Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 446: despair


Facing the fists of the evil Buddha behind the [Ultimate Creature] that kept falling like raindrops, the Hulk at the front took some damage from the fists for the first time. Although the strong physical resistance is not enough to fall under these attacks He was defeated, but the frequent fists still made Hulk's situation difficult.


Bang! !

Waving its densely packed arms, the evil Buddha's attacks seemed to fall on Hulk in a steady stream. It lifted one of its palms and swiped the gust of wind to pat Hulk's position.


The Hulk under the raging wind formed by the Buddha's palm couldn't open his eyes a little. He looked at the huge palm coming from above his head, and then propped up his legs that had been bent due to frequent attacks, and let out a sound in his mouth. Roaring, the muscles in the whole body swelled a little again as if inflated.

"Mr. Sol, we have to fight quickly, Bao's situation is a bit bad."

Youlan's eyes swept across Hulk's figure that resisted the giant palm, and Ultron reminded Sol, who was not far away, while blasting off the arm that was constantly attacked by the evil Buddha through the impact cannon fired from his palms.

"I know."

Waving the Thor's Hammer in his hand, he continuously summoned lightning to destroy the arms that were surrounded by him. Facing the reminder of Ultron, Sol took a breath and replied in a deep voice.

"However, in the current situation, if we don't get rid of this guy with arms, we can't even get close to the [Ultimate Creature]."

Compared with the golden Buddha statue formed by Ah Xing's "Tathagata's Palm", the evil Buddha behind [Ultimate Creature] can already be said to be completely different from Ah Xing's "Tathagata Palm". Appearance and twisted form, not only terrifying in appearance, but also terrifying in strength.

Hearing Sol's answer, the blue light in Ultron's eyes flickered for a few seconds, and the artificial intelligence's head quickly made an analysis and calculation of the situation in front of him, and swept over the expanding figure under the giant palm. Hulk and the [Ultimate Creature] protected by the evil Buddha.

"Mr. Sol, attack that arm on Hulk."


Hearing Ultron's request, although he didn't know the reason for the artificial intelligence, Sol still cooperated with waving Thor's Hammer to summon the violent lightning above the space and smashed the evil Buddha's arm that attacked Hulk. .

The powerful lightning smashed the Buddha palm above Hulk's head in an instant.


Getting rid of the suppression from the evil Buddha on his body, Hulk's expression not only did not relax, but became a bit more violent.

"Mr. Sol, please use your lightning to attack me next."

After saving Hulk, without any hesitation, Ultron made his second request to Sol.

"you sure?!"

Hearing the AI's words, this time Sol's actions were not as straightforward as before, he raised his eyebrows and asked hesitantly.

"Trust me, Mr. Sol."

Before there was any time to explain, Ultron looked at Sol with his twinkling blue eyes, and then replied affirmatively.

"Okay, you mustn't break it."

Seeing that Ultron insisted again and again, Sol didn't say anything more. As the other party said, the current situation [Ultimate Creature] did not give them any leisure time.

Therefore, taking a deep breath, Sol looked at the artificial intelligence in front of him and then raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand to trigger the power of lightning and slashed in the direction of Ultron.

"Eighty-three percent of energy, one hundred, two hundred, four hundred, has exceeded the critical point!"

Under the traction of Sol, the violent lightning in the space continuously slashed on Ultron's body. At the same time, the energy in Ultron's body also showed a trend of soaring within a few seconds, and the blue light in his eyes even more It flashed into an almost dazzling white light in an instant.

The energy that controls the overload in the body is vented from the jet on his body. Ultron knows very well that the situation of his mechanical body can't support it for too long.

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, he opened the launch port on his chest and aimed it in the direction of the evil Buddha, and Ultron controlled the overloaded energy on his body to form a dazzling white light.


Accompanied by a low roar, various parts of Ultron's mechanical body continued to emit white light, and the originally hard mechanical shell became red due to the high temperature generated by the powerful energy condensed in the body.

