Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 445: madness

"Stupid, to give up your power just because of a few words from others."

Withdrawing the spikes that penetrated Ye Wen's body, the [Ultimate Creature] looked at the blood-stained body in front of him, with a sarcastic expression on his handsome face like a Greek statue: "If you are still in that form, I want It may take some effort to solve you, but now, you are so weak in human state that you can't even resist my blow."

"Without the last protection, I want to see how you can stop me from taking the power of immortal reincarnation in my pocket."

"Cough cough~"

With the [Ultimate Creature]'s piercing thorns being pulled out, Ye Wen's entire body fell forward as if he had lost all his strength.

Using the last bit of strength in his body to support his body, Ye Wen reached out and touched the wound on his chest that was oozing blood, looked up at A Bao who seemed to be stiff in front of him, and immediately shouted: "A Bao, hurry up, Axing, take Abao out of here quickly, he is the reincarnation of the immortal from Penglai, you can't let him fall into the hands of the [Ultimate Creature]!"

"Master Ye!"

Ye Wen's shout seemed to call back A Bao's lost consciousness because of the impact. He looked down at Ye Wen who was lying in front of him, and quickly rushed over with his own steps.

"Master Ye, how are you? Master Ye, don't let anything happen to you. You also promised to teach me Wing Chun. You said that you would take me and [Xie Lu] to Penglai together. You must not die!"

Covering the injury on Ye Wen's chest with his stubby little hand, the tears on A Bao's face kept falling like raindrops, and he kept shouting and shouting.

"I'm sorry, Bao, cough..."

After a laborious cough, Ye Wen looked at A Bao, who was crying in front of him, and stretched out his **** face to touch his little face: "Master Ye broke his promise and didn't protect you well."

"No, Master Ye, you have already protected A Bao very well. A Bao has always known that it was because of you that A Xing didn't take me directly to Penglai. Master Ye has always been accommodating A Bao and A Bao. We all know that, please don't die, Master Ye, A Bao doesn't want Master Ye to die."

"Tsk tsk, what a touching scene."

Looking down to witness the whole process of A Bao and Ye Wen's touching conversation, [Ultimate Creature] grinned and showed an indifferent expression.

He stretched out his arm and grabbed A Bao who was in front of Ye Wen directly in front of him, ignoring A Bao's struggle and said in a cold voice, "Unfortunately, not only your Master Ye is going to die, but you will also be killed. I am integrated into the body, it is a pity to keep the power of the reincarnation of the immortal in your body, only I [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] can have such power."

"A Bao!"

Looking at Po who was caught by the [Ultimate Creature], Ah Xing's expression suddenly changed.

He took a deep breath and looked at the powerful [Ultimate Creature] in front of him with his hands folded. Accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit, faint golden **** symbols began to appear around Ah Xing. Against the background of these golden symbols, Ah Xing's The whole body began to rise slowly.

"This is the move that Ah Xing used!"

Looking at the familiar scene of A Xing's lift-off, Tony's expression under the steel helmet suddenly changed. The scene in front of him reminded him of a previous battle.

Under the gaze of the Avengers, in just a few seconds, Ah Xing's entire figure disappeared above Chinatown.

"This is, escape?"

A Xing's series of actions naturally attracted the attention of [Ultimate Creature].

He looked up at the flying figure of A Xing, with a puzzled expression on his face, but the next moment, with the powerful dynamic vision of [Ultimate Creature], he saw that in the sky, A Xing's kind The rising body stopped slightly, and then descended at a more rapid speed.

At the same time, a frigid palm wind pressed down from the air towards the location of the [Ultimate Creature].

"The ninth form of "The Tathagata's Palm" - Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong!"

With a light drink, in a trance, Tony and the others seemed to see a huge Buddha statue emerging from A Xing, raised the same huge palm, and slowly pressed towards the [Ultimate Creature] on the ground.


The great power of [Wanfo Chaozong] directly pressed down the hard ground around [Kaz] by an inch, revealing a vague palm print.

It's just that, compared to the previous Godless, the [Ultimate Creature] is obviously stronger and more cunning.

Facing the fierce palm wind from above his head, [Ultimate Creature] had no plans to dodge or even fight. He just raised his arm and slightly blocked A Bao, who was struggling in his hand, in front of him.



In midair, Ah Xing, who was rapidly descending, looked at Ah Bao who was taken out by the [Ultimate Creature] as a shield. The Zen expression on his face suddenly broke, and the hand waving the Tathagata's palm couldn't help but deviate, and put the palm print. fell in the position next to the opponent.

A Xing stopped his Tathagata Palm because of the action of [Ultimate Creature], but [Kaz] obviously wouldn't let this opportunity go. He looked at A Xing with a dazed expression, like a Greek The statue-like handsome face immediately showed a sinister expression, accompanied by a piercing Sanskrit sound, the dark golden evil Buddha began to appear behind him, stretched out his dense Buddha palms and turned towards A Xing ruthlessly. Smashed hard.


The dense attacks like raindrops landed on A Xing in mid-air, directly smashing the huge Buddha statue on him, sending the blood he vomited upside down. It landed on the ground in Chinatown, and a long gully was drawn.


Looking at Ah Xing, who was seriously injured by the [Ultimate Creature]'s grasp of the flaw and directly broke the power of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty, the Avengers couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the same time, Po, who had been struggling in the hands of [Ultimate Creature], also stopped his movements and hung motionless on [Kaz]'s hands.

"You are as stupid as that guy, or this stupidity is your Penglai tradition, and you will make plans to stop at the most critical moment. It seems that you are very concerned about the reincarnation of this immortal."

Looking at Ah Xing who was severely injured by himself, the sarcasm on [Ultimate Creature]'s face became more obvious. He raised his hand and shook Ah Bao towards Ah Xing, twitching the corner of his mouth and laughing wildly with a twisted expression.

