.H.I.E.L.D. to take care of what's at hand.

Among them, Luo Bing also accidentally saw his old acquaintances, Mei and Fitz.

"Didn't I just be in a coma for half a month?" Phil Coulson frowned.

Only Hawkeye and Natasha Romanoff were the only ones who were honestly lurking.

At the same time, he also has a brand new concept of the power of the avengers. Wakanda, who is closed to the country, always thinks that his country is the most developed, so he is not interested in everything that happens in the outside world.

Farther targets are all handed over to Luo Bing.

Dr. Banner and Dr. Hailun Zhao get in touch.

The banquet is over.

Several figures rushed out of the Avengers Building, and then the covertness of the night, the secret arrest operation officially began!

Luo Bing, who had been running around in the universe for several weeks, lay down on his bed and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Even Steve is reckless.

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