"Hulk, it's now!"

From within the mechanical body, Ultron's originally warm and rational voice became a little fuzzy and distorted due to the high temperature.

As the voice of the artificial intelligence fell, an unprecedented white light beam from its chest position, carrying astonishing high temperature and destructive power, struck the evil Buddha behind the [Ultimate Creature].


"Hulk attack!"

At the same time, under the attack of the light beam, Hulk also let out a deafening roar, and his legs full of developed muscles stomped heavily on the ground, leaving two potholes spreading like spider webs and then waving. His thicker fists rushed towards the position of the evil Buddha.


sizzle, sizzle—

The overloaded attack obviously caused great loss to the mechanical body currently controlled by Ultron. Therefore, after the beam was fired, the artificial intelligence body uncontrollably sent out a short circuit figure, even the original It also became difficult to control the body freely.

The legs that controlled the mechanical body reluctantly stood there. Ultron controlled the head of the mechanical body to aim at the direction of the evil Buddha. The intact mechanical eyes flickered with a faint blue light, and a kind of worry that had never happened before began. Appeared in the data consciousness of artificial intelligence.

boom! boom! Boom!

Driven by anger, the Hulk was completely plunged into violent destruction.

It grabbed the incomplete evil Buddha with only half of the body left due to the beam attack of Ultron, and kept waving its fists as if tirelessly fell on the evil Buddha.

"Looks like I'm underestimating you guys."

Turning his head to glance at the evil Buddha, who was already crumbling under Hulk's attack, [Ultimate Creature] raised his eyebrows, but there was no trace of fear on his handsome face like a Greek statue.

"I actually thought of using this method to defeat my attack."

With the flash of a thought of [Ultimate Creature], the huge statue of the evil Buddha that had appeared behind him immediately dissipated, and the Hulk, who was attacking with an angry fist, also fell to the ground because of the disappearance of the evil Buddha. Above, a huge pothole was smashed.


Falling on the hard concrete floor from a distance of nearly tens of meters is not even a scratch for the thick-skinned Hulk.

Therefore, after falling from the sky, Hulk shook his head, and his whole emotion was replaced by a steady stream of anger in his heart. When he found that his original target had disappeared without a trace, he immediately let out a furious roar. Start to wreak havoc around Chinatown.

"However, your counterattack is meaningless."

Ignoring Hulk's rage, the eyes of [Ultimate Creature] swept across Ultron, and a mocking smile hung on the handsome face like a Greek statue.

"Because the ability of [Ultimate Creature] is possessed and surpassed."

Accompanied by the voice of [Ultimate Creature], behind him and in the shrill Sanskrit sounds around him, three ferocious Buddha statues that were exactly the same as the previous evil Buddha appeared at the same time. Of these three Buddha statues, one of them was the same as the original one. Like an evil Buddha, ignoring arms emerged from the back, but the other two were not like that. One of them had a series of openings on the body. These openings opened and then eyes appeared from them, and the other had a body like a centipede. Countless legs popped out.

"Do you really think that I can only make one Buddha statue?"

Controlling the three hideous evil Buddhas towards Sol and the others, [Ultimate Creature] said while admiring the stunned expressions of the Avengers: "With your stupidity and innocence, go to hell, Avengers. !"

Before, Sol, who was just beaten by an evil Buddha, was a little hard to resist, and they could only barely defeat him by sacrificing the mechanical body he controlled by Ultron.

At this moment, in the face of three equally ferocious and powerful evil Buddhas, even the determined Asgard Sol felt a little shaken in his heart.

"Mr. Sol, according to my calculations, the probability of us winning next time is almost zero..."

The weak blue light flashed in the only remaining mechanical eye, and the artificial intelligence continued to analyze, but could not find any possibility of defeating the three evil Buddhas in front of him.

"Hulk attack!"

