Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 447: Awakened... Fairy

"Sir, be careful!"

Jarvis' reminder made Tony recover a little from the dazed look on his face because of the video, and he controlled the steel suit on his body to avoid the electric current emitted by Doctor Doom.


Tony in the steel suit let out a sigh of relief, but his eyes returned to the picture in the helmet again.

Through the previous battles, Tony clearly knew the power of the [Ultimate Creature], which is a powerful force far beyond human imagination. Even the attacks of the Avengers could not easily hurt this creature. However, it is such a powerful species that he easily broke an arm under A Bao's bite.

Although, through his previous experience, he already knew clearly the identity of A Bao as the reincarnation of Penglai Immortal, but witnessing the power displayed by him made Tony feel an incredible sense of dislocation.

After all, as the person who had the earliest contact with Po among the Avengers, in Tony's impression, compared with the reincarnation of the immortal, that annoying stinky brat was obviously stronger.

In particular, the other party often shows such an angry look in daily life, which makes it impossible for Tony and Tony to associate this troublesome guy with the immortal.

However, regardless of Tony's impression of Po, everything that happened in Chinatown in front of him told him clearly.

A Bao is not only the little ghost in his memory, but also the reincarnation of the immortal Penglai who has mastered the amazing power.

"This power, this power..."

Standing in front of Po, [Ultimate Creature] felt the powerful power contained in this small body in front of him. The originally fearful expression disappeared. The expression on his face not only did not feel afraid because of the broken arm, but became more and more excited. When he got up, his face as handsome as a Greek statue showed obvious greed, and he looked at Bao as if he was looking at a piece of coveted delicious prey: "I'm looking forward to integrating you into [Yuyou reading fo] me [card]. Z] After the body scene, I have a hunch that your power will be the key to my [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] on the road to the strongest!"

Saying that, [Ultimate Creature] twisted his body, facing Po's direction, and the expression on his face became extremely serious.

"Actually, I haven't had this kind of desire for a long time. Since I became the [Ultimate Creature], I originally thought that my evolution had come to an end, but everything after returning to the earth made me understand, I [investigate] Extreme Creature] The end of [Kaz] is far more than that, I can become a more powerful and perfect creature, I will become a god, no I will surpass God, as [Ultimate Creature] I have overcome the sun, next It will replace the sun and become an eternal existence above this world, like the eternal sun in the sky..."

"Theoretically speaking, the sun is not an eternal existence. According to calculations, the sun's lifespan is about 10 billion years, and now it has existed for nearly 47.57 billion years, which means that it will pass..."

Hearing the eternal speech of [Ultimate Creature] trying to replace the sun, Tony couldn't help raising his eyebrows and corrected.


However, soon, the huge arm of the evil Buddha forced Tony to end his science time.

"Well, I didn't say it."

Controlling the evil Buddha with arms covered in constant pursuit of Tony, the [Ultimate Creature] withdrew his gaze and looked at Po.

Because of Tony's interruption, the atmosphere created by [Ultimate Creature] was greatly reduced.

Abandoning the plan to recreate the atmosphere, [Caz] swung his arms and said, "Come on, become part of my eternity."

As the voice of [Ultimate Creature] fell, the space on his body was immediately distorted.

Actuating the ability of [Yoga Teleportation], [Kaz] instantly flashed in front of Po, and his arms grabbed this little figure without hesitation.

"I said it before……"

Looking at the [Ultimate Creature] teleported in front of him, there was no fear on A Bao's small round face. He raised his small head and looked at the arm that was grabbing towards him. With a calm tone that doesn't match his age, he replied lightly: "In our relationship with each other, you are the one who should run away, because I am very hungry now, very hungry..."

As A Bao's voice fell, he opened his small mouth, and then his mouth grew wider and wider in the stunned gaze of everyone. In the blink of an eye, his mouth opened wider than his body. .



"Tell me whether everything in front of me is an illusion or reality!"

Dodging the attack of the evil Buddha, Tony saw Po with his mouth wide open into a terrifying gesture, and the face under the steel helmet became extremely wonderful in an instant.

"I'm sorry sir, but all of this is what happened in reality. According to the scan results, Po did open his mouth wider than his body."

"I'd rather it's an illusion."

Thinking that he often quarreled with such a kid who can open his mouth to the size of a person before, Tony felt a vague sense of fear in his heart.

"Sir, I thought this kind of escapism would only happen after you've finished drinking."

In the face of Tony's reaction, Jarvis in the steel suit ruthlessly complained.


"Yes, sir."

"Maybe I should find a time to clean up the unimportant data in your database."


In Chinatown, Po opened his mouth and bit off the outstretched arm of the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him.

"Haha, you've been fooled!"

Seeing A Bao biting off his own arms, the expression on [Ultimate Creature]'s face immediately made a successful look, and he laughed wildly and shouted: "Do you think my [Kaz]'s arms are so easy to swallow? As a [Ultimate Creature], I can control all parts of my body to attack, whether it is blood or even a hair, which of course also includes my arm, you eat my [Kaz] arm is the biggest mistake !"

While laughing wildly, the massive granulation on the broken arm of [Ultimate Creature] instantly formed two new arms.

Moving his new arm, the voice in [Kaz]'s mouth became higher and higher: "Now my arm is in your body, as long as my [Kaz] flashes a thought, you will be taken from the inside out. swallowed up, haha, now, become a part of my body!"

"how come!"