"It was also because of a momentary soft-heartedness that I gave up taking the attack. In fact, even if I [Kaz] wanted to resist the power you showed just now, it might cost me some strength, but unfortunately because of your soft-hearted and stupidity, Lost this best opportunity, haha..."

"You stupid guys will be soft-hearted, but it doesn't mean that I [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] will make such a low-level mistake."

He lowered his head and swept over A Xing, who was lying on the ground. [Ultimate Creature]'s eyes flashed a ruthless color. The next moment, he stretched out his other palm and turned it into a sharp thorn that was about to fall on A Xing's body. .


However, just as the [Ultimate Creature] waved his hand, he suddenly felt a strange feeling coming from his body.

Looking down, he saw that at some point, his feet had been wrapped in a large piece of yellow sand. When he turned his head, he saw Ye Wen, who was lying not far away, was stretching out his blood-stained palm to control it. Climbing onto his body with the yellow sand.

"Axing, Avenger, save Abao!"

Forcibly extracting life and using the power of guarding cranes in the body seemed to make Ye Wen's already seriously injured body even more in the eyes. With the gathering of a large amount of yellow sand in his hands, the white hair on Ye Wen's head began to appear on the original. Above his dark hair, he tried to cover his mouth to prevent the blood from flowing out of his mouth while shouting to the Avengers in Chinatown.


Seeing that both of Penglai were seriously injured under the attack of the [Ultimate Creature], Steve shouted to Tony while resisting Dior's increasingly dangerous claws.

"I'm already working on it, Captain."

However, Tony's situation is obviously not much better than Steve's. If Dio is still a bit pretentious about Captain America's attack, then Doctor Doom is really trying his best to fight Tony in a steel suit. During the battle, a large amount of electric current formed a dense and dangerous electric snake that continuously slashed towards Tony's position.

Under the attack of these dangerous electric snakes, Tony had to use 200% of his energy to make an evasive action.

"Let me do it."

Although two of the Avengers were held back by Dio and Doctor Doom under the [Ultimate Creature], the rest of the members were not.

Holding the Thor's Hammer tightly in his hand, although the Thor's power of Thor, who lost Odin's magic at this moment, has returned to the previous situation, he still has no fear in the face of the [Ultimate Creature].

As a warrior of Asgard, the son of the great Odin, Thor relied not on the power of Thor, but on the courage to go forward.

"Hulk, join in too!"

Reaching out his arm and hitting his chest, Hulk also roared and came to Thor's side.


Looking at the Hulk who took the initiative, the expression on Sol's face showed a change.

On the other side, Hulk also stretched out his huge fist and aimed at Sol's position, but this time he didn't punch Thor out as before.


Looking at the fist that Hulk stretched out to him, Sol was first subconsciously startled, thinking that the big guy was going to do it again.

But when he saw Hulk's fist that stopped an arm away from him, he was stunned for a moment, and then he reached out and collided with Hulk's fist.

"In fact, and me, Mr. Hulk, Mr. Saul."

However, at the same time that Sol and Hulk were fighting, a mechanical arm made of metal was also added.

With a faint blue light in his eyes, Ultron looked at Hulk and Sol in front of him, and then said.

The three very different fists touched each other, Sol turned his head to look at the [Ultimate Creature] on the other side, grabbed the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, everyone, I think you should all know that the This guy is not so easy to deal with, and even if we are a little careless, we may..."

"Hulk, Avenger, don't be afraid!"

Hearing Sol's reminder, Hulk let out a roar and repeated his position in short words.

"In fact, Mr. Saul, if it is the experience of fighting, I should be the richest one. Through the previous battles, I have collected a lot of intelligence data related to [Ultimate Creatures], although due to the hasty relationship I cannot Fully applying these data to the current battle, but it should also be able to play a role to a certain extent.”

The blue light in his eyes flickered, and Ultron responded with his still warm and rational voice to Sol's reminder.

As an artificial intelligence, its concept of death is not clear, because as long as there is a network, Ultron will not die.

Even if the mechanical body in front of him is destroyed by the [Ultimate Creature], it only damages one of its The two comrades-in-arms in front of me have expressed their own positions, and Sol will naturally not. No matter what, as a warrior of Asgard he would not allow himself to fall behind them.

Therefore, waving the Thor's Hammer in his hand to summon lightning to wrap himself up, Sol looked at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him and launched an attack signal without hesitation.

"Hmph, a bunch of over-the-top guys!"

Leaving enough time for Thor to gather together, the [Ultimate Creature] looked at Thor who was wielding Thor's hammer, the roaring Hulk, and the Ultron who controlled the jet device on his body, with obvious expressions on his face. Disdainful, with a sneer, he stopped his arm waving towards Ah Xing and returned to his normal appearance.

Behind him, the expression on the evil Buddha's face became more and more hideous, and the arms behind him also sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

A large number of arms were swaying behind the evil Buddha. Each of these arms was as thick as Sol, one connected to the other, and constantly wriggling behind the evil Buddha gave a terrifying and terrifying feeling. In a split second, the evil Buddha, who originally had some Buddha-like intent, had completely lost the trace of compassion, and his entire appearance took a step toward the indescribable monster.




Although a layer of appearance has been sacrificed, it is obvious that such a change has brought more powerful power to the evil Buddha. He waved the densely packed arms behind his back, and connected them together like raindrops in an instant, and rushed towards Sol, etc. People hit it.

Before the attack fell, the gusty wind generated by these fists had already blown the cloak behind Thor, and the [Ultimate Creature] looked at the people who were unwilling to turn back, with a face as handsome as a Greek statue, showing a hint of mad laughter expression, shouted loudly.

"I will crush all your hopes into slag!"

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