Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 124 Earth! I'm back!

Earth, fifteen days later...

"Okay, what you are watching now is the global live broadcast of Brother Asan's moon landing plan"

"I have to say that the third brother once promised to launch the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft to land on the moon in front of Chang'e-3 in 2011, but the result has been delayed again and again, and it has been a full eight years."

"This year, our Chang'e-4 has reached the far side of the moon, and here, we also celebrate the success of the Indian side."

Military enthusiasts in various countries are paying attention to this scene.

"This is crazy. I have to say that this is a bold move by the Indian people. If it can be successful this time, it means that India's technological level will reach a new level," said British commentator Ferrier in high spirits.

"Yes, the spacecraft has carried out a total of 5 Earth orbit changes and 5 lunar orbit changes, plus two deorbit maneuvers, a total of 12 orbit changes, which is a 46-day trip Now, they are only 2 kilometers away from landing on the moon!" "Washington Express commented.

All the Indians watched nervously at the pictures sent from outer space, and even the President of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, came to the command site and watched this scene nervously.

"Can India do it! Can he do it! Let's witness the miracle!"

"Oh my gosh! Here's what happened, a 360 degree roll! Oh...shelt...the 810 went out of control and it hit the moon!"

"Well, it seems that it still can't complete its mission in the end. We admit that India has made greater progress in spaceflight, but this is obviously not enough." Shaking his head.

It's just a small game, and now the United Nations is envisioning the space force's plans.

After the Battle of New York, several permanent members of the United Nations have achieved rapid development of science and technology, and now they are fully deciphering and learning.

And the current node landing on the moon... Asan...

Everyone is just thinking about watching juggling in their free time.

After all, there were previous world records for motorcycles and trains.

"Okay, the live broadcast is over, thanks for the live broadcast provided by Mr. Stark, hey, Mr. Stark is waving to us in space on the moon, it seems that how to deal with these space junk will become another trouble for him"

"Thanks to these heroes for being there, it gives us doubly reassurance and reminds us of the great Mr. Black Knight Luo Bing, who has been with us for 17 days, but everything feels like yesterday (befa)"

Tony-Stark landed on the lunar surface with a headache and began to clean up the cosmic junk.

Since the Battle of New York, alien technology has brought rapid development to every country on earth.

Meanwhile, more space junk was sent into Earth orbit.

This seriously affected Stark's space deployment.

Since the last incident, Shi Stark has been wandering in the earth's orbit, and his daily flight distance can almost circle the earth.

No one knows what he's up to, only fellow Avenger Dr. Banner knows a little bit of his plans.

He is ready to arm the entire planet with steel!!!

"Roar...this is really a huge project" Stark took a deep breath of Roar's oxygen, the oxygen supply of his steel armor was still sufficient.

"I will never let the last tragedy happen again," Stark swore secretly, red blood in his pupils.

"After this failure, I hope some countries will realize something, and don't cause me any more trouble," Stark muttered helplessly, the purpose of this live broadcast is this.

"Through the last wormhole!" Carol looked surprised.

After a long journey, they finally returned to their hometown!

"Thank God" Luo Bing breathed a sigh of relief, he probably won't be traveling with Captain Marvel for the rest of his life!

No wonder she hasn't come back since she left Earth...

Everything is there for a reason!

These girls are idiots!!!

"Finally home..." The Slaughter completed the last jump and came to the solar system.

The blazing sun was so bright, Luo Bing couldn't wait to hug the big guy and kiss him.

"Earth!! I'm back!!"

Luo Bing At the moment is very excited. After being away for so long, those guys on earth are afraid to kill him!

At the moment...

Global live footage.

"Look!! What is that!!"

"Oh buy!! The alien spaceship is here again!! 35

"Damn it! It's really an alien spaceship!

All the inhabitants of Earth put down their work and crowded around the big screen nervously.

Stark's live broadcast action instantly made the whole world see this scene.

"Again..." Tony frowned and clenched his fists.

"Although I didn't think it would be like this...but! It's just right!""

"J.A.R.V.I.S! Open the barrier defense!

"Avengers, Assemble!"

"Let this group of aliens know how good we are!

"Zizizi..." With Tony's order, more than 500 satellites in Earth's orbit flickered with strange light, and the satellites marked by the Stark Group suddenly released a large number of drones.

The drones are densely scattered on the surface of the earth, and at the same time, they are connected in pairs, forming a bridge with the large satellites on the side.

that's it!

The surface of the earth has opened a defensive net that emits a blue light.

The key nodes of more than 500 satellites just form a huge amount of bat shape, which is a gift from Tony to his best friend!

Black Knight Defense Field!!


Black Knight has never disappeared!!

He's still fighting alongside the Avengers! That's Tony's philosophy!

Time is not enough, this technology still needs to be improved, and now... it can only be barely turned on.

It's all thanks to the energy provided by the extraterrestrial meteorite, and the various alien technologies Tony has thoroughly researched.


"Whoosh whoosh!"

The three steel spaceships passed through the defensive barrier and came to Tony's side.

It was full of Avengers in silver-white special combat uniforms.

this time!

Never pull the battlefield to Earth!

Solve all the enemies in outer space!!!

"Roar..." Hulk roared, and the green giant jumped in from the hatch and landed on the lunar surface.

Hulk was dressed in battle armor, with a steel helmet specially developed by Tony on his head, which was tightly wrapped.

Hunk is furious now!

With big eyes, he looked directly at the Slaughter, which was flying slowly in the distance, and made all preparations for combat!

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