In the process, it only took a few seconds from Po showing the power of immortal reincarnation to biting the arms of [Ultimate Creature].

The whole scene was reversed again, and the expressions on the faces of the Avengers suddenly changed when they heard the words of [Ultimate Creature].

Immediately I thought of the scene where [Ultimate Creature] merged with Dalxi's body through a feather in the Jinning Building.

"Is it all over?"

A piece of feather can do this, and now Po's arm has been swallowed into his body.

Tony, who was in midair, was smashed to the ground by the attacking evil Buddha because of a lack of attention.

On the other hand, Steve was also affected by Dio's claws, and his arm was scratched.


The Avengers were disturbed by the words of the [Ultimate Creature].

However, a few seconds passed, and A Bao in front of [Kaz] was still standing intact.

"how is this possible?!"

Looking at A Bao, who was not affected at all by his body, the expression on [Ultimate Creature]'s face immediately showed a feeling of confusion, he widened his eyes, and shouted with a puzzled face: "Why are you not affected? , I kept the arms inside your body and should have already started to move."

"You are saying that the arm I just swallowed has already been digested."

Facing the question of [Ultimate Creature], A Bao reached out and patted his belly lightly, and replied with a calm expression.

"No, it's impossible!"

A Bao's answer obviously stimulated the nerves of the [Ultimate Creature]. He looked at the small figure in front of him, as if he was looking at some kind of beast.

"How could my [ultimate creature] arm be digested so easily!"


Hearing the words of [Ultimate Creature], A Bao immediately nodded in cooperation: "Those two arms are really difficult to digest, even I need to spend a little effort to digest them, compared to the ones I used to eat those monsters and monsters. It takes a lot of work, but it tastes good.”

"Who are you?!"

Hearing Po's reaction and the old-fashioned words in front of him, [Ultimate Creature] couldn't help frowning.


He stopped rubbing his belly with his little palm, and Po looked up at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, with a strange smile that was obviously not suitable for his age on his round little face: "I'm just a person who should have disappeared with reincarnation. Consciousness, I just didn’t expect that it would appear again in such a situation now.”

"You are, the God of Cookery of the previous generation... bear... cat... immortal..."

Covering his chest, A Xing heard A Bao's words, and then shouted with difficulty.

"I didn't expect that someone still remembers the title of my old guy."

Hearing Ah Xing's name, Ah Bao subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the beard, but when it came to his mouth, he realized that he no longer had a beard, he retracted his palm a little embarrassedly, and then said: "However, I I am no longer an immortal now. I am just a wisp of consciousness left behind when I was reincarnated. It should have dissipated into memory with the awakening of the power of this generation of reincarnation. However, the reincarnation seems to have encountered some kind of danger. It made me wake up again."

Turning his head to look at Ah Xing's situation, and then looking up to scan everything that happened in Chinatown, Po turned his little face and looked at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him: "It seems that the so-called danger should refer to You are the one?"

Under A Bao's gaze, there was obviously no change in appearance, but [Ultimate Creature] seemed to feel a great pressure on him.

The B-rank character card [Pig God] is a character who puts all his abilities on food. Whether in battle or in daily life, he takes food as the main theme of his activities.

Even in the battle, eating the opponent is his main attack method.

Of course, [Ultimate Creature], who is also a B-rank character and even has the ability of two B-rank cards at the same time, cannot possibly lose to Abao in battle. It's just a contrast made by [Gamera].

On the surface, making a fearful expression,

[Ultimate Creature] Looking at Po, who was facing him, the Greek statue-like face began to show an unprecedented sense of panic.

"Who do you think you are, just a wisp of consciousness, you actually want to defeat me [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz], don't think that you can defeat me [Kaz] by eating my arm." With the words of [Ultimate Creature], the three evil Buddhas who were attacking the Avengers all stopped their and walked towards [Kaz].

Through these three evil Buddhas to protect themselves behind him, [Ultimate Creature] screamed: "If you want to defeat me [Kaz], first defeat these Buddha statues!"

"The power of "Tathagata's Palm"?"

Looking at the three huge evil Buddhas standing in front of him, A Bao raised his face slightly, showing a trace of memory on his face: "I didn't expect to see someone performing this Buddhist immortal method again, but you cast it. The "Tathagata's Palm" has completely gone astray, with the outer shell of a Buddha, but without the slightest support of the Buddha's Dharma, it has only its appearance."

A Bao shook his head and sighed at the three hideous evil Buddhas formed by [Ultimate Creatures], the expression of disappointment on his face was beyond words.

"Empty shell?"

"I want to see how you can resist the power of my empty shells!"

Of course, for Po's description, the face of [Ultimate Creature] naturally showed a distorted expression. He looked at the small figure in front of him that was not as big as a finger of the evil Buddha, and then shouted fiercely.

As the voice of [Ultimate Creature] fell, the three motionless evil Buddhas immediately moved.

The evil buddhas waved their densely packed arms behind them, rolled their eyes, raised hundreds of thighs, and pressed against A Bao's position with a blistering gust of wind.


Facing the terrorist attack of the [Ultimate Creature] Evil Buddha, A Bao opened his mouth and took a deep breath in the next second.

As he inhaled, his cheeks and even his chest began to swell into exaggerated ranges in the blink of an eye.


Feeling that he had sucked enough, Po opened his tightly closed mouth and aimed at the three evil Buddhas in front of him, and instantly a terrifying gust of wind roared out of his mouth.

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