Right now, the only one among the three who was not stunned by the three evil Buddhas summoned by [Ultimate Creatures] was the Hulk Hulk.

The Hulk, who was completely filled with anger, looked at the three evil Buddhas that appeared around, let out a roar, and rushed up without hesitation.

Looking at the Hulk who rushed forward, one of the evil Buddha's eyes flashed a grim look, and then he raised his thighs that were as dense as centipedes and stepped on the Hulk.

"Give it up, Avenger..."

Looking at the Hulk Hulk who was easily trampled by the evil Buddha, the mocking smile in [Ultimate Creature]'s eyes became even more obvious. He turned his head and glanced at Po who no longer resisted in his hand, and then lowered his head and swept over the fallen man. A Xing and Ye Wen on both sides twitched the corners of their mouths: "Your result was doomed as early as when I merged with Jiuyou people, and the resistance you are doing now is just a time of your death. Just delay."

"So, put away your stupid practices, and obediently serve as the nourishment for me [Kaz] to become a god."

"I forbid you to say stupid!"

However, in the wild laughter of [Ultimate Creature], Po, who had been holding in his hand, suddenly spoke up.


Hearing Po's rebuttal, [Ultimate Creature] subconsciously turned his head, and then looked at Po's small eyes in his hand.

"Master Ye, Ah Xing, and the Avengers are not stupid. In fact, they fought so hard to protect me, so they are not stupid..."

"You seem to have forgotten your situation."

Hearing A Bao's words, the expression on [Ultimate Creature]'s face did not waver in the slightest. He grabbed the fingers of A Bao's neck and exerted force directly, looking at this chubby little face, and said coldly: " For me, you, like them, are food in my mouth, and food has no say."

"I'm not your food!"

Staring at the [Ultimate Creature] with stubborn eyes, the powerful force calculated from his fingers did not seem to have any impact on A Bao.

"In fact, you are my food!"

As Po's voice fell, [Ultimate Creature] felt a terrifying force emerge from the small body in front of him.

In the next instant, [Kaz] felt that he grabbed Po's arm lightly.

Looking down, he saw that the arm that was holding the opponent was broken out of thin air, and he lost the part of his forearm.

"What, what?!"

Looking at his arm that disappeared without notice, [Ultimate Creature] made a shocked expression on his face, and controlled his broken part to grow a new arm, [Kaz] looked at the opposite. Bao's eyes were full of fear.

"Is this the power in your that belongs to the reincarnation of immortals?"


Under the gaze of [Ultimate Creature], A Bao cooperated and made a swallowing action.

The B-class character card [Pig God], the S-class hero in "One Punch Man", although the system's introduction to this character's skills is extremely simple, it only has an easy-to-understand ability such as [digestion].

However, sometimes, the simpler the ability, the more powerful it is.

From the introduction of "One Punch Man", [Pig God] can swallow almost anything through his own abilities, and because of years of eating, the whole body has no dead ends. Moreover, judging from the information later revealed by "One Punch Man", [Pig God] obviously retains his power to deal with the big crisis in the prophecy.

"Jarvis, what happened just now?"

It took less than a few seconds from the time when the [Ultimate Creature] summoned the three evil Buddhas that made the Avengers despair, and when Po suddenly burst into power.

Looking at the twists and turns in front of him, Tony still had the look of despair on his face, but a glimmer of hope burst out in his eyes.

"Sir, the previous scene seems to be..."

In the face of Tony's inquiry, Jarvis immediately projected the picture he had just shot to Tony in the helmet.

By slow-playing the [Ultimate Creature] and Po's screen.

Tony clearly saw that the arm that [Ultimate Creature] grabbed Po was not cut off or damaged, but was directly bitten by Po's open mouth.

Seeing this scene, Tony's expression in the steel battle suit suddenly froze, and even the movement to avoid Doctor Doom's current attack stopped for a moment.

"That is to say, the arm of [Ultimate Creature] was eaten by Ah Bao?!"

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