Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 123 Get the Engine and Return to Earth

Yaque's silent auditorium seemed to be activated with the voice of the host's microphone.

But layers and layers of heat waves roared into the sky.

You must know that there are still many players who have not left the track at this time, but... it's all over!???

How the hell is this done!!!

What's up!!!

If Captain Marvel's golden light flashed and they still had an impression, then Black Knight's swish appeared at the end and they really didn't understand.

At the moment, even Medici's face darkened.

He never expected such a thing to happen in his game.


Isn't this an obvious way to form a team to win prizes!!

"Bilibili..." Mediqi answered the phone, and after listening to the report on the other end of the phone, his face instantly became more gloomy.

"That woman... turned out to be Captain Marvel... Damn, how could she be in the Indigo Star Field!

One of Medici's eyes flashed red, and his hands were folded, thinking about something.

the other side...

"Radish! How did they pass the finish line!" Gu Dong was so frightened that his eyes almost popped out.

"We're going to speed up, Gudong, use monster noodles!" McDonald commanded.

"We're more than a radish! It's impossible to win!" Gu Dong gave up immediately, drooping his ears, and jumped off the motorboat.

"That's right... there is no need for a competition, we can't win against my brother and them." Dia shook his head and got off the motorboat.

In fact, they are not the only ones who have this idea, many people who are not strong enough consciously withdraw from the game.

"But..." McDonald bit his lip, and finally jumped off the motorboat.

The engine may be thinking of other ways. It can be seen that Brother Luo Bing also wants this engine, so give it to him. Anyway, he can't compare it.

Life is no longer in danger, and McDonald's has no such desperate thoughts.

"Damn, what the hell is that team?" Jiguang drove a super cool racing car and roared towards the finish line Roar.

At five minutes and 30 seconds, he passed the game and ranked first in Group A.


This result...

Compared to 0.01 seconds in Group C...

It was simply appalling.

The second place in Group C is the Fire Alliance team, with 5 minutes and 32 seconds, only 2 seconds slower than the first place in Group A, but obviously, this is a problem with the car.

Aurora has the best racing car.

"You guys are very strong" Alita stepped down from the race car and looked at a man and a woman in front of her with big eyes curiously.

As a Fire Alliance fighter, it was the first time she felt that someone was threatening her so much.

The teammates on the side stepped down from the racing car and patted her on the shoulder: "Let's go, No. 99, our mission has to continue."

In space, the blue-eyed fleet is approaching at high speed.

And further afield, the soldiers of the Fire Alliance were hiding on a small planet.

The Star Alliance Legion is about to move, and Storm Familla, as its name suggests, has become the eye of the storm of many forces, and an unknown conspiracy is brewing.

"It's so boring." Luo Bing lay on his back in the driver's seat, the first day of the race was over.

The next game was scheduled for tomorrow, and a planet venue was also changed.

"Why don't we just pass through the black hole directly, if I use lucky blessing, it should be fine," Luo Bing said with a frown.

"A little patience, anyway, there is only one game left, and getting the engine is the safest way." Carroll rolled her eyes, although she didn't understand what Luo Bing said about driving luck, but she Or give your own advice.

If there is an accident next time, it will waste more time, won't it?

"Okay..." Luo Bing shook his head helplessly, turned around and burrowed into his own divine space, and continued to transform his own little world.

Under the methodical management on Friday, the interior of Shenwei Space has completely changed its appearance.

The green mountains and green waters are flowing, and all kinds of vegetation are working hard to grow.

The fountain of life of the mermaid family has a special power that can speed up the growth of crops.

Luo Bing once again embodied a lot of things, making Shenwei Space more perfect.

"'s becoming more and more like a small world." Luo Bing nodded and smiled, looking at a space node somewhere.

That's the way to Hokage.

This thing has always existed, I really don't know what the hell that mysterious space magic book is.

Take a shower, go to bed, it's a brand new day!

"Welcome to Storm Familla!! Day two is a scramble! 35

"We have a total of 20 teams, but the rule in the second round has changed slightly. In order to balance the strength of each team, we use the captain exchange rule"

"There is a strange pearl from the mermaid race in the most central area of ​​the field during the competition"

"The squad leader who gets it wins the final victory!"

After the host finished broadcasting, Luo Bing looked at his new teammate.

Firefighters, Alita, and Bill.

Carroll in the other is assigned a new captain, Aurora!

"Speaking of which... our other teammate... is really an invisible man?" Aurora frowned and looked around, but in the end he didn't see anything.

".~ Ang, so he is invisible." Carroll nodded very seriously.

Aurora frowned, but he didn't dare to ask more, he knew that the woman beside him was very strong, but he didn't admit defeat at all, he would use all his strength to get the engine!

"Meet again." Alita looked coldly at the new captain in front of her and nodded as a move Roar.

"Are the eyes so big that they can't get into the sand?" Luo Bing asked with great interest.

Alita: ""

"Okay!! Let's announce the start of the game!" The host shouted loudly while holding the microphone.


Luo Bing disappeared in place, picked the pearl from the 300-meter-high tower, and raised it in his hand.

"Okay, I declare this stupid game over"

Aurora: 55

All contestants:

It's so special!!!

Brother, you are here to win prizes!!!

Then, in the silent gaze of everyone, Luo Bing jumped to the referee's bench and threw the pearl in his hand in front of Medici.

"Where's the engine?"

Medici's eyelids twitched wildly, but he finally calmed down and smiled.

"No problem, that's your honor"

This farce seems to have ended just like that. Luo Bing got his own engine, installed it on the slaughtering pirate ship, left a space mark on Dia's space stone, and said goodbye to each other.

Then he and Carol both flew to the road back home.

"Haha..." Medici sneered.

Picking up the telephone instrument on the side, he said in a deep voice, "They're gone, let's start the show... drag"

PS: A lot of people suggest going back to Earth... The subscription is all over the place.

Then I won't write so long-winded, and go back to Earth directly. Here, we will dig a hole first, and then we will go to Earth in the next chapter. The remaining two chapters will be written during the day, the copy is disrupted, I will re-plan the plot, look to the sky...

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